Djamila (Jamilya) (Dzhamilya) (RUSCICO)
Composer: Nikolay Sidelnikov
Script: Chingiz Aytmatov
It is set in a remote Kirghiz village during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). A young wife of a soldier, Djamilya, fell in love with Daniar, a wounded war veteran living in her village. Daniar reciprocates her feelings. But suddenly Djamilya receives a letter from her husband with the news of his forthcoming return from the hospital. This forces the lovers to make a final decision.
Years later, their young friend, Seid, who was a witness to their beautiful, albeit uneasy, love, reminisces about this wonderful couple…
• Calimere Prize for Best Foreign-Language Film at the Hyere Young Filmmakers IFF (France), 1970
Special features:
• Interview with director I.Poplavskaya and leading actredd N.Arinbasarova
• Photo album “Paintings of actor and artist S. Chokmorov
• Filmographies
• Photo album
• Coming soon on DVD
Film snyat po motivam odnoimennoj povesti sovetskogo pisatelya CHingiza Ajtmatova.
Dejstvie proishodit v dalekom kirgizskom aule vo vremya Velikoj Otechestvennoj vojny (1941-1945). Molodaya soldatka Dzhamilya polyubila Daniyara, prozhivayuschego v ih aule ranenogo frontovika. Ee chuvstvo nahodit otklik v serdtse Daniyara. No neozhidanno dlya sebya Dzhamilya poluchaet pismo ot muzha, v kotorom tot pishet, chto vskore vernetsya domoj iz gospitalya. Eto izvestie zastavlyaet vlyublennyh prinyat okonchatelnoe reshenie.Spustya gody etu prekrasnuyu paru vspominaet ih yunyj drug Seid, byvshij svidetelem ih krasivoj, no nelegkoj lyubvi…
• Priz "Kalimer" na MKF molodogo kino v Jere (Frantsiya) za luchshij inostrannyj film, 1970
• Mezhdunarodnyj simpozium rezhisserov v Kesige (Vengriya) - vysokaya otsenka rabotnikov kinoiskusstva, pressy i diplom simpoziuma, 1970
Prokat – 9, 3 mln. zritelej
Dopolnitelnye materialy (Bonus-trek):
• Intervyu s rezhisserom I.Poplavskoj i ispolnitelnitsej glavnoj roli N.Arinbasarovoj
• Fotoalbom «ZHivopis aktera i hudozhnika S. CHokmorova»
• Filmografii
• Fotoalbom
• Smotrite na DVD
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606777006441, 4606777005956 |
204000002170 |
Release Date |
1968 |
Quantity per set |
1 |
Duration |
1 hour 23 minutes |
Sound | |
Format |
NTSC DVD (Keep case) |
Aspect Ratio | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Languages | |
Subtitles | |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Additional Information |
Distributor: RUSCICO |
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