Films about the great victory 1941 - 1945. Celebration. Composition for Victory Day. The Dawns Here Are Quiet. Father of a Soldier (RUSCICO) (5 DVD) (Filmy o velikoj pobede 1941-1945)
Director: Sergey Ursulyak
Director: Stanislav Rostockiy
Director: Rezo Chheidze
Director: Igor Sukachev
Composer: Petr Todorovskij
Composer: Mikael Tariverdiev
Composer: Sulhan Cincadze
Composer: Kirill Molchanov
Script: Suliko Zhgenti
Script: Gennadiy Ostrovskiy
Script: Aleksey Zernov
Script: Ivan Ohlobystin
Script: Boris Vasilev
Camera: Mihail Suslov
Camera: Vyacheslav Shumskiy
Camera: Lev Suhov
Camera: Archil Filippashvili
Producer: Sergey Livnev
Producer: Vladimir Grammatikov
Director: Garik Sukachev
2001, 89 min.
To mark the 60 years since the beginning of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.
The film is set in a small village in western Russia. It is a story about two days from the life of an ordinary family: a father, a mother and their five-year-old daughter. That's what Garik Sukachyov says about his film: "On June 22, 1941, a family is celebrating the daughter's birthday. It is a beautiful sunny day, full of joy and merriment. For the girl, it is filled with important events and adventure – her birthday is celebrated by the whole village, not just by her family. And no one yet knows that tomorrow her father will leave for his work in a district center and come back a few hours later in a home guard uniform only to say goodbye to his family. And that at the moment of their leave-taking the Germans already will be entering the village. And that they will be shot by the river, on the same bank where only yesterday the carefree, happy family was sunbathing and having fun…"
Special Freatures:
• Interview with screenwriter and director garik sukachyov
• Interview with co-screenwriter ivan okhlobystin
• The making of the film
• Clip "Your whisper and laughter"
• Filmographies
• Film stills
• Working moments
• Coming soon on DVD
Menu languages: English, Russian, French
Language(s): Dolby Digital 5.1: Russian
Screen format: 4:3
The Dawns Here Are Quiet (2 DVD) (A zori zdes tikhie) (Disk 2)
Director: Stanislav Rostockiy
1972, 160 min.
This dramatic story of women in the war has won numerous international prizes and awards.
The action takes place during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). Russian Karelia, the autumn of 1941. Five anti-aircraft gunner girls, who are mostly under twenty years old, and their commander, Sergeant Vaskov, discover that a German subversive detachment has landed in this, still far-removed from the front line, locale. The information must be delivered to the headquarters. However, the saboteurs have broken communications, cutting off the small group from their own people and leaving them no hope of getting any help. The enemy endeavors to further penetrate into the rear of the Soviet army on a mission to destroy a number of essential facilities. Vaskov and the five girls accept battle, being outnumbered by sixteen Fascists, armed to the teeth...
• A memory price at the international film festival in Venice, 1972
• Lenin Komsomol Prize in 1974 and the USSR State Prize in 1975 at the filmmakers - director S. Rostotsky, screenwriter and script B. Vasiliev, Camera operator V. Shumsky, actor A. Martynov
• First Prize at the VI. All-Union Film Festival in Alma-Ata, 1973
• Oscar award nomination in the category "Best Foreign Language Film", 1972
Special features:
• Interviews with the actresses I. Shevchuk, E. Drapenko, E. Markova
• A video "Women's War"
• Filmographies
• Photo album
• Coming soon on DVD
Menu languages: English, Russian, French
Language(s): Dolby Digital 5.1: English, Russian, Spanish; Mono: Russian; DTS: Russian
Subtitles: English, Russian, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese
Screen format: 16:9
Father of a soldier (Otets soldata) (Disk 3)
Director: Rezo Chheidze
1965, 92 min.
The unnaturalness of war for humans, who are toilers and creators, is demonstrated through the life story of an old peasant wine-grower from Georgia. Georgy Makharashvili is on his way to see his son, a wounded soldier staying in hospital. But before the father makes it to the hospital, the son has already left for the front. However, Georgy cannot go back to his village. Together with the Soviet Army, he goes all the way to Berlin, to the victory over Fascism.
• Prize for Best Actor (Sergo Zakariadze) at the Moscow IFF, 1965
• "Capitoline Jupiter" at the Rome IFF
Special features:
• Documetories "Parade on Red Square 7 November 1941", "Victory Celebration"
• Short film about Sergo Zakariadze, leading actor
• Filmographies
• Coming soon on DVD
Menu languages: English, Russian, French
Language(s): Dolby Digital 5.1: English, Russian, French
Subtitles: English, Russian, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese
Screen format: 4:3
Composition for Victory Day (Sochinenie ko dnyu pobedy) (Disk 4)
Director: Sergey Ursulyak
1998, 107 min.
