The Barber of Siberia (Fr.: Le Barbier de Sibérie) (Sibirskiy tsiryulnik) (RUSCICO)
Composer: Eduard Artemev
Script: Rustam Ibragimbekov
Camera: Pavel Lebeshev
1905, Jane Callaghan a once beautiful American writes to her son, a cadet at the famous West Point military academy. Her memories take us back 20 years to when she arrived in Russia to assist Douglas McCracken, an obsessive engineer who needs the Grand Duke's patronage to sponsor his invention - a massive machine to harvest the forests of Siberia.
On her travels, she meets two men who will change her life forever. A handsome young cadet, Andrey Tolstoy, with whom she shares a fondness of opera, and the powerful General Radlov who is spellbound by her beauty. The General wants her hand in marriage, and she knows she can use him to gain access to the Grand Duke.
Tolstoy and Radlov vie for the love of the woman with whom they are obsessed. She confides a deep secret to Tolstoy, promises to marry him, and together they spend a passionate night of love. But later he overhears Jane denying her interest in him to the General. Distraught, Tolstoy attacks the General who arrests his young rival on false charges and banishes him to Siberia.
Jane never gives up hope of finding Tolstoy, her true love. Years later, although by now married to McCracken, she returns to Russia to discover where he lives in Siberia. She goes to his home, a barber's shop, where she finds a spirit and happiness that leave her with the knowledge that the one thing she still has is her secret, which will forever tie her and her son to the huge mysterious country.
Special features:
* Filmographies and pictures of the film-makers and the starring cast
* Video interview with N. Mikhalkov, O. Menshikov, Julia Ormond;
* Off-scene commentary to fragments of other films by Nikita Mikhalkov and Pavel Lebeshev;
* Documentary video materials about the filming of the 'Barber of Siberia';
* Photo album with run-through and filming moments
Deystvie filma proishodit bolee sta let nazad, v gody pravleniya Aleksandra III. "Sibirskiy tsiryulnik" - parovaya samohodnaya lesopilka, zakaz na proizvodstvo kotoroy pytaetsya poluchit v rossiyskih gosudarstvennyh organah avantyurist Makkreken. Na podmogu k nemu napravlyaetsya obvorozhitelnaya Dzheyn, v chyu zadachu vhodit, izobrazhaya doch izobretatelya, shantazhirovat chinovnikov Komissii po tehnicheskim novovvedeniyam. Po puti ona znakomitsya s yunkerom Andreem Tolstym. Moskovskoy mishenyu Dzheyn stanovitsya nachalnik yunkerskogo uchilishcha, on zhe zamestitel predsedatelya Komissii, general Radlov. General vlyublyaetsya v prelestnuyu inostranku, ona zhe simpatiziruet Andreyu. Posledniy so vsem pylom russkogo ofitsera otvechaet ey vzaimnostyu. Razvyazka nastupaet...v teatre. Andrey, ispolnyayushchiy rol Figaro v studentseskoy postanovke "Sevilskogo tsiryulnika", v poryve revnosti pryamo so stseny brosaetsya na Radlova. Na bedu Andreya v zale nahodyatsya tsarevich Mihail i Velikiy knyaz Aleksey Aleksandrovich, v pokushenii na kotoryh Tolstogo i obvinyayut. Byvshego yunkera, zakovannogo v kandaly, otpravlyayut v Sibir. Udastsya li Andreyu kogda-nibud uvidet Dzheyn i...svoego syna?
Dopolnitelnyy material (bonus-trek):
* Zakadrovyy kommentariy k epizodam filma rezhissera Nikity Mihalkova i operatora Pavla Lebesheva.
* Intervyu s Nikitoy Mihalkovym i ispolnitelyami glavnyh roley Olegom Menshikovym i Dzhuliey Ormond.
* Dokumentalnye filmy "Na semkah filma" i "Kostromskoe VVU".
* Filmografii.
* Fotoalbom.
Also Known As (AKA):
El barbero de Siberia (Sibirskij cirjulnik) - Argentina / Spain
A szibériai borbély (Szibirszkij cirjulnyik) - Hungary
Barberaren i Sibirien - Sweden
Cyrulik syberyjski - Poland
Der Barbier von Sibirien - Germany
Ha-Sapar M'Siberia - Israel (Hebrew title)
Il barbiere di Siberia - Italy
Le barbier de Sibérie - France
O Barbeiro da Sibéria - Portugal
O koureas tis Sivirias - Greece
Sibéria (O barbeiro da Sibéria) - Brazil
Siberi habemeajaja - Estonia
Sibirski berberin - Serbia
Sibirya erberi - Turkey (Turkish title)
Siperian parturi, Siperian rakkaus - Finland
Lazebník sibiřský (Sibirskij cirjulnik) - Czech Republic
Sibirski brijač - Croatia
The Barber of Siberia - International (English title)
Сибірський цирульник (Sybirskyj cyrulnyk) - Ukraine
Сибирският бръснар (Sibirskiaat brsnar) - Bulgaria
Người thợ cạo Sibir - Vietnam
西伯利亚的理发师 - China
{transcription (linguistics) - transliteration - language form}: Sibirskiy tsiryulnik, Sibirskij cirjulnik, Sibirskij cirjul'nik, Sibirskij cirûl'nik, Sibirskij cirûlnik, Sibirskiĭ t͡siri͡ul'nik, Sibirskiy tsiryulnik, Sibirskiy tsiryul'nik, Sibirskiĭ tsiryul'nik, Sibirski zirjulnik, Sibirskij tsirjulnik, sibirsky cirulnik, sibirski zerulnik, sibirskij zirjulnik
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606777003211 |
204000001479 |
Release Date |
1998 |
Quantity per set |
1 |
Duration |
2 hours 57 minutes |
Sound | |
Format |
PAL DVD (Keep case) |
Aspect Ratio | WideScreen 16:9 (1.78:1) |
Languages | |
Subtitles |
English | Russian | French | Spanish | Italian | Portuguese | Dutch | Swedish | Hebrew | Arabic | Chinese |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Additional Information |
Russia - Czech Republic - Italy - France |
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