Farewell (Farewell to Matyora) (Fr.: Les Adieux à Matiora) (Proshchanie) (RUSCICO) (2 DVD)
Composer: Vyacheslav Artemov
Script: Larisa Shepitko
Script: German Klimov
Script: Rudolf Tjurin
Camera: Aleksey Rodionov
Camera: Yuriy Shirtladze
Camera: Sergey Taraskin
“Farewell to Matyora” was conceived by Larissa Shepitko (“Heat”, “Wings”, “Ascent”) as a film in which Life was to win, as a symbol and as a result. The tragedy happened on July 2, 1979 at the 137th kilometer of Leningradsky Highway. On their way to location shooting, the film director Larissa Shepitko, the cinematographer Vladimir Chukhnov, the production designer Yuri Fomenko and their assistants died in an automobile accident. The film about a village Atlantis had been finished by Shepitko’s husband, Elem Klimov (“Agony”, “Welcome or No Trespassing”). He made it in Shepitko’s style and named it simply “Farewell”.
Matyora – an island with a village of the same name that has been there for 300 years – is to be flooded. It is extremely painful to the villagers to leave their homes, especially for Darya, “the oldest of the old women”.
Special features:
• Interviews with actor A. Petrenko, screenwriter G. Klimov
• Documentary “Larissa”
• Filmographies
• Photo Album “In Memory of Larissa Shepitko: The Seagull”
• Photo album “Production Stills”
• Soon on DVD:
- Preview trailers to films:
» "Agony: The Life and Death of Rasputin" (Agoniya)
» "Come and See" (Idi i smotri)
» "The Barber of Siberia" (Sibirskij tsiryulnik)
» "Father of a Soldier" (Otets soldata)
» "Ballad of a Soldier" (Ballada o soldate)
Po povesti V. Rasputina «Proschanie s Materoj».
«Proschanie s Materoj» zadumyvalos Larisoj SHepitko («Znoj», «Krylya», «Voshozhdenie») kak kartina, gde dolzhna byla pobedit ZHizn — kak simvol i kak itog.
Tragediya proizoshla 2 iyulya 1979 goda na 137 km Leningradskogo shosse. Napravlyayas na s'emku, v avtokatastrofe tragicheski pogibli rezhisser-postanovschik filma Larisa SHepitko, operator Vladimir CHuhnov, hudozhnik YUrij Fomenko i ih assistenty. Lentu o derevenskoj Atlantide zakonchil muzh SHepitko Elem Klimov («Agoniya», «Idi i smotri»). On snyal ee v stilistike SHepitko i nazval prosto «Proschanie».
Matera - ostrov, na kotorom raspolagalas derevnya s takim zhe nazvaniem, prostoyavshaya na etom meste trista let, - dolzhna ujti pod vodu. Nemnogochislennye ee obitateli gotovyatsya k pereseleniyu. Umirayuschaya mat zovet k sebe detej. Neimoverno tyazhelo rasstavatsya s rodnym krovom zhitelyam derevni, osobenno Dare, «samoj staroj iz staruh». Vse, kazhdyj po-svoemu, proschayutsya s rodnymi mestami.
Dopolnitelnye materialy (Bonus-trek):
• Intervyu s akterom A. Petrenko, avtorom stsenariya G. Klimovym
• Dokumentalnyj film «Larisa»
• Filmografii
• Fotoalbom «Pamyati Larisy SHepitko: CHajka»
• Fotoalbom «Rabochie momenty»
• Smotrite na DVD:
- Reklamnye roliki k filmam:
» "Agoniya"
» "Idi i smotri"
» "Sibirskij tsiryulnik"
» "Otets soldata"
» "Ballada o soldate"
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606777012565 |
204000016673 |
Release Date |
1982 |
Quantity per set |
2 |
Duration |
2 hours 9 minutes |
Sound | |
Format |
PAL DVD (Keep case) |
Aspect Ratio | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Languages | |
Subtitles | |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Additional Information |
Distributor: RUSCICO |
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