Movies of my Childhood (RUSCICO) (Bambi's Childhood. Bambi's Youth. The Secret of the Iron Door. New Adventures of Captain Vrungel. The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase) (5 DVD)
Director: Natalya Bondarchuk
Director: Mihail Yuzovskiy
Director: Gennadij Vasilev
Composer: Yan Frenkel
Composer: Vadim Gamaliya
Composer: Boris Petrov
Composer: Aleksej Rybnikov
Script: Yuriy Nagibin
Script: Aleksandr Hmelik
Script: Sofya Prokofeva
Script: Aleksandr Reyzhevskiy
Writer: Feliks Zalten
Camera: Gasan Tutunov
Camera: Mihail Kirillov
Camera: Aleksandr Filatov
Camera: Vitaliy Grishin
Director: Natalia Bondarchuk
1985, 79 min.
A screen version of the first part of Felix Salte"'fairy tale "Bambi".A lot of wonderful discoveries and dangerous adventures are in store for a young deer, Bambi, in the forest land. He will learn that the last year's leaves are the best guard for the deer. That the blue path is for those who love wings, and the upper one is for squirrels. That fishes looking like smiles live in the river, that beautiful flowers can fly and the little raccoon lives a carefree life. The kind and bold little deer will make friends with an old tree and a wise owl, will make the snake's long-cherished dream come true, will help a little hare find a new dad and…Well… about all this and many other no less interesting things you will know as you watch this wonderful forest tale!
The disc is packed in DigiPack.
• International Children Film Festival in Valle-Piano (Italy) - Special Jury Prize "Golden Dove", 1986
Special features:
• Author Felix Salten's biography
• Interviews with director N. Bondarchuk and actor I. Burlyayaev
• Featurette "Children's theatre "Bambi"
• Film about the making of "Bambi's Anxious and happy childhood"
• Filmographies
• Photo album
• Coming soon on DVD
Menu languages: English, Russian
Language(s): Dolby Digital 5.1: Russian, French; Mono: Russian
Subtitles: English, Russian
Bambi's Youth (Yunost' Bembi) (Disc 2)
Director: Natalia Bondarchuk
1986, 66 min.
The second part of a two-film adaptation ("Bembi's Childhood", "Bembi's Youth") of Felix Salten's famous fairy tale "Bambi" in a literary interpretation of Yuri Nagibin and Natalya Bondarchuk. A beautiful film! Shot in the unique reserves of Crimea, Caucasus, lower Elbrus, Latvia and Czechoslovakia. Filming together with acclaimed masters of the screen and the stage - Inna Makarova, Lev Durov, Nikolai Burlyaev, Maris Liepa and Gediminas Taranda – were children of 4 to 8 years old, as well as 100 species of live animals: tiny frogs and beautiful deer, swift squirrels and noble elks, smart hedgehogs and timorous hares, a wise owl and stern bison…The young deer Bambi, having turned into a beautiful grownup animal, meets a she-deer, Faline, and falls in love with her. The young couple sets out on a long and dangerous journey in search of a mysterious flower of life…This wonderful fairy-tale film is perfect for family viewing. It teaches to love animals and nature.
The disc is packed in DigiPack.
Special features:
• Author Felix Salten's biography
• Interview with director N. Bondarchuk
• Featurrtte "Children's theatre "BAMBI"
• Filmographies
• Photo album
• Coming soon on DVD
Menu languages: English, Russian
Language(s): Dolby Digital 5.1: Russian, French; Mono: Russian
Subtitles: English, Russian
The Secret of the Iron Door (Tayna zheleznoy dveri) (Disc 3)
Director: Mihail Yuzovskiy
1970, 69 min.
Based on the book "A wizard walked down the street" by Yuri Tomin.
Every one of us dreams of finding a magic wand, matches or, at least, an enchanted flower that would make any wish come true. Well, we're just dreaming, but a boy named Tolya Ryzhkov did find one, though, between us, he didn't deserve such a good fortune. He was a pretty big liar and rascal, didn't listen to his mother, hurt those who were weaker, and didn't obey traffic regulations.On that ill-fated day when his incredible adventures began he behaved badly, as usual. He had even made a policeman mad! While running away from him, Tolya met a magician and forced a box of magic matches from him. To punish the boy, the evil magician (alas, there are such, too) had Tolya transported to his magic island.You will know how it all ended when you watch this humorous, fascinating adventure film.
The disc is packed in DigiPack.
