Men and beasts (Lyudi i zveri) (2 DVD) (RUSCICO)
Composer: Pavel Chekalov
Camera: Vladimir Rapoport
One of the best films by Sergey Gerasimov. Too controversial for its time, the film was released at the end of Khrushchev’s tenure, and shortly after was shelved. The orthodox Party ideologues found it harmful… Apparently, because of its honest depiction of the West and the leading character’s views which are far from eulogizing communism. The in-depth characterization of people in the master’s work is truly astounding. Moreover, one gets a feeling that the author knows and understands everything about you as well, and he is at one with you. Characteristically for Gerasimov’s film, the actors look amazingly natural on the screen.
• 1962 box-office leader – 3rd place: 40.33+37.9 million viewers
Special features:
• Interview with actor S. Nikonenko
• Photo album "In memory of actress Tamara Makarova"
• Filmographies
Istoriya sovetskogo ofitsera Alekseya Pavlova, perenesshego nemetskij kontslager, saharnye plantatsii v Meksike i nischenskuyu zhizn v Germanii. Vo vremena hruschevskoj ottepeli on vozvraschaetsya na Rodinu.
Luchshij film Sergeya Gerasimova. Po tem vremenam slishkom ostryj, on vyshel na ekrany na ishode pravleniya Hruscheva i vskore byl polozhen na polku. Ortodoksalnye partijnye ideologi usmotreli v nem vrednye mysli… Nado dumat, i v loyalnom izobrazhenii Zapada, i v obraze geroya, dalekogo ot voshvaleniya kommunizma. Raskrytie glubiny cheloveka v etoj rabote mastera potryasaet, krome togo, skladyvaetsya oschuschenie, chto avtor i pro tebya vse znaet i ponimaet i pri etom s toboj zaodno. Kak vsegda u Gerasimova udivitelno estestvenno vedut sebya na ekrane aktery.
• Lider prokata (1962 god - 3 mesto): 40,33+37,9 mln. zr.
Dopolnitelnye materialy (Bonus-trek):
• Intervyu s akterom S. Nikonenko
• Fotoalbom «Pamyati aktrisy Tamary Makarovoj»
• Filmografii
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606777013739 |
204000015745 |
Release Date |
1962 |
Quantity per set |
2 |
Duration |
3 hours 20 minutes |
Sound | |
Format |
PAL DVD (Collector's Edition) (Digipak) |
Aspect Ratio | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Languages | |
Subtitles | |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Additional Information |
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