Nikita Mihalkov. Selected (RUSCICO) (Dark Eyes. Hitch-hiking. Close to Eden. Anna: From Six Till Eighteen. Burnt by the Sun. The Barber of Siberia (6 DVD)
Composer: Eduard Artemev
Composer: Fransis Ley
Script: Rustam Ibragimbekov
Script: Suzo DAmiko
Camera: Vadim Yusov
Camera: Vadim Alisov
Camera: Pavel Lebeshev
Camera: Franko Dzhakomo
Camera: Vilen Kalyuta
Producer: Silviya Bendiko
1987, 57+64 min.
An Italian, Romano (Marcello Mastroianni, Best Actor in a Leading Role at the 1987 Cannes Film Festival), while at a European spa, falls in love with a young Russian woman. He leaves his opulent life in Italy, to pursue his love into Russia, in hopes of seeing, and, perhaps, beginning an altogether new life… The Russian soul with its eternal mystery, Russian provincial ways and Chekhovian motives in Nikita Mikhalkov's directing took on satirical, farcical hues.
• Marcello Mastroianni, Best Actor in a Leading Role, Cannes Film Festival, 1987
• Nomination for the prize "Golden Globe Award for Best Foreign Language Film"
Special features:
• Documentary "A. P. Chekhov, a Provincial Doctor"
• Interview with M. Mastroianni, N. Mikhalkov, A. Adabashyan
• Italian press about the film
• Filmographies
DVD region: 0
Language(s): Dolby Digital 5.1: Russian
Subtitles: English, Russian
Format of the screen: Standard 4:3
Hitch-hiking (Avtostop) (DVD 2)
1990, 53 min.
Incredible adventures of an Italian test auto-racer in the exotic and so unpredictable Russia! Originally, this film was made as a commercial for the Fiat Automobile Company, but the abundance of the shot material proved enough for editing a full-length feature.
• International Festival of Industrial Films in Washington - Grand-Prix, award to the director and the actors, 1990
• International Film Festival of Industrial Advertising in Milan - Grand-Prix, 1990
Special features:
• Interviews with writer/director N. Mlkhalkov and composer E. Artemyev
• Filmographies
• Photo album "Camera… Rolling!"
DVD region: 0
Language(s): Dolby Digital 5.1: Russian
Subtitles: English, Russian
Format of the screen: Standard 4:3
Close to Eden (Urga: Territory Of Love) (Urga - Territoriya Lyubvi) (DVD 3)
1991, 110 min.
Adopting as a plot a seemingly anecdotal story about a shepherd from the Mongolian steppe going to a city to buy condoms, because the law forbade him to have more than three children, the director succeeded in creating a work of art of the highest standard, rich with genuine kindness, humanity and compassion, preaching tolerance and cross-cultural understanding, though not once sounding bombastic.
• 1991 – VENICE FILM FESTIVAL – Golden Lion
• 1992 – NIKA Winner in the category Best Director, Nikita Mikhalkov
• 1992 – KINOTAVR – Top Prize on the results of rating - Prize of the President's Council
• 1993 – FELIX – Best Film
Special features:
• Interview with composer E. Artemyev
• Documentary "Culture and Traditions of the Mongols"
• Filmographies
• Photo album
DVD region: 0
Language(s): Dolby Digital 5.1: Russian
Subtitles: English, Russian, French
Format of the screen: Standard 4:3
Anna: From Six Till Eighteen (Anna. Ot 6 do 18) (DVD 4)
1993, 100 min.
This film is the first part of the Mikhalkovs-Konchalovskys family saga ("Mother", "Father"). The film's heroine, the director's daughter Anna, answers the author's questions throughout 10 years of her life. Her answers are intertwined with archive newsreels breathing of the era.
The pulse of history, the evolution of Russian society, the fall of the Great Empire are seen through the prism of the awareness of a growing person who must keep the dynasty's traditions…
(This film has been recommended for compulsory viewing by students of psychology at pedagogical colleges).
"The film wins over by its confessional sincerity…"
(Rolan magazine)
• IFF of Documentary Films in Leipzig – "Silver Dove", 1994
• International Film Forum of Slavic and Orthodox Peoples "Zolotoi Vityaz" – Grand Prix, 1994
• Festival of Post-Soviet Cinema "Listopad-94", Minsk – Best Film, 1994
Special features:
• Interview with N. Mikhalkov, E. Artemyev, Anna Mikhalkova
• Filmographies
• Photo album
• Soon on DVD
DVD region: 0
Language(s): Dolby Digital 1.0: Russian
Subtitles: English, Russian
Format of the screen: Standard 4:3
Burnt by the Sun (Utomlennye solncem) (DVD 5)
1994, 142 min.
