The Octopus 2 (La Piovra 2) (Sprut 2) (3 DVD Box set) (RUSCICO)
Director: Florestano Vancini
Composer: Ennio Morrikone
Script: Ennio Konchini
Camera: Sebastyano Selesta
Mikele Plachido | Fantoni Serzhio | Martin Belzam | Florinda Bolkan
Composer: Ennio Morrikone
Script: Ennio Konchini
Camera: Sebastyano Selesta
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Media: DVD
Genre: Action & Thriller | Crime | TV Series | Gift Edition
Prodolzhenie samogo grandioznogo italyanskogo kinoproekta, snyatogo po realnym sobytiyam …!!!
1,2 serii
Byvshij komissar Korrado Kattani nahoditsya v SHvejtsarii vmeste s zhenoj Elzoj i docheryu Paoloj, prohodyaschej lechenie v psihiatricheskoj klinike. Ego ne interesuet nichego, krome zdorovya docheri. Mezhdu tem na Sitsilii ubity sudya Bordonaro i politsejskij Altero, kak raz togda, kogda im udaetsya najti neoproverzhimye dokazatelstva po krupnomu delu, kotoroe Korrado vynuzhden byl ostavit iz-za shantazha, svyazannogo s pohischeniem Paoly…
Prodolzhitelnost: 62 + 67 min.
3,4 serii
Korrado nachinaet tajno pomogat polkovniku Ferretti v ego rassledovanii prestupnoj deyatelnosti svoego byvshego druga i pokrovitelya Sebastyano Kannito. V to zhe vremya Korrado vhodit v doverie k Kannito i nachinaet rabotat v ego ofise. Zlejshij vrag Kattani - advokat Terrazini, opasayas mesti so storony Kannito i professora Laudeo, zaruchaetsya podderzhkoj Korrado, kotoryj osoznaet, chto vedet opasnuyu dvojnuyu igru…
Prodolzhitelnost: 66 + 65 min.
5,6 serii
Pered ugrozoj neizbezhnogo skandala professor Kannito sovershaet samoubijstvo. No prezhde on priznaetsya Korrado, chto skryl fakt suschestvovaniya dose o nezakonnoj deyatelnosti assotsiatsii professora Laudeo, tajnogo obschestva s pokrovitelyami v vysokih sferah i svyazyami s mafiej. V to vremya kak vinovnye pytayutsya spasti svoi golovy, Korrado vozvraschaetsya k mogile Paoly - on sderzhal svoe obeschanie i proshel polnyj krug. No borba esche ne zakonchena. Korrado ostaetsya mishenyu, i kto-to vnov strelyaet v nego…
Prodolzhitelnost: 65 + 59 min.
Part 1 - PAOLA - Police Inspector Cattani fights a losing battle to save his loved daughter's sanity, after what she suffered (see "La Piovra", original mini-series). He loses her, and his only trusted magistrate in the fight against The Octopus.
Running time - 62 min
Part 2 - FRIENDS IN COMMON - Cattani is approached by the Number 2 of his best friend in Rome to conspire against him, and ends up fighting for his life in prison, against thugs who are friends of his worst enemy. Cattani must swallow his pride, and recurs to the lustful Contessa who has other friends in common.
Running time - 67 min
Part 3 - RETURN TO ROME -Cattani's love life is as confused as his behaviour; he sleeps with the enemy, and is recruited to ITALA, the cultural association for the study of the ancestral popular traditions of Italy, The Octopus by another name.
Running time - 66 min
Part 4 - VENGEANCE - It leaves an acrid taste in Cattani's mouth, has he loses yet an important ally, and severes his ties with the beautiful Contessa, when he wakes up fire in enemy ground.
Running time - 65 min
Part 5 - CRIMINAL AMBITION - Cattani's major achievement so far leaves him without friends in Rome; his former teacher explains between whiskeys how easy it is for an intelligent man to fall into criminal ambition.
Running time - 65 min
Part 6 - DESTINY - Cattani's takes one year leave without pay from his desk job at the Intelligence Services, and then destiny presents him with a couple of revenge opportunities against the tandem of corrupt politicians and mafia expatriates, again at heavy personal cost.