On the eve of the Victory Day celebrations, three old wartime friends reunite in Moscow. But they don't get a chance to sit and recall their long-forgotten exploits. Chairman of the Veterans Foundation Kilovatov (O. Yefremov) is accused of dealings with the criminal world and put behind the bars. Former dissident Morgulis (V. Tikhonov), now residing abroad, and participant of protest rallies Dyakov (M. Ulyanov) organize the release of their friend from prison. Confronted with the cruelty of their enemies who masterminded the arrest of their wartime buddy, our heroes involve mafia and security service in the release operation, and then decide to hijack a plane.
Special Freatures:
• Interview with actor Mikhail Ulyanov
• Interview with director Sergey Ursulyak
• Interview with the composer's widow, Mikael Tariverdiyev
• Filmographies
• Photo album
• Coming soon on DVD
Menu languages: English, Russian, French
Language(s): Dolby Digital 5.1: Russian; Dolby Digital 2.0 Russian
Subtitles: English, Russian, French, Spanish, German, Italian
Screen format: 4:3
Rezhissyor: Igor Sukachev
2001 g., 89 min.
Posvyaschaetsya 60-letiyu nachala Velikoj Otechestvennoj vojny. Sobytiya razvivayutsya v nebolshoj derevne, na zapade Rossii. Eto istoriya dvuh dnej iz zhizni prostoj semi: ottsa, materi i ih pyatiletnej docheri. 22 iyunya 1941 goda semya prazdnuet den rozhdeniya dochki. Eto prekrasnyj solnechnyj den, radostnyj i veselyj. Dlya devochki on napolnen vazhnymi sobytiyami i priklyucheniyami - ee prazdnik otmechayut ne tolko rodnye i blizkie, no i vsya derevnya. I nikto esche ne znaet, chto zavtra papa ujdet na rabotu v rajtsentr i vernetsya cherez neskolko chasov v voennoj forme opolchentsa, chtoby prostitsya s semej. I chto v moment proschaniya v derevnyu uzhe budut vhodit nemtsy. I chto na rechke, na beregu, gde vchera zagorala i radovalas bezzabotnaya schastlivaya semya, zhizn mozhet vnezapno oborvatsya... A segodnya oni veselyatsya, poyut pesni i podnimayut tosty za buduschee, za schastlivuyu zhizn docheri.
Dopolnitelnye materialy (Bonus-trek):
• Intervyu s avtorom stsenariya i rezhisserom Garikom Sukachevym
• Intervyu s soavtoram stsenariya Ivanom Ohlobystinym
• Na s'emkah filma
• Klip "Tvoj shepot i smeh"
• Filmografii
• Kadry iz filma
• Rabochie momenty
• Smotrite na DVD
Interaktivnoe menyu: Russkij
Zvukovye versii: Dolby Digital 5.1: Russkij
Format izobrazheniya: 4:3
A zori zdes tihie (2 DVD)
Rezhissyor: Stanislav Rostotskij
1972 g., 160 min.
Eta drama o sudbah zhenschin na vojne zavoevala mnozhestvo mezhdunarodnyh premij i nagrad. Dejstvie proishodit vo vremya Velikoj Otechestvennoj vojny (1941-1945)... Rossiya, Kareliya, osen 1941 goda. Pyat devushek - zenitchits, mnogim iz kotoryh net esche i 20 let, i ih komandir, starshina Vaskov, neozhidanno obnaruzhivayut, chto v etoj, esche dalekoj ot linii fronta mestnosti, vysadilsya nemetskij diversionnyj otryad. Neobhodimo peredat etu informatsiyu v shtab. No svyaz narushena diversantami, malenkij otryad otrezan ot svoih, i pomoschi zhdat ne prihoditsya. Vragi pytayutsya proniknut dalshe v tyl sovetskih vojsk s zadaniem unichtozhit ryad vazhnyh ob'ektov. Vaskov s pyatyu devochkami prinimayut neravnyj boj protiv shestnadtsati do zubov vooruzhennyh fritsev...
Ne polnaya rezhisserskaya versiya.