Special features:
• Interview with director M. Yuzovsky
• Filmographies
• Photo album
• Coming soon on DVD
Menu languages: English, Russian
Language(s): Dolby Digital 5.1: Russian; Mono: Russian
Subtitles: English, Russian, French
New Adventures of Captain Vrungel (Novye priklyucheniya kapitana Vrungelya) (Disc 4)
Director: Gennadii Vasilev
1978, 82 min.
Based upon A. Nekrasov's story of the same title.
A constellation of the best comedy actors of the national cinema (Mikhail Pugovkin, Savely Kramarov, Sergey Martinson, Vladimir Basov) in a hilarious musical comedy by the acclaimed master of children's films Gennady Vasilyev ("Finist, the Brave Falcon") is sure to put you in great mood! And the merry songs to music by Alexei Rybnikov ("The Adventures of Buratino", "Juno and Avos") will come to your house to stay!
The extraordinary adventures of schoolboy Vasya Lopotukhin aboard the yacht of the famous Captain Vrungel and his cheerful first mate Lom… The dashing crew investigates the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle, braves hurricanes and storms, fights with Fierce Harry and the band of his cutthroats. Coming next is solving the mystery of Atlantis…
The disc is packed in DigiPack.
• 17th International Children's Film Festival in Jijona (Spain) – Top Prize for the program of Soviet films ("Bells of Autumn", "A Dog Was Walking on the Piano", "The New Adventures of Captain Vrungel"), 1979
Special features:
• Interview with production designer K. Zagorsky
• Filmographies
• Photo album
• Coming soon on DVD
Menu languages: English, Russian
Language(s): Dolby Digital 5.1: Russian, French; Mono: Russian
Subtitles: English, Russian, French
The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase (Priklyucheniya zheltogo chemodanchika) (Disc 5)
Director: Ilya Frez
1970, 75 min.
In some town there once lived very nice and unusual children – a boy named Petya and a girl named Toma. Toma had an illness of "the never-laughing tsarevna" – she just couldn't stop crying. And Petya was a coward, the likes of which the world had never known. A very kind, and very strange, doctor agreed to cure the kids. He had in his yellow suitcase some very rare medicines against anger and malice, cowardice, stupidity, sadness and lying. But by some improbable coincidences, the magic suitcase had disappeared, along with all its magic candies. Endangered now were the lives of Toma's grandmother, pilot Veryovkin and tiger-tamer Bulankin…
Super-popular children comedy of the 1970s!
The disc is packed in DigiPack.
• 22nd International Festival of Films for Children and Youth in Venice (Italy) - Jury Honorary Diploma "CILDAC", Silver BIENNALE Medal, 1970
• IFF in Teheran (Iran) – Special Children Jury Diploma, 1970
Special features:
• Interviews with actors N. Seleznyova and B. Bystrov
• Music from the film
• Filmographies
• Photo album
• Coming soon on DVD
Menu languages: English, Russian
Language(s): Dolby Digital 5.1: Russian; Mono: Russian
Subtitles: English, Russian
Detstvo Bembi (Disk 1)
Rezhisyor: Natalya Bondarchuk
1985 g., 79 min.
Ekranizatsiya skazki Feliksa Zaltena «Bembi».
Mnogo chudesnyh otkrytij i opasnyh priklyuchenij zhdet olenenka Bembi v lesnoj strane. On uznaet, chto luchshaya zaschita dlya olenej - proshlogodnyaya listva! CHto golubaya tropka – dlya teh, kto lyubit krylya, a verhnyaya – dlya belok! CHto v rechke zhivut rybki, pohozhie na ulybki, prekrasnye tsvety mogut letat, a kroshka enot zhivet bez zabot! Dobryj i hrabryj olenenok podruzhitsya so starym derevom i mudrym filinom, vypolnit davnyuyu mechtu zmei, pomozhet zajchonku najti novogo papu i … Vprochem, .. obo vsem ob etom i o mnogom drugom, ne menee interesnom, vy uznaete, posmotrev etu zamechatelnuyu lesnuyu skazku!
Izumitelno snyatye kadry prirody i zhizni zverej (zhivotnye Krymskogo, Azovo-Sivashskogo zapovednikov, Natsionalnogo parka «Gauya») – nesomnennye dostoinstva filma, ravno kak i izyaschno vystroennyj syuzhet, zamechatelnye kostyumy po eskizam Vyacheslava Zajtseva i blestyaschij sostav ispolnitelej.
