I am Twenty (Fr.: J’ai vingt ans / La Porte d'Ilitch) (Mne dvadtsat let) (RUSCICO)
Composer: Nikolay Sidelnikov
Script: Gennadij Shpalikov
Camera: Margarita Pilihina
Years of the Thaw in the capital are shown in the picture. The picture art style is a lyrical novel which was foredoomed the whole cinema decade. Twenty-two-year-old Gennady Shpalikov (being the cult poet of the sixtieth and the spokesman of an epoch) was the co-author of Hutsiev in the script. Andrey Tarkovsky, Andrey Konchalovsky, Pavel Finn, Natalia Ryazantseva were in episodes. Film became the significant event in Thaw culture, but was prohibited by the authorities. This picture of men of the sixties can be used for study of the period of hopes not destined to be realized in history of the country.
• International Film Festival in Venice (Italy) - Special award of jury and the medal, 1965
Special features:
• Film about filming
• Filmography
• Picture album "In episodes"
Legendarnyj film Marlena Hutsieva rasskazyvaet o molodezhi 60-h, ee idealah, poiskah smysla zhizni, o vzaimoponimanii pokolenij i nezyblemosti nravstvennyh tsennostej i o tom, chto nichego ne strashno, kogda ryadom s toboj druzya, kogda est vo chto verit, chej pamyatyu klyastsya…
Atmosfera «ottepelnoj» stolitsy stala vozduhom, kotorym dyshala lenta. Hudozhestvennyj stil kartiny - «liricheskij roman» - predopredelil soboj tseloe kinematograficheskoe desyatiletie. Soavtorom Hutsieva po stsenariyu byl 22-letnij Gennadij SHpalikov (segodnya ego nazyvayut kultovym poetom shestidesyatyh, vyrazitelem epohi).
Syuzhet kartiny gudel ot voprosov, kotorye zadavala sebe intellektualnaya elita posle XX s'ezda KPSS, razvenchavshego «kult lichnosti» Stalina. Film stal znachitelnym yavleniem v kulture «ottepeli», byl zatravlen i snyat s prokata. Po etoj rabote shestidesyatnikov mozhno izuchat unikalnyj v istorii strany «period mnimo osuschestvivshihsya nadezhd».
Vosstanovlena v 1988 godu (vtoroe nazvanie "Zastava Ilicha").
Edinstvennaya rol Andreya Tarkovskogo.
• MKF v Venetsii (Italiya) - Spetsialnaya premiya zhyuri i medal, 1965
Dopolnitelnye materialy (Bonus-trek):
• Film o s'emkah
• Filmografii
• Fotoalbom «V epizodah…»
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606352500067, 4606777013876 |
204000016026 |
Release Date |
1964 |
Quantity per set |
1 |
Duration |
2 hours 44 minutes |
Sound | |
Format |
NTSC DVD (Keep case) |
Aspect Ratio | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Languages | |
Subtitles | |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Additional Information |
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