The Strike (Fr.: La Grève) (Stachka) (Kino Academia Vol. 4) (Hyperkino) (RUSCICO) (2 DVD)
Camera: Eduard Tisse
Unrest starts at a factory. The last straw was the suicide of a worker accused of stealing a micrometer. An inevitable fine and a many-month payment of the debt for the lost instrument would have ended in his death from hunger anyway. The dead man's comrades go on strike. The resentful crowd's actions are directed by the strike committee. They make a decision not to work until the strikers' demands are met: raising wages, improving labor conditions. The working-class settlement is threatened with hunger. The strike committee calls for patience and fortitude. To provoke the crisis, the management uses local hooligans. Brought to the point of despair, the crowd goes out in the street, where they're confronted with the Cossacks…
Silver Medal at the Paris Fair.
Film made in Hyperkino format with interactive academic commentaries.
Disc 1: Hyperkino annotated version (Russian and English)
Disc 2: Subtitled version (English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese)
HYPERKINO is a world premiere of the unique innovative method of the annotated and illustrated edition of films on contemporary digital formats. The method was developed by Natascha Drubek-Meyer and Nikolai Izvolov.
Pervyy polnometrazhnyy film klassika otechestvennogo kino Sergeya Eyzenshteyna rasskazyvaet sobiratelnuyu istoriyu zarozhdeniya i podavleniya stachki na odnom iz rossiyskih zavodov v epohu mezhdu dvumya revolyutsiyami. V «Stachke» v ego filmy vpervye vhodit tema revolyutsii i revolyutsionnyy montazh, formalnye eksperimenty soedinyayutsya s pravdivym pokazom byta, ekstsentrika - s tragizmom, voznikaet geroy-massa.
«Stachka» otrazhaet uvlechenie Eyzenshteyna tsirkom i frantsuzskimi avantyurno-priklyuchencheskimi filmami i otmechaet nachalo ego mnogoletnego sotrudnichestva s operatorom Eduardom Tisse. Spustya mnogo let Viktor Shklovskiy pisal o «Stachke»: «Kartina nastolko neobychna, ona nastolko neumela, chto istochaet genialnost».
Film v formate "giperkino" (Hyperkino).
Disk 1: Hyperkino kommentirovannaya versiya (Russkiy, Angliyskiy)
Disk 2: Versiya filma s subtitrami (Angliyskiy, Frantsuzkiy, Nemetskiy, Ispanskiy, Italyanskiy, Portugalskiy)
HYPERKINO yavlyaetsya mirovoy premeroy unikalnogo innovatsionnogo metoda kommentirovannogo i illyustrirovannogo izdaniya filmov na sovremennyh tsifrovyh nositelyah. Etot metod yavlyaetsya nauchnoy razrabotkoy Natashi Drubek i Nikolaya Izvolova.
Ceriya "Kinoakademiya" vpervye dast vozmozhnost prosmatrivat film, i poluchit podrobnye kommentarii luchshego spetsialista Bernarda Ayzenshittsa, v oblasti istorii i teorii kino. Kommentarii soprovozhdayutsya multimediynymi illyustratsiyami s ispolzovaniem unikalnyh arhivnyh i dokumentalnyh materialov, kotorye pozvolyat zritelyu pogruzitsya v atmosferu sozdaniya filma i epohu, ego porodivshuyu.
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606777016785, 4606777020867 |
204000017385 |
Release Date |
1925 |
Quantity per set |
2 |
Duration |
1 hour 34 minutes |
Sound | |
Format |
PAL DVD (Keep case) |
Aspect Ratio | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Languages | |
Subtitles |
English | Russian | French | Spanish | German | Italian | Portuguese |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Additional Information |
Distributor: RUSCICO |
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