At Home Among Strangers, a Stranger Among his own (Fr.: Ami chez les ennemis, ennemi chez les siens) (Svoy sredi chuzhih, chuzhoy sredi svoih) (PAL) (RUSCICO)
Composer: Eduard Artemev
Script: Eduard Volodarskiy
Camera: Pavel Lebeshev
A debut of the world-famous director Nikita Mikhalkov, this film is an excellent model of a “western”, having a very ingenious plot, and, most importantly, being a hymn to men’s true friendship.
Special Freatures:
• Pictures and filmography of the film’s authors
• Candids from the shooting ground
• An interview with the director of photography P. Lebeshev and a leading actor S. Shakurov
• Teasers of the films coming next
Nezavidnaya uchast vypala krasnoarmejtsu SHilovu: ego podozrevayut v krazhe zolota. V golodnye 20-e gody pravitelstvo molodoj Sovetskoj respubliki sobiraet po vsej strane zoloto, chtoby na nego zakupat hleb za granitsej. I vot uzhe sobrannye dragotsennosti po doroge v Moskvu ischezayut iz bronirovannogo i ohranyaemogo vagona. SHilovu stanovitsya izvestno, chto tsennosti pohischeny banditami. CHtoby vosstanovit svoe dobroe imya, SHilov dolzhen vnedritsya v bandu. Dlya etogo emu neobhodimo stat svoim sredi chuzhih i razuznat, gde hranitsya pohischennoe zoloto.
Debyutnyj film vsemirno izvestnogo rezhissera Nikity Mihalkova yavilsya blestyaschim obraztsom vesterna, liho zakruchennoj intrigi, i, glavnoe, on stal gimnom nastoyaschej muzhskoj druzhbe.
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606777000579, 4606777006106, 4606777004010 |
204000011915 |
Release Date |
1974 |
Quantity per set |
1 |
Duration |
1 hour 37 minutes |
Sound | |
Format |
PAL DVD (Keep case) |
Aspect Ratio | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Languages | |
Subtitles |
English | French | Spanish | German | Italian | Portuguese | Dutch | Swedish | Hebrew | Arabic | Chinese | Japanese |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Additional Information |
Collection: Director |
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