The Secret of the Iron Door (Tayna zheleznoy dveri) (RUSCICO)
Composer: Vadim Gamaliya
Script: Aleksandr Reyzhevskiy
Camera: Vitaliy Grishin
Every one of us dreams of finding a magic wand, matches or, at least, an enchanted flower that would make any wish come true. Well, we’re just dreaming, but a boy named Tolya Ryzhkov did find one, though, between us, he didn’t deserve such a good fortune. He was a pretty big liar and rascal, didn’t listen to his mother, hurt those who were weaker, and didn’t obey traffic regulations.On that ill-fated day when his incredible adventures began he behaved badly, as usual. He had even made a policeman mad! While running away from him, Tolya met a magician and forced a box of magic matches from him. To punish the boy, the evil magician (alas, there are such, too) had Tolya transported to his magic island.You will know how it all ended when you watch this humorous, fascinating adventure film.
Special features:
• Interview with director M. Yuzovsky
• Filmographies
• Photo album
• Coming soon on DVD
Po motivam povesti YU. Tomina «SHel po gorodu volshebnik».
Kazhdyj iz nas mechtaet kogda-nibud najti volshebnuyu palochku, spichki ili hotya by "tsvetik-semitsvetik", ispolnyayuschie lyubye zhelaniya. Mechtat-to my mechtaem, a vot malchik Tolya Ryzhkov nashel, hotya, mezhdu nami govorya, ne byl dostoin takogo vezeniya. On byl bolshoj vrun i shalun, mamu ne slushalsya, mladshih obizhal, pravila dorozhnogo dvizheniya narushal. I v tot zlopoluchnyj den, s kotorogo nachalis ego neveroyatnye priklyucheniya, vel sebya ploho. Dazhe militsionera razozlil! Udiraya ot nego, Tolya vstretil volshebnika, u kotorogo otobral korobok volshebnyh spichek. Za eto zloj volshebnik (byvayut, k sozhaleniyu, i takie) perenes Tolyu na svoj volshebnyj ostrov. A chto iz etogo poluchilos, vy uznaete posmotrev etot veselyj i uvlekatelnyj priklyuchencheskij film!
Mamy i papy, v roli roditelej Toli vam budet priyatno uvidet zamechatelnyh, vsemi lyubimyh Olega Tabakova i Alisu Frejndlih. A populyarnyj komicheskij akter Savelij Kramarov posmeshit vas svoimi neprevzojdennymi reprizami i podnimet nastroenie!
Dopolnitelnyj material (bonus-trek):
• Intervyu s rezhisserom M. YUzovskim
• Filmografii
• Fotoalbom
• Smotrite na DVD
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606777008667 |
204000013847 |
Release Date |
1970 |
Quantity per set |
1 |
Duration |
1 hour 9 minutes |
Sound | |
Format |
Aspect Ratio | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Languages | |
Subtitles | |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Additional Information |
Collection: Fairy Tales |
5 out of 5
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