Running time - 59 min
1,2 serii
Byvshij komissar Korrado Kattani nahoditsya v SHvejtsarii vmeste s zhenoj Elzoj i docheryu Paoloj, prohodyaschej lechenie v psihiatricheskoj klinike. Ego ne interesuet nichego, krome zdorovya docheri. Mezhdu tem na Sitsilii ubity sudya Bordonaro i politsejskij Altero, kak raz togda, kogda im udaetsya najti neoproverzhimye dokazatelstva po krupnomu delu, kotoroe Korrado vynuzhden byl ostavit iz-za shantazha, svyazannogo s pohischeniem Paoly…
Prodolzhitelnost: 62 + 67 min.
3,4 serii
Korrado nachinaet tajno pomogat polkovniku Ferretti v ego rassledovanii prestupnoj deyatelnosti svoego byvshego druga i pokrovitelya Sebastyano Kannito. V to zhe vremya Korrado vhodit v doverie k Kannito i nachinaet rabotat v ego ofise. Zlejshij vrag Kattani - advokat Terrazini, opasayas mesti so storony Kannito i professora Laudeo, zaruchaetsya podderzhkoj Korrado, kotoryj osoznaet, chto vedet opasnuyu dvojnuyu igru…
Prodolzhitelnost: 66 + 65 min.
5,6 serii
Pered ugrozoj neizbezhnogo skandala professor Kannito sovershaet samoubijstvo. No prezhde on priznaetsya Korrado, chto skryl fakt suschestvovaniya dose o nezakonnoj deyatelnosti assotsiatsii professora Laudeo, tajnogo obschestva s pokrovitelyami v vysokih sferah i svyazyami s mafiej. V to vremya kak vinovnye pytayutsya spasti svoi golovy, Korrado vozvraschaetsya k mogile Paoly - on sderzhal svoe obeschanie i proshel polnyj krug. No borba esche ne zakonchena. Korrado ostaetsya mishenyu, i kto-to vnov strelyaet v nego…
Prodolzhitelnost: 65 + 59 min.
Part 1 - PAOLA - Police Inspector Cattani fights a losing battle to save his loved daughter's sanity, after what she suffered (see "La Piovra", original mini-series). He loses her, and his only trusted magistrate in the fight against The Octopus.
Running time - 62 min
Part 2 - FRIENDS IN COMMON - Cattani is approached by the Number 2 of his best friend in Rome to conspire against him, and ends up fighting for his life in prison, against thugs who are friends of his worst enemy. Cattani must swallow his pride, and recurs to the lustful Contessa who has other friends in common.
Running time - 67 min
Part 3 - RETURN TO ROME -Cattani's love life is as confused as his behaviour; he sleeps with the enemy, and is recruited to ITALA, the cultural association for the study of the ancestral popular traditions of Italy, The Octopus by another name.
Running time - 66 min
Part 4 - VENGEANCE - It leaves an acrid taste in Cattani's mouth, has he loses yet an important ally, and severes his ties with the beautiful Contessa, when he wakes up fire in enemy ground.
Running time - 65 min
Part 5 - CRIMINAL AMBITION - Cattani's major achievement so far leaves him without friends in Rome; his former teacher explains between whiskeys how easy it is for an intelligent man to fall into criminal ambition.
Running time - 65 min
Part 6 - DESTINY - Cattani's takes one year leave without pay from his desk job at the Intelligence Services, and then destiny presents him with a couple of revenge opportunities against the tandem of corrupt politicians and mafia expatriates, again at heavy personal cost.
Running time - 59 min
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606777007875 |
204000013936 |
Release Date |
1985 |
Quantity per set |
3 |
Duration |
6 hours 13 minutes |
Sound | |
Format |
PAL DVD (Collector's Edition) (Keep case + Slipcase) |
Aspect Ratio | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Languages | |
Subtitles | |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Age Rating | |
Additional Information |
Italiya - Frantsiya - Velikobritaniya |