The Star (Fr.: L'Etoile) (Zvezda) (RUSCICO) (NTSC)
Composer: Aleksej Rybnikov
Script: Evgeniy Grigorev
Camera: Yuriy Nevskiy
The Second World War in Russia. The year 1944. The “Star” is a radio call sign for a group of war scouts who went on an assignment behind the German front line. Having found the location of German tank concentration, they report to the headquarters, at the cost of their lives, about the impending attack.
Intense and dramatic, the film makes one realize who had won in that war, and at what price.
The movie’s superb directing, stunning cinematography and poignant, sensuous music immerse the viewer in the atmosphere of war, when just one erroneous step may lead to fatal consequences.
• State Prize of the Russian Federation, 2002
• National “Blockbuster” Award for Best Film in the category of video sales and video distribution
• NIKA Awards for Best Music, Best Sound and Discovery of the Year (actor I. Petrenko), 2002
• Participant of the official competition program at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival (Czechia), 2002
• Grand-Prix at the Russian Film Festivals in Honfleur and Nice (France), “KinoRurik” (Sweden), 2002
Special Freatures:
• Interviews with general producer and author of project idea K. Shakhnazarov and director N. Lebedev
• Deleted scenes
• Filmographies
• Photo album
Po povesti Emmanuila Kazakevicha.
Velikaya Otechestvennaya vojna. 1944 god. "Zvezda" - pozyvnye gruppy vojskovyh razvedchikov, ushedshih v rejd po nemetskim tylam. Obnaruzhiv mesto dislokatsii tankovyh vojsk, oni tsenoj svoej zhizni preduprezhdayut komandovanie o gotovyaschemsya nastuplenii.
Polnyj napryazheniya i dramatizma, film zastavlyaet vspomnit, kto i kakoj tsenoj pobedil v etoj vojne.
Velikolepnaya rezhissura kartiny, potryasayuschaya rabota opreatora i pronzitelnaya chuvstvennaya muzyka pogruzhayut zritelya v atmosferu vojny - kogda kazhdyj nevernyj shag privodit k rokovym posledstviyam.
• Gosudarstvennaya premiya RF, 2002
• Natsionalnaya premiya «Blokbaster» - za luchshij film v kategorii videoprodazh i videoprokata
• Prizy «Nika» za luchshuyu muzyku, luchshuyu rabotu zvukorezhissera, luchshij debyut (akter I. Petrenko), 2002
• Uchastnik ofitsialnoj programmy Mezhdunarodnogo kinofestivalya v Karlovyh Varah (CHehiya), 2002
• Gran-pri festivalej russkogo kino v Onflere i Nitstse (Frantsiya), «KinoRyurik» (SHvetsiya), 2002
Dopolnitelnyj material (bonus-trek):
• Intervyu s generalnym prodyuserom i avtorom proekta K. SHahnazarovym i rezhisserom N. Lebedevym
• Epizody, ne voshedshie v film
• Filmografii
• Fotoalbom
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606777006342 |
204000019584 |
Release Date |
2002 |
Quantity per set |
1 |
Duration |
1 hour 33 minutes |
Sound | |
Format |
NTSC DVD (Keep case) |
Aspect Ratio | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Languages | |
Subtitles | |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Additional Information |
Collection: War |
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