• Spetsialnyj priz zhyuri «Zolotoj golub» na MKF filmov dlya detej v Vali-Pyano (Italiya), 1986
Dopolnitelnyj material:
• Biografiya pisatelya Feliksa Zaltena
• Intervyu s rezhisserom N. Bondarchuk i akterom I. Burlyaevym
• Videosyuzhet "Detskij teatr Bembi"
• Film o s'emkah "Trevozhnoe i schastlivoe detstvo Bembi"
• Filmografii
• Fotoalbom
• Smotrite na DVD
Interaktivnoe menyu: Anglijskij, Russkij
Zvukovye versii: Dolby Digital 5.1: Russkij, Frantsuzskij; Mono: Russkij
Subtitrovye versii: Anglijskij, Russkij
YUnost Bembi (Disk 2)
Rezhisyor: Natalya Bondarchuk
1986 g., 66 min.
Vtoraya chast dilogii («Detstvo Bembi», YUnost Bembi») po motivam znamenitoj skazki Feliksa Zaltena «Bembi» v avtorskom pereskaze YUriya Nagibina i Natali Bondarchuk. Ochen krasivyj film! Snimalsya v unikalnyh zapovednikah Kryma, Kavkaza, Prielbrusya, Latvii i CHehoslovakii. Vmeste s izvestnymi masterami ekrana i stseny: Innoj Makarovoj, Lvom Durovym, Nikolaem Burlyaevym, Marisom Liepoj i Gediminasom Tarandoj - v kartine uchastvovali deti v vozraste ot 4 do 8 let, a takzhe bolee 100 vidov nastoyaschih zhivotnyh: kroshechnye lyagushata i krasavtsy oleni, shustrye belki i blagorodnye losi, smyshlenye ezhi i puglivye zajtsy, mudryj filin i strogie zubry… Olenenok Bembi, stav vzroslym prekrasnym olenem, vstrechaet olenihu Falinu i vlyublyaetsya v nee. YUnaya para otpravlyaetsya v dalekoe i opasnoe puteshestvie v poiskah zagadochnogo tsvetka zhizni…
Eta zamechatelnaya kinoskazka podhodit dlya prosmotra vsej druzhnoj semej. Vospityvaet lyubov k zhivotnym i prirode!
Dopolnitelnyj material:
• Biografiya pisatelya Feliksa Zaltena
• Intervyu s rezhissyorom N. Bondarchuk
• Videosyuzhet «Detskij teatr «BEMBI»
• Filmografii
• Fotoalbom
• Smotrite na DVD
Interaktivnoe menyu: Anglijskij, Russkij
Zvukovye versii: Dolby Digital 5.1: Russkij, Frantsuzskij; Mono: Russkij
Subtitrovye versii: Anglijskij, Russkij
Tajna zheleznoj dveri (Disk 3)
Rezhisyor: Mihail YUzovskij
1970 g., 69 min.
Po motivam povesti YU. Tomina «SHel po gorodu volshebnik».
Kazhdyj iz nas mechtaet kogda-nibud najti volshebnuyu palochku, spichki ili hotya by "tsvetik-semitsvetik", ispolnyayuschie lyubye zhelaniya. Mechtat-to my mechtaem, a vot malchik Tolya Ryzhkov nashel, hotya, mezhdu nami govorya, ne byl dostoin takogo vezeniya. On byl bolshoj vrun i shalun, mamu ne slushalsya, mladshih obizhal, pravila dorozhnogo dvizheniya narushal. I v tot zlopoluchnyj den, s kotorogo nachalis ego neveroyatnye priklyucheniya, vel sebya ploho. Dazhe militsionera razozlil! Udiraya ot nego, Tolya vstretil volshebnika, u kotorogo otobral korobok volshebnyh spichek. Za eto zloj volshebnik (byvayut, k sozhaleniyu, i takie) perenes Tolyu na svoj volshebnyj ostrov. A chto iz etogo poluchilos, vy uznaete posmotrev etot veselyj i uvlekatelnyj priklyuchencheskij film!
Mamy i papy, v roli roditelej Toli vam budet priyatno uvidet zamechatelnyh, vsemi lyubimyh Olega Tabakova i Alisu Frejndlih. A populyarnyj komicheskij akter Savelij Kramarov posmeshit vas svoimi neprevzojdennymi reprizami i podnimet nastroenie!
