Unfinished Piece for the Player Piano (Unfinished Piece for Mechanical Piano) (Fr.: Partition inachevée pour piano mécanique) (Neokonchennaya pyesa dlya mekhanicheskogo pianino) (RUSCICO)
Composer: Eduard Artemev
Script: Aleksandr Adabashyan
Writer: Anton Chehov
Camera: Pavel Lebeshev
This is a picture of life of the Russian gentry in the late 19th century. Without a grain of sentimentality, the director reveals the moral bankruptcy of his heroes. A village teacher, Platonov, is undergoing an emotional crisis. He believes his life has had no purpose. He is tormenting both himself and his young wife, Sashenka. The film’s another protagonist – Doctor Terletsky – hates his patients and his work. The guests staying with a general’s wife, Anna Petrovna, are talking about the pleasures of a simple village life, not really believing what they are saying. The retro style chosen by the director and the masterly cinematography (a credit to Nikita Mikhalkov’s permanent cameraman – Pavel Lebeshev) combine to make this film a real treasure for the lovers of Russian classics. Played in the film is the music by G. Donizetti, F. Liszt, S. Rachmaninov.
• Big Golden Shell at the San Sebastian IFF,1977
• Golden Plate Prize at the Chicago IFF, 1978
• Grand Prix of the Union of Artists of Cinema and TV at the IFF, the best films of the world "FEST" in Belgrad, 1978
• Award "David Donatello" for the Best Foreign Film at the Italian box office in 1978
• Special jury prize for best acting (Alexander Kaliagin) at the Cartagena IFF, 1977
Special features:
• Interviews with production designer A. Adabashyan, composer E. Artemyev
• Video featurettes: “Provincial doctor”, “Reminiscenes of the writer's wife, actress O. Knipper - Chekhova”, “Reminiscenes of writer N. Teleshov", About actor P. Kadochnikov
• A. P. Chekhov's biography
• Filmographies
• Photo album
Film snyat po motivam proizvedenij russkogo pisatelya Antona CHehova.
Nikita Mihalkov sozdal podlinnyj kinoshedevr s blistatelnym akterskim ansamblem.
Mehanicheskoe pianino naigryvaet veseluyu melodiyu i pod ee zvuki stol zhe mehanicheski-bessmyslenno suschestvuyut geroi filma. V etom mirke totalnoj lzhi, falshivyh strastej i pafosnyh rechej, gde lyubaya drama prevraschaetsya v fars, im ostaetsya lish beskonechno otygryvat odnazhdy vybrannye roli…
Stil retro, izbrannyj rezhisserom, i vysokaya kultura izobrazheniya (zasluga postoyannogo operatora Nikity Mihalkova - Pavla Lebesheva) delayut etu kartinu bestsennym podarkom dlya lyubitelej russkoj klassiki.
V filme ispolzovana muzyka Dzh. Donitsetti, F.Lista, S.Rahmaninova.
• Priz "Bolshaya Zolotaya rakovina" MKF v San-Sebastyane-77;
• Premiya "Zolotaya plastina" MKF v CHikago-78;
• Gran-pri soyuza hudozhnikov kino i TV na MKF luchshih filmov mira "FEST" v Belgrade-78;
• Premiya "David Donatello" za luchshij inostrannyj film v italyanskom prokate 1978 goda;
• Spetsialnyj priz zhyuri MKF v Kartahene-77 akteru A.Kalyaginu za ispolnitelskoe masterstvo
Dopolnitelnyj material (bonus-trek):
• Intervyu s hudozhnikom A.Adabashyanom, kompozitorom E.Artemevym
• Videosyuzhety: «Zemskoj Vrach», «Vospominaniya zheny pisatelya aktrisy O.Knipper-CHehovoj», «Vospominaniya pisatelya N.Teleshova», ob aktere P.Kadochnikove
• Biografiya A.P.CHehova
• Filmografii
• Fotoalbom
• Smotrite na DVD
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
014381063820, 4606777021765 |
204000010949 |
Release Date |
1977 |
Quantity per set |
1 |
Duration |
1 hour 43 minutes |
Sound | |
Aspect Ratio | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Languages | |
Subtitles |
English | French | Spanish | German | Italian | Portuguese | Dutch | Swedish | Hebrew | Arabic | Chinese | Japanese |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Additional Information |
Collection: Director |
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