• Film - lider prokata 1973 g., 66 mln. zritelej Pamyatnyj priz XXXIII MKF v Venetsii (Italiya, 1972)
• Premii Leninskogo komsomola 1974 g. i Gosudarstvennoj premii SSSR 1975g. udostoeny sozdateli filma - rezhisser S. Rostotskij, avtor povesti i stsenariya - B. Vasilev, operator - V. SHumskij, akter - A. Martynov
• Pervaya premiya na VI VKF v Alma-Ate (1973)
• Nominatsiya na premiyu «Oskar» 1972 v kategorii «Luchshij film na inostrannom yazyke»
Dopolnitelnye materialy (Bonus-trek):
• Intervyu s aktrisami I. SHevchuk, E.Drapeko, E. Markovoj
• Videosyuzhet «ZHenskaya vojna»
• Filmografii
• Fotoalbom
• Smotrite na DVD
Interaktivnoe menyu: Anglijskij, Russkij, Frantsuzkij
Zvukovye versii: Dolby Digital 5.1: Russkij, Anglijskij, Frantsuzskij; Mono: Russkij; DTS: Russkij
Subtitrovye versii: Anglijskij, Russkij, Frantsuzskij, Ispanskij, Nemetskij, Italyanskij, Portugalskij, Gollandskij, SHvedskij, Ivrit, Arabskij, Kitajskij, YAponskij
Format izobrazheniya: 16:9
Otets soldata
Rezhissyor: Rezo CHheidze
1965 g., 92 min.
Protivoestestvennost vojny dlya cheloveka - truzhenika, sozidatelya - pokazana na primere sudby starogo krestyanina-vinogradarya iz Gruzii. Georgij Maharashvili edet povidatsya s synom, kotoryj ranen i nahoditsya v gospitale. No poka otets dobiraetsya do mesta naznacheniya, syn snova otpravlyaetsya na front. Odnako Georgij uzhe ne mozhet vernutsya v rodnuyu derevnyu. On vmeste s sovetskoj armiej prohodit ves ee put - put do Berlina, do Pobedy nad fashizmom.
• Premiya za luchshee ispolnenie muzhskoj roli (akter Sergo Zakariadze) na MKF v Moskve, 1965
• "Kapitolijskij YUpiter" na MKF v Rime, 1965
• Pochetnyj diplom na MKF v San-Frantsisko, 1965
Dopolnitelnye materialy (Bonus-trek):
• Hronikalnye syuzhety "Parad na Krasnoj ploschadi 7 noyabrya 1941 goda", "Prazdnik Pobedy"
• Syuzhet ob aktere Sergo Zakariadze, ispolnitele glavnoj roli
• Filmografii
• Fotoalbom
• Smotrite na DVD
Interaktivnoe menyu: Anglijskij, Russkij, Frantsuzkij
Zvukovye versii: Dolby Digital 5.1: Russkij, Anglijskij, Frantsuzskij
Subtitrovye versii: Anglijskij, Russkij, Frantsuzskij, Ispanskij, Nemetskij, Italyanskij, Portugalskij, Gollandskij, SHvedskij, Ivrit, Arabskij, Kitajskij, YAponskij
Format izobrazheniya: 4:3
Sochinenie ko dnyu pobedy
Rezhissyor: Sergej Ursulyak
1998 g., 107 min.
V Moskve, nakanune prazdnovaniya Dnya Pobedy vstrechayutsya tri staryh frontovyh druga. No posidet i vspomnit zabytye podvigi ne poluchaetsya. Direktora sportivnogo kluba Kilovatova (O.Efremov) obvinyayut v svyazyah s prestupnym mirom i upekayut za reshetku. Prozhivayuschij za rubezhom byvshij dissident Morgulis (V.Tihonov) i zavsegdataj oppozitsionnyh mitingov Dyakov (M.Ulyanov) organizovyvayut pobeg drugu iz tyurmy. Ubedivshis v krutizne svoih vragov, zakazavshih arest frontovomu tovarischu, geroi podklyuchayut k operatsii osvobozhdeniya mafiyu i FSB, a zatem reshayutsya na ugon samoleta…
Dopolnitelnye materialy (Bonus-trek):
• Intervyu s akterom M. Ulyanovym
• Intervyu s rezhisserom S. Ursulyakom
• Intervyu s vdovoj kompozitora M. Taravirdieva
• Filmografii
• Fotoalbom
• Smotrite na DVD
Interaktivnoe menyu: Anglijskij, Russkij, Frantsuzkij
Zvukovye versii: Dolby Digital 5.1: Russkij; Dolby Digital 2.0: Russkij
Subtitrovye versii: Anglijskij, Russkij, Nemetskij, Frantsuzskij, Ispanskij, Italyanskij
Format izobrazheniya: 4:3
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606777007745 |
204000017189 |
Release Date |
2006 |
Quantity per set |
5 |
Duration |
7 hours 28 minutes |
Sound | |
Format |
PAL DVD (Collector's Edition) (Keep case + Slipcase) |
Aspect Ratio | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Languages | |
Subtitles |
English | Russian | French | Spanish | German | Italian | Portuguese | Dutch | Swedish | Hebrew | Arabic | Chinese | Japanese |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Additional Information |
Distributor: RUSCICO |
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