Dopolnitelnyj material:
• Intervyu s rezhisserom M. YUzovskim
• Filmografii
• Fotoalbom
• Smotrite na DVD
Interaktivnoe menyu: Anglijskij, Russkij
Zvukovye versii: Dolby Digital 5.1: Russkij; Mono: Russkij
Subtitrovye versii: Anglijskij, Russkij, Frantsuzskij
Novye priklyucheniya kapitana Vrungelya (Disk 4)
Rezhisyor: Gennadij Vasilev
1978 g., 82 min.
Po odnoimennoj povesti A. Nekrasova.
Sozvezdie luchshih komedijnyh akterov otechestvennogo ekrana (Mihail Pugovkin, Savelij Kramarov, Sergej Martinson, Vladimir Basov) v zazhigatelnoj muzykalnoj komedii priznannogo mastera detskogo kino Gennadiya Vasileva («Finist YAsnyj Sokol») obespechit prekrasnoe nastroenie!
A veselye pesni na muzyku Alekseya Rybnikova («Priklyucheniya Buratino», «YUnona i Avos») nadolgo poselyatsya v vashem dome!
Neobyknovennye priklyucheniya shkolnika Vasi Lopotuhina na yahte znamenitogo kapitana Vrungelya i ego veselogo pomoschnika Loma…
Lihaya komanda rassleduet tajnu Bermudskogo treugolnika, boretsya protiv bur i shtorma, srazhaetsya so Svirepym Garri i bandoj ego golovorezov. Vperedi - raskrytie tajny Atlantidy…
Odin iz liderov prokata 1978 goda - 19,3 mln. zritelej.
• Na XVII MKF detskih filmov v Hihone (Ispaniya), 1979 – glavnyj priz za programmu sovetskih filmov («Osennie kolokola», SHla sobaka po royalyu», «Novye priklyucheniya kapitana Vrungelya»)
Dopolnitelnyj material:
• Intervyu s hudozhnikom K. Zagorskim
• Filmografii
• Fotoalbom
• Smotrite na DVD
Interaktivnoe menyu: Anglijskij, Russkij
Zvukovye versii: Dolby Digital 5.1: Russkij, Frantsuzskij; Mono: Russkij
Subtitrovye versii: Anglijskij, Russkij, Frantsuzskij
Priklyucheniya zheltogo chemodanchika (Disk 5)
Rezhisyor: Ilya Frez
1970 g., 75 min.
Veselaya muzykalnaya skazka s muzykoj YAna Frenkelya, zamechatelnym akterskim sostavom (Tatyana Pelttser, Evgenij Lebedev, Natalya Selezneva, Rina Zelenaya, Evgenij Vesnik) i nastoyaschimi bengalskimi tigrami!
ZHili-byli v odnom gorode ochen simpatichnye i neobychnye malchik Petya i devochka Toma. U Tomy byla «bolezn tsarevny-nesmeyany»: ona vse vremya plakala. A Petya byl trusom, kakih svet ne vidyval! Rebyat vzyalsya vylechit odin dobryj i ochen strannyj doktor. V ego zheltom chemodanchike lezhali redchajshie lekarstva ot zlosti i kovarstva, trusosti, gluposti, grusti i vranya! No po neveroyatnomu stecheniyu obstoyatelstv volshebnyj chemodanchik propal, a vmeste s nim ischezli i vse volshebnye konfety. Pod ugrozoj okazalis zhizni babushki Tomy, letchika Verevkina, dressirovschika tigrov Bulankina…
Super-populyarnaya detskaya komediya 70-h godov!
• Pochetnyj diplom zhyuri «Sildak», Serebryanaya medal BIENALE na XXII MKF filmov dlya detej i yunoshestva v Venetsii (Italiya), 1970
• Spetsialnyj diplom detskogo zhyuri na MKF v Tegerane (Iran), 1970
Dopolnitelnyj material:
• Intervyu s akterami N. Seleznevoj i B. Bystrovym
• Muzyka iz filma
• Filmografii
• Fotoalbom
• Smotrite na DVD
Interaktivnoe menyu: Anglijskij, Russkij
Zvukovye versii: Dolby Digital 5.1: Russkij; Mono: Russkij
Subtitrovye versii: Anglijskij, Russkij
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606777011025 |
204000017211 |
Release Date |
2007 |
Quantity per set |
5 |
Duration |
6 hours 8 minutes |
Sound | |
Format |
PAL DVD (Collector's Edition) (Digipak + Slipcase) |
Aspect Ratio | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Languages | |
Subtitles | |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Additional Information |
Distributor: RUSCICO |
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