Russia, 1936: revolutionary hero Colonel Kotov is spending an idyllic summer in his dacha with his young wife and six-year-old daughter Nadia and other assorted family and friends. Things change dramatically with the unheralded arrival of Cousin Dmitri from Moscow, who charms the women and little Nadia with his games and pianistic bravura. But Kotov isn"t fooled: this is the time of Stalin"s repression, with telephone calls in the middle of the night spelling doom - and he knows that Dmitri isn"t paying a social call...
• Winner of the "Oscar" in the category "Best Foreign Language Film" in 1994
• State award of the Russian Federation, 1994
• "Gran-pri" Kannskogo festivalya
Special features:
• Interview with N. Mikhalkov, E. Artemyev
• Filmographies
• Photo album
• Soon on DVD
DVD region: 0
Language(s): Dolby Digital 5.1: Russian
Subtitles: English, Russian, French, Spanish
Format of the screen: Standard 4:3
The Barber of Siberia (Sibirskii ciryulnik) (DVD 6)
1999, 177 min.
Set in turn of the century Russia, a passionate and epic love story about lost love, betrayal and the human spirit.
1905, Jane Callaghan a once beautiful American writes to her son, a cadet at the famous West Point military academy. Her memories take us back 20 years to when she arrived in Russia to assist Douglas McCracken, an obsessive engineer who needs the Grand Duke's patronage to sponsor his invention -a massive machine to harvest the forests of Siberia.
On her travels, she meets two men who will change her life forever. A handsome young cadet, Andrey Tolstoy, with whom she shares a fondness of opera, and the powerful General Radlov who is spellbound by her beauty. The General wants her hand in marriage, and she knows she can use him to gain access to the Grand Duke.
• International Film Forum of Slavic and Orthodox Peoples "Zolotoi Vityaz" – Grand Prix, 1999
• State award of the Russian Federation, 1999
Special features:
• Filmographies and pictures of the film-makers and the starring cast
• Off-scene commentary to fragments of other films by Nikita Mikhalkov and Pavel Lebeshev;
• Documentary video materials about the filming of the 'Barber of Siberia';
• Photo album with run-through and filming moments
DVD region: 0
Language(s): Dolby Digital 5.1: Russian
Subtitles: English, Russian, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese
Format of the screen: WideScreen 16:9
Ochi chernye (Disk 1)
1987 g. 57+64 min.
Drama po motivam proizvedeniy A.P. Chehova. Istoriya italyantsa, kotoryy na odnom iz evropeyskih kurortov vlyublyaetsya v moloduyu russkuyu zhenshchinu. Geroy pokidaet blagopoluchnuyu zhizn v Italii i edet v neizvestnuyu Rossiyu v nadezhde uvidet, a mozhet i nachat, sovsem druguyu zhizn... Russkaya dusha s eyo vechnoy zagadkoy, rossiyskie provintsialnye nravy, chehovskie motivy v rezhissure Nikity Mihalkova priobreli satiricheski-farsovyy ottenok.
• Priz Kannskogo kinofestivalya za luchshuyu muzhskuyu rol Marchello Mastroyanni, 1987
• Nominatsiya na premiyu «Zolotoy globus» v kategorii «Luchshiy film na inostrannom yazyke»
Dopolnitelnyy material (bonus-trek):
• Dokumentalnyy film "A.P. Chehov. Zemskiy vrach"
• Intervyu s M. Mastroyanni
• Intervyu s N. Mihalkovym
• Interayu s A. Adabashyanom
• Italyanskaya pressa o filme
• Filmografii
Regionalnyy kod: 0
Zvukovye versii: Dolby Digital 5.1: Russkiy
Subtitrovye versii: Angliyskiy, Russkiy
Format izobrazheniya: Standard 4:3
Avtostop (Disk 2)
1990 g. 53 min.
Neveroyatnye priklyucheniya italyanskogo avtogonshchika-ispytatelya v ekzoticheskoy i takoy nepredskazuemoy Rossii!
Italyanets priezzhaet na mashine v Rossiyu i podsazhivaet k sebe beremennuyu zhenshchinu (Ruslanova), napravlyayushchuyusya rozhat v bolnitsu. Pozzhe ih dogonyaet na mototsikle ee muzh (Gostyuhin) i, zapihnuv mototsikl v bagazhnik, tozhe zalezaet v inostrannyy avtomobil. Kogda do bolnitsy ostaetsya vsego neskolko kilometrov, oni ponimayut, chto tuda im uzhe ne uspet...
