Moscow - Cassiopea (Moskva - Kassiopeya) (RUSCICO)

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Media: Genre: Fantasy
The famous fantastic film series of Richard Viktorov ("To the Stars by Hard Ways") and about adventures of the young astronauts (continuation – "Teens in the Universe").

From the depths of space on the ground reached an alarming signal of an unknown civilization. The project offered by young inventor Vitja Sereda, should allow the spaceship to reach distant planets. But flight will last 27 years, so that the spaceship can be taken only with children. Everything was carefully thought out, but the ill-behaved Fedja Lobanov has smuggled itself into the spaceship and by chance there has done what, so that suddenly the spaceship with superluminal flies and her target already in a few seconds to reach…

• International Film Festival in Moscow - Silver prize in the competition of children's films, 1975
• International Festival of the science-fiction films in Trieste (Italy) - Special Jury Prize, 1975
• International Film Festival for Children and Young People in Gijón (Spain) - Award "Platero", 1975
• International Union of Techical Cinematographic Associations UNIATEC in Moscow - Diploma, 1976
• All-Union Film Festival in Baku - Award for best children's film, 1974

Coming soon on DVD:
» Kollektsiya "Luchshee - detyam!"
» Otroki vo Vselennoj
» Lilovyj shar

Znamenitaya fantasticheskaya dilogiya Richarda Viktorova («CHerez ternii k zvezdam») o priklyucheniyah yunyh kosmonavtov (prodolzhenie – «Otroki vo Vselennoj»).

Iz glubin Vselennoj do Zemli doletaet trevozhnyj radiosignal razumnyh suschestv. Proekt, predlozhennyj yunym izobretatelem Vitej Seredoj, dolzhen pozvolit zemnomu zvezdolyotu dostich planety. No polyot prodlitsya 27 let, poetomu ekipazh kosmicheskogo korablya nabirayut iz shkolnikov. Vsyo tschatelno produmano, odnako tajkom probravshijsya na zvezdolyot huligan Fedya Lobanov, pomimo svoej voli ustraivaet tak, chto korabl, prevysiv skorost sveta, okazyvaetsya u tseli za neskolko sekund…

• MKF v Moskve - Serebryanyj priz v konkurse detskih filmov, 1975
• MKF fantasticheskih filmov v Trieste (Italiya) - Spetsialnaya premiya zhyuri, 1975
• MKF dlya detej i yunoshestva v Hihone (Ispaniya) - Premiya «Platero», 1975
• Mezhdunarodnyj tehnicheskij konkurs filmov v ramkah kongressa UNIATEK v Moskve – Diplom, 1976
• VKF v Baku - Premiya za luchshij detskij film (vmeste s filmom «Ozornye bratya»), 1974

Skoro na DVD:
» Kollektsiya "Luchshee - detyam!"
» Otroki vo Vselennoj
» Lilovyj shar

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