The Best of Armenfilm Studios. Vol. 4 (RUSCICO) (Luchshie filmy studii Armenfilm. Vypusk 4) (Pesnya pervoy lyubvi. Chrezvychaynoe poruchenie. Naapet. Gikor. Belye grezy) (5 DVD)
Director: Stepan Kevorkov
Director: Erazm Karamyan
Director: Yuriy Erzinkyan
Composer: Arno Babadzhanyan
Composer: Edgar Oganesyan
Composer: Tigran Mansuryan
Script: Konstantin Isaev
Director: Yuriy Erzinkyan, Laert Vagarshyan
1958, 103 min., melodrama
An old Yerevan yard. An own world. The young singer Arsen Varunts, who early learned the fame, can’t overcome the burden of being famous. His family breaks up, he loses his voice. A young architect, who loves the wife of Arsene, helps him to find belief in his talent again and to return the love of his wife. The song which has given the name to the movie, is one of the smash hit of the late '50s.
Special features:
• Film "Pantheon of memoirs" (19 min., Russian Dolby Digital 2.0)
• Soon on DVD
Language(s): Dolby Digital 2.0: Russian, Armenian
Screen format: Standard 4:3 (1.33:1)
An Extraordinary Assignment (Chrezvychaynoe poruchenie) (Artakarg handznararutyun)
Director: Stepan Kevorkov, Erazm Karamyan
1965, 102 min., historical and revolutionary / adventure
The second movie in the trilogy ("Personally Known (Lichno izvesten)"), "An Extraordinary Assignment (Chrezvychaynoe poruchenie)"), "The Last Deed of Kamo (Posledniy Podvig Kamo)") of the Bolshevik revolutionaries Semeno Ter-Petrossian.
Duration - 1917. The Civil War began, over the young Soviet republic gathered clouds of counter-revolution. Kamo receives an extraordinary assignment from Lenin: to deliver from Petrograd to Tiflis the mandate about Stepan Shaumyan’s appointment as Commissar Extraordinary for the Caucasus and five hundred thousand gold rubles to combat the White Guards in the Caucasus. Fearless Kamo chooses the shortest and most dangerous way - through the areas occupied by the white Cossacks. He’s doing it on purpose because he knows that his trace was found by known terrorist Boris Savinkov who had to break Kamo’s assignment, and kill him. Kamo and his friends come to duel to the death with a dangerous and experienced enemy...
Special features:
• Soon on DVD
Language(s): Dolby Digital 2.0: Russian
Screen format: Standard 4:3 (1.33:1)
Life Triumphs (Naapet) (Nahapet)
Director: Genrikh Malyan
1977, 92 min., drama
Based on the book by Hrachya Kochar.
A man during Armenian genocide of 1915 lost his family, home, relative and friends, land. At first, the hero resembles a dried-up tree: he is focused, all in himself, is silent. The same impression makes the village at the foot of Mount Aragats, where he starts a new life: half-destroyed houses, intimidated people who have survived only by a miracle on the scorched earth. Time passes and Nahapet, forgetting his grief, is building a new house, starts a new family and is trying to revive something that can bear fruit.
Special features:
• "The making of..." (39 min., Russian Voice-Over Dolby Digital 2.0 / Armenian Dolby Digital 2.0)
• Soon on DVD
Language(s): Dolby Digital 2.0: Russian, Armenian
Screen format: Standard 4:3 (1.33:1)
Director: Sergey Israelyan
1982, 84 min., melodrama
V dorevolyutsionnoe vremya krestyanin, reshiv edinstvennogo syna vyvesti v lyudi, otvez ego v gorod v usluzhenie k zazhitochnomu kuptsu. Ne naydya v chuzhom dome ni tepla, ni laski, malchik zatoskoval po domu. Kto-to zavidoval odetomu i nakormlennomu malenkomu prikazchiku, no nikto ne videl ego stradaniy...
Special features:
• "The making of..." (40 min., Russian Voice-Over Dolby Digital 2.0 / Armenian Dolby Digital 2.0)
• Soon on DVD
Language(s): Dolby Digital 2.0: Russian, Armenian
Screen format: Standard 4:3 (1.33:1)
White Dreams (Belye grezy) (Belye gryozy) (Tchermak anurjner)
Director: Sergey Israelyan
1984, 82 min., melodrama
Po motivam rasskaza V.Totoventsa “Golubi”.
Deystvie proiskhodit v kontse XIX veka v provintsialnom armyanskom gorodke. Master-bradobrey Akop bolshe vsego na svete lyubil golubey i svoyu doch Lilo. S samogo detstva ona byla pomolvlena s Ara, synom kuptsa Tumasa. K tomu vremeni, kogda deti povzrosleli i prishlo vremya ustraivat svadbu, kupets stal bolee bogatym, a Akop, krome golubey, bolshe nichem ne razzhilsya...
Special features:
• Filmography
• Soon on DVD
Language(s): Dolby Digital 2.0: Russian, Armenian
Screen format: Standard 4:3 (1.33:1)
Pesnya pervoy lyubvi
Rezhisser: Yuriy Erzinkyan, Laert Vagarshyan
1958, 103 min., melodrama
Staryy erevanskiy dvor. Svoy mir. Molodoy pevets Arsen Varunts, rano poznavshiy slavu, ne mozhet spravitsya s eyo bremenem. Raspadaetsya semya, propadaet golos. Lyubyashchiy zhenu Arsena molodoy arkhitektor pomogaet emu vnov obresti veru v svoy talant i vernut lyubov zheny. Pesnya, davshaya nazvanie filmu, odin iz shlyagerov kontsa 50-kh godov.