• MKF industrialnyh filmov v Vashingtone - Gran-pri, priz rezhisseru i akteram, 1990
• MKF industrialnoy reklamy v Milane - Gran-pri, 1990
Dopolnitelnyy material (bonus-trek):
• Intervyu s avtorom stsenariya i rezhisserom N. Mihalkovym, kompozitorom E. Artemevym
• Filmografii
• Fotoalbom "Vnimanie, semka"
• Smotrite na DVD
Regionalnyy kod: 0
Zvukovye versii: Dolby Digital 5.1: Russkiy
Subtitrovye versii: Angliyskiy, Russkiy
Format izobrazheniya: Standard 4:3
Ugra. Territoriya lyubvi (Disk 3)
1991 g. 110 min.
Vzyav prakticheski anekdoticheskuyu zhiznennuyu situatsiyu o tom, kak stepnoy mongol poehal v gorod za sredstvami predohraneniya, tak kak po zakonu on ne imel prava imet bolshe troih detey, rezhisseru udalos sozdat proizvedenie iskusstva vysochayshey proby, nasyshchennoe istinnoy dobrotoy, chelovechnostyu i sostradaniem, propoveduyushchee terpimost i ponimanie mezhdu narodami bez edinoy falshivoy noty.
• 1991 - VENETsIANSKIY KINOFESTIVAL - Glavnyy priz
• 1992 - NIKA - Pobeditel v kategorii « Luchshaya rezhisserskaya rabota» Nikita Mihalkov
• 1992 - KINOTAVR - Glavnaya premiya po itogam reytinga - Priz prezidentskogo soveta
• 1993 - FELIKS - Luchshiy film.
Dopolnitelnyy material (bonus-trek):
• Intervyu s kompozitorom E. Artemevym.
• Dokumentalnyy syuzhet "Kultura i obychai mongolov".
• Fotografii so semochnoy ploshchadki.
• Filmografii.
Regionalnyy kod: 0
Zvukovye versii: Dolby Digital 5.1: Russkiy
Subtitrovye versii: Angliyskiy, Russkiy, Frantsuzskiy
Format izobrazheniya: Standard 4:3
Anna. Ot 6 do 18 (Disk 4)
1993 g. 100 min.
Etot film - pervaya chast semeynoy sagi Mihalkovyh-Konchalovskih ("Mama", "Otets"). Geroinya kartiny -doch kinorezhissera, Anna, - otvechaet na voprosy avtora na protyazhenii bolee chem 10 let svoey zhizni. Ee otvety perepletayutsya s arhivnymi kinokadrami, v kotoryh dyshit epoha. Puls istorii, evolyutsiya russkogo obshchestva, gibel Velikoy Imperii prelomlyayutsya cherez prizmu soznaniya vzrosleyushchego cheloveka, prizvannogo sohranyat traditsii dinastii...
Film rekomendovan dlya obyazatelnogo prosmotra na psihologicheskih fakultetah pedagogicheskih VUZov.
• MKF dokumentalnyh filmov v Leyptsige - «Serebryanyy golub», 1994
• Mezhdunarodnyy kinoforum slavyanskih i pravoslavnyh narodov «Zolotoy vityaz» - «Gran-pri, 1994
• Festival postsovetskogo kino «Listopad-94», Minsk - luchshiy film, 1994
Dopolnitelnyy material (bonus-trek):
• Intervyu s avtorom stsenariya i rezhisserom N. Mihalkovym, kompozitorom E. Artemevym, aktrisoy A. Mihalkovoy
• Filmografii
• Fotoalbom "Vnimanie, semka!"
• Smotrite na DVD
Regionalnyy kod: 0
Zvukovye versii: Dolby Digital 1.0: Russkiy
Subtitrovye versii: Angliyskiy, Russkiy
Format izobrazheniya: Standard 4:3
Utomlennye solntsem (Disk 5)
1994 g. 142 min.
Leto1936 goda. Legendarnyy komdiv Kotov, znamenityy voenachalnik i lyubimets lichno tovarishcha Stalina, otdyhaet s semey na zagorodnoy dache. Idilliyu doma s mezoninom narushaet vnezapnyy priezd Miti, byvshego vospitannika ottsa Marusi, zheny Kotova. Kogda-to Mitya s Marusey byli vmeste, stroili plany na budushchee. Segodnya Mitya, sotrudnichayushchiy s NKVD, priehal vzyat revansh... Film predlagaet oshchutit atmosferu "dolgogo schastlivogo dnya devochki, v kontse kotorogo uvodyat ee ottsa".
• Laureat premii «Oskar» v nominatsii "Luchshiy inoyazychnyy film" v 1994 godu.
