Several days from the life of I. I. Oblomov (A Few Days from the Life of I.I. Oblomov) (Fr.: Quelques jours de la vie d'Oblomov) (Neskolko dney iz zhizni I.I.Oblomova (RUSCICO) (2 DVD) (PAL)
Composer: Eduard Artemev
Script: Aleksandr Adabashyan
Camera: Pavel Lebeshev
The 19th-century Russian landed gentry’s life was idle and boring. Its representatives had a hard time of finding a purpose in life, of realizing their potential. Likewise, the film’s protagonist, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, refused to work just for the sake of building up his fortune, for he did not see in it any lofty ideal. Lying on a sofa and indulging in “philosophical” reflections on the meaning of life, he let the life slip by him, including the love of his life, Olga. Having despaired of ever getting to his heart, she married his friend, Shtoltz.
• Oxford’s Golden Shield for Best Directing (Nikita Mikhalkov) at the Oxford IFF, 1980
• Oxford’s Silver Shield for Best Actor (Oleg Tabakov) at the Oxford IFF, 1980
• Oxford’s Silver Shield for Best Actress (Yelena Solovey) at the Oxford IFF, 1980
• Oxford’s Silver Shield for Best Photography (Pavel Lebeshev) at the Oxford IFF, 1980
• First Prize at the International Week of Authors Films in Benalmaden, 1982
• Best Foreign Film of 1981, by the decision of U.S. National Council of Film Critics, 1981
Special Freatures:
• Interviews with script writer and production designer Alexander Adabashian, photography director Pavel Lebeshev, composer Eduard Artemyev
• Actor Andrei Popov featurette
• Behind the scenes
• “Goncharov’s Home Town”
• Cast and Crew filmographies
• Stills Gallery
• Coming soon on DVD
Po motivam romana I.A.Goncharova "Oblomov"
V 19 veke russkie pomeschiki zhili skuchno i prazdno. Trudno im bylo najti svoe mesto v zhizni, realizovat sebya kak lichnost. Vot i glavnyj geroj filma Ilya Ilich Oblomov - ne hotel truditsya lish radi priumnozheniya svoego bogatstva, poskolku ne videl v etom dlya sebya vysokoj tseli. Lezha na divane i predavayas "filosofskim" razmyshleniyam o smysle zhizni, Oblomov mnogoe upustil v etoj zhizni, v tom chisle i svoyu lyubov - Olgu. Otchayavshis dostuchatsya do ego serdtsa, ona vyshla zamuzh za ego druga SHtoltsa.
• "Zolotoj schit Oksforda" za luchshuyu rezhissuru (rezhisser Nikita Mihalkov) na MKF v Oksforde, 1980
• "Serebryanyj schit Oksforda" za luchshee ispolnenie glavnoj muzhskoj roli (akter Oleg Tabakov) na MKF v Oksforde, 1980
• "Serebryanyj schit Oksforda" za luchshee ispolnenie glavnoj zhenskoj roli (aktrisa Elena Solovej) na MKF v Oksforde, 1980
• "Serebryanyj schit Oksforda" za luchshuyu operatorskuyu rabotu (operator Pavel Lebeshev) na MKF v Oksforde, 1980
• Pervyj priz na Mezhdunarodnoj nedele avtorskih filmov v Benalmadene, 1982
• Luchshij inostrannyj film 1981 goda po resheniyu Natsionalnogo soveta kinoobozrevatelej SSHA, 1981
Dopolnitelnyj material (bonus-trek):
• Intervyu s Aleksandrom Adabashyanom, Pavlom Lebeshevym, Eduardom Artemevym
• Dokumentalnyj film ob aktere Andree Popove
• Na s'emkah filma
• Dokumentalnyj syuzhet "Rodina Goncharova"
• Filmografii
• Skoro na DVD
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606777006120 |
204000012274 |
Release Date |
1979 |
Quantity per set |
2 |
Duration |
2 hours 23 minutes |
Sound | |
Format |
PAL DVD (Keep case) |
Aspect Ratio | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Languages | |
Subtitles |
English | Russian | French | Spanish | German | Italian | Portuguese | Dutch | Swedish | Hebrew | Arabic | Chinese | Japanese |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Additional Information |
Distributor: RUSCICO |
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