Lady with a Dog (Dama s sobachkoy) (RUSCICO) (PAL)
Writer: Anton Chehov
Camera: Dmitriy Meshiev
Camera: Andrey Moskvin
* Prize for Best Film Program (“Lady With a Dog” and “Ballad of a Soldier”) at the Cannes IFF, 1960
* Honorary Diploma to director Joseph Heifits at the London International Best Films Festival, held by the British Film Institute, 1960
Special Freatures:
* A. P. Chekhov’s biography
* Video subjects: «Village doctor», «Reminiscenes of the writer's wife, actress O. Knipper - Chekhova», “Reminiscenes of writer N. Teleshov”, «A film about "Lenfilm"»
* Filmographies
* Photo album
* Soon on DVD
Ekranizatsiya odnoimennogo rasskaza russkogo pisatelya Antona Chehova.
"… Anna Sergeevna i on lyubili drug druga, kak ochen blizkie, rodnye lyudi, kak muzh i zhena, kak nezhnye druzya; im kazalos, chto sama sudba prednaznachila ih drug dlya druga, i bylo neponyatno, dlya chego on zhenat, a ona zamuzhem; i tochno eto byli dve pereletnye ptitsy, samets i samka, kotoryh poymali i zastavili zhit v otdelnyh kletkah…" A. Chehov
Sluchaynoe znakomstvo na otdyhe v Yalte Gurova i Anny Sergeevny pererastaet v glubokoe chuvstvo. No on zhenat, i u nee svoya semya. Ih obshchenie vdali ot doma otkryvaet pered oboimi novyy mir, polnyy illyuzornyh nadezhd na sovmestnoe budushchee. Po vozvrashchenii domoy oni pytayutsya sohranit svoyu lyubov nesmotrya ni na chto…
V glavnyh rolyah snyalis izvestnye russkie aktery Aleksey Batalov i Iya Savvina, dlya kotoroy eta rabota yavilas debyutom v bolshom kino.
* Premiya za luchshuyu programmu filmov ("Dama s sobachkoy" i "Ballada o soldate") na MKF v Kannah, 1960;
* Pochetnyy diplom rezhisseru Iosifu Heyfitsu na MKF luchshih filmov v Londone, provedennom Britanskim kinoinstitutom, 1960
Dopolnitelnyy material (bonus-trek):
* Biografiya A.P.Chehova
* Videosyuzhety:"Film o Lenfilme","Zemskiy vrach","Vospominaniya zheny pisatelya aktrisy O.Knipper-Chehovoy","Vospominaniya pisatelya N.Teleshova";
* Filmografii,
* Fotoalbom
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606777022854, 4606777004799, 4606777021741 |
204000011840 |
Release Date |
1960 |
Quantity per set |
1 |
Duration |
1 hour 23 minutes |
Sound | |
Format |
PAL DVD (Keep case) |
Aspect Ratio | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Languages | |
Subtitles | |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Age Rating | |
Additional Information |
Collection: Original Story by |
5 out of 5
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