The Cranes are Flying (Letyat zhuravli) (Krupnyy Plan)
Director: Mihail Kalatozov
Composer: Moisey Vaynberg
Script: Viktor Rozov
Camera: Sergey Urusevskiy
Aleksej Batalov | Tatyana Samoylova | Vasilij Merkurev | Valentin Zubkov | Aleksandr Shvorin | Konstantin Nikitin | Svetlana Haritonova
Composer: Moisey Vaynberg
Script: Viktor Rozov
Camera: Sergey Urusevskiy
5 out of 5
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Media: DVD
Genre: War > War Drama | > Second World War | Drama - Melodram > Drama
The triumphant success of this film started with its winning the first prize at the Cannes festival in 1958, where an excellent acting by Tatiana Samoilova was also recognized. After that the picture was welcomed in numerous world’s movie theatres.
This is a story of love that could not be destroyed even by war. Boris is felled by an enemy’s bullet in action. Veronica is devastated: she has lost her lover, her parents, her home. As an act of despair, she attempts to find a new family for herself, but only loses her self-respect. She is finally redeemed by rescuing a little boy from being run down by a car. She finds strength to continue living, refusing to believe that Boris is dead. Veronica would not stop waiting for him. Life for her is love, and its loss is equivalent to death…
Special Freatures:
• Interview with the leading actor Alexey Batalov
• Documentary about T. Samoilova
• Filmographies
Film s udivitelnoy emotsionalnoy siloy rasskazyvaet o lyudyah, v chi sudby bezzhalostno vtorglas voyna. Ne vse smogli s chestyu vynesti eto ispytanie... V tsentre kinopovesti - tragicheskaya istoriya dvuh vlyublennyh, kotoryh voyna razluchila navsegda...
* Premiya za luchshuyu konkursnuyu programmu filmov (s filmom "Dama s sobachkoy") i premiya "Za luchshiy film dlya molodezhi" na MKF v Kannah, 1960;
* Priz "Zolotye vorota" - Pervaya premiya na MKF v San-Frantsisko,1960;
* Priz "David Donatello" za luchshiy inostrannyy film v Italii;
* Glavnyy priz MKF v Londone, 1960;
* Nominatsiya Valentina Ezhova i Grigoriya Chuhraya na premiyu "Oskar" po kategorii "Luchshiy originalnyy stsenariy", 1961
Dopolnitelnye materialy:
* Intervyu s Alekseem Batalovym i Tatyanoy Samoylovoy
* Filmografii
Polnaya restavratsiya izobrazheniya i zvuka
This is a story of love that could not be destroyed even by war. Boris is felled by an enemy’s bullet in action. Veronica is devastated: she has lost her lover, her parents, her home. As an act of despair, she attempts to find a new family for herself, but only loses her self-respect. She is finally redeemed by rescuing a little boy from being run down by a car. She finds strength to continue living, refusing to believe that Boris is dead. Veronica would not stop waiting for him. Life for her is love, and its loss is equivalent to death…
Special Freatures:
• Interview with the leading actor Alexey Batalov
• Documentary about T. Samoilova
• Filmographies
Film s udivitelnoy emotsionalnoy siloy rasskazyvaet o lyudyah, v chi sudby bezzhalostno vtorglas voyna. Ne vse smogli s chestyu vynesti eto ispytanie... V tsentre kinopovesti - tragicheskaya istoriya dvuh vlyublennyh, kotoryh voyna razluchila navsegda...
* Premiya za luchshuyu konkursnuyu programmu filmov (s filmom "Dama s sobachkoy") i premiya "Za luchshiy film dlya molodezhi" na MKF v Kannah, 1960;
* Priz "Zolotye vorota" - Pervaya premiya na MKF v San-Frantsisko,1960;
* Priz "David Donatello" za luchshiy inostrannyy film v Italii;
* Glavnyy priz MKF v Londone, 1960;
* Nominatsiya Valentina Ezhova i Grigoriya Chuhraya na premiyu "Oskar" po kategorii "Luchshiy originalnyy stsenariy", 1961
Dopolnitelnye materialy:
* Intervyu s Alekseem Batalovym i Tatyanoy Samoylovoy
* Filmografii
Polnaya restavratsiya izobrazheniya i zvuka
204000014619 |
Release Date |
1957 |
Quantity per set |
1 |
Duration |
1 hour 33 minutes |
Sound | |
Format |
PAL DVD (Keep case) |
Aspect Ratio | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Languages | |
Subtitles | |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Additional Information |
Serie: Second-world-war |