Don Quixote (Don Quichote) (Don Kikhot) (RUSCICO) (NTSC)
Composer: Karaev Abulfaz
Script: Evgeniy Shvarc
Camera: Andrey Moskvin
Writing “Don Quixote” in the early 17th century was a necessary undertaking, if, perhaps, fatal; in the early 20th century it’s all but unfeasible. Jorge Luis Borges.
A poll by the Norwegian Nobel Institute of 100 most famous modern writers named Cervantes’ novel the best book of all times and peoples!
A brilliant acting cast – N. Cherkasov (“Alexander Nevsky”), S. Birman (“Ivan the Terrible”, B. Freindlikh (“Twelfth Night”, “Different Fortunes”), L. Vertinskaya (“Sadko”), G. Vitsin (“Gentlemen of Fortune”), Yu. Tolubeyev (“The Inspector General”), G. Volchek (“King Lear”) – in the legendary literary adaptation of the great G. Kozintsev about the amusing and touching adventures of hidalgo Alonso Quixano who, being in love with books of chivalry, decided to make a knight-errant of himself and set out on the march…
• IFF in Brussels, Belgium – Femina du Cinema Award and Honorary Diploma, 1958
• IFF in San Sebastian, Spain – Honorary Diploma, Special Prize and Diploma of the Jury of the National Federation of Film Clubs, 1964
• 1st All-Union Film Festival – Third Prize to the film, Second Prize to G. Kozintsev, First and Second Prizes to A. Moskvin and A. Dudko, 1958
• 1st IFF in Vancouver, Canada – Honorary Diploma, 1958
• IFF in Stratford, Canada – Best Actor Award to N. Cherkasov, 1958
Special features:
• Interview with second cinematographer E. Rozovsky
• Filmographies
• Photo album
• Coming soon on DVD
Po motivam «Pervogo velikogo romana» v mirovoj istorii (Karlos Fuentes) Migelya de Servantesa «Hitroumnyj idalgo Don Kihot Lamanchskij».
Sochinit «Don Kihota» v nachale 17-go veka bylo predpriyatiem neobhodimym, byt mozhet, fatalnym; v nachale dvadtsatogo veka ono pochti neosuschestvimo. Horhe Luis Borhes. Po oprosu Norvezhskogo Nobelevskogo instituta 100 samyh izvestnyh pisatelej sovremennosti nazvali roman Servantesa luchshej knigoj vseh vremen i narodov!
Blestyaschij akterskij sostav – N. CHerkasov («Aleksandr Nevskij»), S. Birman («Ivan Groznyj»), B. Frejndlih («Dvenadtsataya noch», «Raznye sudby»), L. Vertinskaya («Sadko»), G. Vitsin («Dzhentelmeny udachi»), YU. Tolubeev («Revizor»), G. Volchek («Korol Lir») - v legendarnoj ekranizatsii velikogo G. Kozintseva o zabavnyh i trogatelnyh priklyucheniyah idalgo Alonso Kehano, vlyublennogo v rytsarskie romany i reshivshego samomu sdelatsya rytsarem i otpravitsya v pohod…
• MKF v Bryussele, Belgiya - Priz Femina dyu sinema i Pochetnyj diplom, 1958
• MKF v San-Sebastyane, Ispaniya - Pochetnyj Diplom, spetsialnaya premiya i diplom zhyuri natsionalnoj federatsii kinoklubov, 1964
• 1-m VKF - Tretya premiya filmu, vtoraya premiya G. Kozintsevu, 1-ya i 2-ya premii A. Moskvinu i A. Dudko, 1958
• I MKF v Vankuvere, Kanada - Pochetnaya gramota, 1958
• MKF v Stredforde, Kanada - Priz «Za luchshee ispolnenie muzhskoj roli» N. CHerkasovu, 1958
Dopolnitelnyj material (bonus-trek):
• Intervyu so vtorym operatorom E. Rozovskim
• Filmografii
• Fotoalbom
• Smotrite na DVD
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606777006052 |
204000013901 |
Release Date |
1957 |
Quantity per set |
1 |
Duration |
1 hour 42 minutes |
Sound | |
Format |
NTSC DVD (Keep case) |
Aspect Ratio | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Languages | |
Subtitles |
English | Russian | French | Spanish | German | Italian | Japanese |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Additional Information |
Distributor: RUSCICO |
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