Dopolnitelnye materialy:
• "Panteon vospominaniy" (19 minut, Russkiy Dolby Digital 2.0)
• Smotrite na DVD
Zvukovye versii: Dolby Digital 2.0: Russkiy, Armyanskiy
Format izobrazheniya: Standard 4:3 (1.33:1)
Chrezvychaynoe poruchenie
Rezhisser: Stepan Kevorkov, Erazm Karamyan
1965, 102 min., istoriko-revolyutsionnyy/priklyuchenie
Vtoroy film kinotrilogii ("Lichno izvesten", "Chrezvychaynoe poruchenie", "Posledniy podvig Kamo") o revolyutsionere-bolshevike S.A.Ter-Petrosyane.
Vremya deystviya - 1917 god. Nachalas grazhdanskaya voyna, nad molodoy Sovetskoy respublikoy sgustilis tuchi konrrevolyutsii. Kamo poluchaet chrezvychaynoe poruchenie Lenina: dostavit iz Petrograda v Tiflis mandat o naznachenii Stepana Shaumyana chrezvychaynym komissarom po delam Kavkaza i pyatsot tysyach rubley zolotom dlya borby s belogvardeyshchinoy na Kavkaze. Besstrashnyy Kamo vybiraet samyy korotkiy i opasnyy put - cherez rayony, zanyatye belym kazachestvom. On delaet eto namerenno, tak kak znaet o tom, chto na ego sled napal izvestnyy terrorist Boris Savinkov, kotoryy dolzhen byl sorvat poruchenie, vypolnyaemoe Kamo, i ubit ego. Kamo i ego druzya vstupayut v smertelnyy poedinok s opasnym i opytnym vragom...
Dopolnitelnye materialy:
• Smotrite na DVD
Zvukovye versii: Dolby Digital 2.0: Russkiy
Format izobrazheniya: Standard 4:3 (1.33:1)
Naapet (Nakhapet)
Rezhisser: Genrikh Malyan
1977, 92 min., drama
Po odnoimennoy povesti Rachiya Kochara.
Chelovek vo vremya armyanskogo genotsida 1915 goda poteryal semyu, dom, blizkikh, zemlyu. Ponachalu geroy napominaet zasokhshee derevo: on sosredotochen, ves v sebe, molchaliv. Takoe zhe vpechatlenie i ot seleniya u podnozhiya Aragatsa, v kotorom on nachinaet novuyu zhizn: polurazrushennye doma, zapugannye lyudi, chudom ostavshiesya zhit na vyzzhennoy zemle. Prokhodit vremya i Naapet, zabyv o svoem gore, stroit novyy dom, zavodit novuyu semyu i pytaetsya vozrodit to, chto sposobno davat plody.
Dopolnitelnye materialy:
• Film o filme (39 minut, Russkiy Zakadrovyy perevod Dolby Digital 2.0 / Armyanskiy Dolby Digital 2.0)
• Smotrite na DVD
Zvukovye versii: Dolby Digital 2.0: Russkiy, Armyanskiy
Format izobrazheniya: Standard 4:3 (1.33:1)
Rezhisser: Sergey Israelyan
1982, 84 min., melodrama
V dorevolyutsionnoe vremya krestyanin, reshiv edinstvennogo syna vyvesti v lyudi, otvez ego v gorod v usluzhenie k zazhitochnomu kuptsu. Ne naydya v chuzhom dome ni tepla, ni laski, malchik zatoskoval po domu. Kto-to zavidoval odetomu i nakormlennomu malenkomu prikazchiku, no nikto ne videl ego stradaniy...
Dopolnitelnye materialy:
• Film o filme (40 minut, Russkiy Zakadrovyy perevod Dolby Digital 2.0 / Armyanskiy Dolby Digital 2.0)
• Smotrite na DVD
Zvukovye versii: Dolby Digital 2.0: Russkiy, Armyanskiy
Format izobrazheniya: Standard 4:3 (1.33:1)
Belye grezy
Rezhisser: Sergey Israelyan
1984, 82 min., melodrama
Po motivam rasskaza V.Totoventsa “Golubi”.
Deystvie proiskhodit v kontse XIX veka v provintsialnom armyanskom gorodke. Master-bradobrey Akop bolshe vsego na svete lyubil golubey i svoyu doch Lilo. S samogo detstva ona byla pomolvlena s Ara, synom kuptsa Tumasa. K tomu vremeni, kogda deti povzrosleli i prishlo vremya ustraivat svadbu, kupets stal bolee bogatym, a Akop, krome golubey, bolshe nichem ne razzhilsya...
Dopolnitelnye materialy:
• Filmografii
• Smotrite na DVD
Zvukovye versii: Dolby Digital 2.0: Russkiy, Armyanskiy
Format izobrazheniya: Standard 4:3 (1.33:1)
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606777022458 |
204000018144 |
Release Date |
1984 |
Quantity per set |
5 |
Duration |
9 hours 21 minutes |
Sound | |
Format |
PAL DVD (Collector's Edition) (Keep case + Slipcase) |
Aspect Ratio | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Languages | |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Additional Information |
USSR - Armenia |
5 out of 5
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