• Gran-pri MKF v Kannah, 1994
• Gospremiya Rossii, 1994
• Gran-pri MKF "Yantarnaya pantera", spets. priz prezideta festivalya (Nade Mihalkovoy), Kaliningrad, 1994
• Priz Pressy za luchshiy film 1994 goda
Dopolnitelnyy material (bonus-trek):
• Intervyu s avtorom stsenariya i rezhisserom N. Mihalkovym, kompozitorom E. Artemevym
• Filmografii
• Fotoalbom
• Smotrite na DVD
Regionalnyy kod: 0
Zvukovye versii: Dolby Digital 5.1: Russkiy
Subtitrovye versii: Angliyskiy, Russkiy, Frantsuzskiy, Ispanskiy
Format izobrazheniya: Standard 4:3
Sibirskiy tsiryulnik (Disk 6)
1999 g. 177 min.
Deystvie kinoepopei proishodit v epohu imperatora Aleksandra III, redkiy dlya Rossii period bez revolyutsiy, voin i potryaseniy. "Sibirskiy tsiryulnik" - film ne o proshlom, a o vechnom dlya kazhdogo iz zriteley: o Zhizni i Smerti, Lyubvii Vere v torzhestvo Dobra.
• Gosudarstvennaya premiya RF, 1999
• Mezhdunarodnyy kinofestival slavyanskih i pravoslavnyh narodov «Zolotoy vityaz» (Belorussiya) - Gran-pri, 1999
Dopolnitelnyy material (bonus-trek):
• Zakadrovyy kommentariy k epizodam filma rezhissera Nikity Mihalkova i operatora Pavla Lebesheva.
• Dokumentalnye filmy "Na semkah filma" i "Kostromskoe VVU".
• Filmografii.
• Fotoalbom.
Regionalnyy kod: 0
Zvukovye versii: Dolby Digital 5.1: Russkiy
Subtitrovye versii: Angliyskiy, Russkiy, Frantsuzskiy, Ispanskiy, Italyanskiy, Portugalskiy, Gollandskiy, Shvedskiy, Ivrit, Arabskiy, Kitayskiy
Format izobrazheniya: WideScreen 16:9
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606777006694 |
204000017217 |
Release Date |
2006 |
Quantity per set |
6 |
Duration |
11 hours 43 minutes |
Sound | |
Format |
PAL DVD (Collector's Edition) (Digipak + Slipcase) |
Aspect Ratio | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Languages | |
Subtitles | |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Additional Information |
Russian- USSR - Italy - France - Czech Republic |
5 out of 5
Pirates of the 20Th century (Piraty XX veka) (RUSCICO)
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Rossiyskie voennye nachala XX veka (RUSCICO)
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The Savage Hunt of King Stach (Fr.: La Chasse sauvage du roi Stakh) (Dikaya ohota korolya Staha) (RUSCICO) (NTSC)
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Collection: Original Story by
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The Patriots (Fr.: Faubourg) (Outskirts) (Okraina) (Kino Academia. Vol. 13) (Hyperkino) (RUSCICO) (2 DVD)
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A Dog was walking on the piano (Fr.: Un chien marchait sur le piano) (Shla sobaka po royalyu) (RUSCICO)
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First Swallow (Fr.: Première hirondelle) (Pervaya lastochka) (RUSCICO)
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Bells of Autumn (Osennie kolokola) (RUSCICO)
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The Barber of Siberia (Fr.: Le Barbier de Sibérie) (Sibirskiy tsiryulnik) (RUSCICO)
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Father Frost (The Frosty) (The Crystal Star) (Jack Frost) (Fr.: Le Père Frimas) (Morozko) (PAL) (RUSCICO)
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Collection: Fairy Tales
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The Testament of Professor Dowell (Fr.: Le Testament du professeur Dowell) (Zaveshchanie professora Douelya) (PAL) (RUSCICO)
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Collection: Original Story by
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Barbara the Fair with the Silken Hair (The Fair Varvara) (Fr.: Barbara la fée aux cheveux de soie) (Varvara-krasa, dlinnaya kosa) (PAL) (RUSCICO)
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Stalker (RUSCICO) (2 DVD) (NTSC)
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Collection: Director
Mosfilm -
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The Turn of the Century (Fr.: Fin de siècle) (Konets veka) (2 DVD) (RUSCICO)
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Collection: Original Story by
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Lyubov and Other Nightmares (Fr.: Amour et autres cauchemars) (Lyubov i drugie koshmary) (RUSCICO)
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Station for two (Fr.: Une gare pour deux) (Vokzal dlya dvoih) (RUSCICO) (2 DVD)
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Destiny of a Man (Fate of a Man) (Fr.: Le Destin d’un homme) (Sudba cheloveka) (RUSCICO) (PAL)
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Distributor: RUSCICO