The Anna Cross (Anna 'Round the Neck) (Fr.: La Croix de Sainte-Anne) (Anna na shee) (RUSCICO)
Composer: Lev Shvarc
Writer: Anton Chehov
Camera: Georgiy Reysgof
To save her family from disgrace and hunger, a young dowerless girl gets married to a rich old man, only to turn into an unscrupulous kept woman who forgets her close ones…
It was the fourth film by an acclaimed master of literary adaptations, Isidor Annensky (1906-1977), made after A. Chekhov’s works (“The Bear”, “Man in a Shell”, “Marriage”). The director’s high culture and professionalism, faithfulness to the literary original, and the amazingly talented acting ensemble were always the marks of his films. Starring in “The Anna Cross” were such outstanding Russian film and theatre actors as the beautiful Alla Larionova (after this picture was released, the actress was invited by Charlie Chaplin to film in Hollywood), the idol of millions Mikhail Zharov, the highly popular chansonnier Alexander Vertinsky, who returned to the USSR ten years earlier, the Moscow Art Theatre star Alexei Gribov, and others. This wonderful, never-aging film is so perfect that each generation of viewers will find it interesting, discovering in it still new unfading gems.
• En 1954 en tête du box-office russe avec 31.900.000 entrées.
Special features:
• Textual material about A. P. Chekhov
• Featurettes: “A Zemstvo doctor”, “Recollections of O. Knipper - Chekhova", "Writer N. Teleshov remembers”
• Filmographies
• Photo album “In memory of A. Larionova"
• Coming soon on DVD
Po odnoimennomu rasskazu A. P. Chekhova.
Molodaya bespridannitsa, spasaya ot pozora i goloda svoyu semyu, vykhodit zamuzh za bogatogo starika, a zatem prevrashchaetsya v razbitnuyu soderzhanku, zabyvshuyu o svoikh blizkikh…
Eto byl chetvertyy film priznannogo mastera ekranizatsiy Isidora Annenskogo (1906-1977), sozdannyy po proizvedeniyam A. Chekhova ("Medved", "Chelovek v futlyare", "Svadba"). Ego filmy otlichali vysokaya kultura i professionalizm rezhissera, vernost literaturnomu pervoistochniku i udivitelnyy akterskiy ansambl. Etot chudesnyy, nestareyushchiy film nastolko sovershenen, chto kazhdoe novoe pokolenie zriteley budet s interesom smotret ego, nakhodya, kazhdyy raz, novye neuvyadayushchie tsennosti.
Dopolnitelnye materialy (Bonus-trek):
• Tekstovyy material ob A. P. Chekhove
• Videosyuzhety: "Zemskoy vrach", "Vospominaniya O. Knipper-Chekhovoy", "Vospominaniya pisatelya N. Teleshova"
• Filmografii
• Fotoalbom "Pamyati A. Larionovoy"
• Smotrite na DVD
Also Known As (AKA):
Aventures en Troïka - Belgium (French title)
Avonturen met de Troïka - Belgium (Flemish title)
Kunniamerkki kaulassa - Finland
La croix de Sainte-Anne - France
Anna al collo - Italy
Het Anna-kruis - Netherlands
The Anna Cross - USA
Herz ohne Liebe - West Germany
Anna 'Round the Neck - International (English title)
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606777009206 |
204000014937 |
Release Date |
1954 |
Quantity per set |
1 |
Duration |
1 hour 27 minutes |
Sound | |
Aspect Ratio | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Languages | |
Subtitles | |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Additional Information |
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