To the Stars by Hard Ways (Humanoid Woman) (Fr.: À travers les ronces vers les étoiles) (Cherez ternii k zvezdam) (RUSCICO)
Composer: Aleksej Rybnikov
Writer: Kir Bulychev
Camera: Aleksandr Rybin
Under Kir Bulychev and Richard Viktorov original scenario "Daughter of the universe" ("Doch kosmosa") and "The angels of the universe" ("Angely kosmosa")
1. Part "Nijya - the artificial person"
2. Part "Angel of the universe"
A fantastic film, which action occurs in XXIII century. From the distant planet Dessa the girl Nijja who has been created artificially comes to the earth. The civilisation on her planet dies in industrial waste and by the supremacy of the dwarf Turanchoks. The earthlings save the planet.
• Special Jury Prize "Silver asteroid" - ICF science-fiction films in Trieste (Italy), 1981
• USSR State Prize for the work of the childrens (1982)
• Vilnius University Award for best film on science - VKF in Vilnius, 1982
Coming soon on DVD:
- Preview trailers to films:
» Moskva – Kassiopeya
» Otroki vo Vselennoj
» Lilovyj shar
Samyj populyarnyj film 80-h. Devushki v SSSR striglis pod Nijyu, a muzyka Alekseya Rybnikova zvuchala so vseh katushechnyh magnitofonov.
Po originalnomu stsenariyu Kira Bulycheva i Richarda Viktorova «Doch kosmosa» i «Angely kosmosa».
1-ya seriya «Nijya - iskusstvennyj chelovek»
2-ya seriya «Angely kosmosa»
Ostrosyuzhetnyj fantasticheskij film, dejstvie kotorogo proishodit v XXIII veke. S dalekoj Dessy na Zemlyu popadaet Nijya – devushka, sozdannaya iskusstvennym putem. TSivilizatsiya na ee rodnoj planete pogibaet ot promyshlennyh othodov i totalitarnogo rezhima karlika Turanchoksa. Zemlyane spasayut bratev po razumu.
• Spetsialnyj priz zhyuri «Serebryanyj asteroid» - MKF nauchno-fantasticheskih filmov v Trieste, (Italiya), 1981
• Gosudarstvennaya premiya SSSR za proizvedeniya dlya detej (1982)
• Nagrada Vilnyusskogo universiteta za luchshij film na temu nauki - VKF v Vilnyuse, 1982
Smotrite na DVD:
- Reklamnye roliki k filmam:
» Moskva – Kassiopeya
» Otroki vo Vselennoj
» Lilovyj shar
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606777015313, 4606777016860 |
204000016489 |
Release Date |
1980 |
Quantity per set |
1 |
Duration |
2 hours 20 minutes |
Sound | |
Format |
NTSC DVD (Keep case) |
Aspect Ratio | WideScreen (1.77:1) |
Languages | |
Subtitles | |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Additional Information |
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