
Sergei Gerasimov: The Young Guard (Molodaya gvardiya). The Journalist (Zhurnalist). Men and beasts (Lyudi i zveri) (3 DVD) (RUSCICO)
Composer: Dmitri Shostakovich
Composer: Pavel Chekalov
Camera: Vladimir Rapoport
Camera: Igor Shatrov
One of the most famous and most honoured domestic film directors. The citizen, thinker and encyclopedist Gerasimov had the astonishing ability to say the new word in everything to that he devoted himself.
His films, each of those - the cult phenomena in art of time, have in many respects predetermined a realistic aesthetics in a domestic cinema.
The master of the monumental art, epic width of a narration possessed at the same time surprising feeling of the present, therefore in its each creation live breath of time is sharply felt.
The Young Guard (Molodaya gvardiya) (Disc 1)
1948, 162 min.
Based on a best-selling novel by Alexander Fadeyev, the film stars Vladimir Ivanov as Oleg Koshevol, a Russian teenager who nobly serves his mother-country during WW II. With the help of his friends, Oleg successfully sabotages Nazi installations and encampments -- over and over again.
• USSR State Prize I degree - director S. Gerasimov, operator B. Rapoport, actors S. Gurzo, V. Ivanov, I. Makarov, N. Mordjukova, V. Khokhryakov, L. Shagalova, 1948
The Journalist (Zhurnalist) (Disc 2)
1967, 215 min.
Yuri Aliabiev is a newspaper reporter who has been working in the letter-to-the-editor department for three years. He jumps at the chance to travel to a small town in the Ural region to substantiate the letters from a vitriolic female letter-writer named Anikina. Yuri learns that Anikina is full of hot air. He meets Djura, a pretty and opinionated country girl who is the object of Anikina's scorn, and Yuri falls in love with Djura, but she spurns his amorous advances. Later, he is assigned to Geneva and Paris, where he is befriended by the Yank writer Barton. Barton educates Yuri in the finer points of capitalism before he is transferred back to Moscow. He goes back to the small town to find Djura and finds she has been ostracized by the community because of her association with him.
• Film Festival in Moscow - Grand Prix (together with the Hungarian film "Father" by Ishtvan Sabo), 1967
Men and beasts (Lyudi i zveri) (Disc 3)
1962, 200 min.
A story about a Soviet officer, Alexei Pavlov, who has gone through a German concentration camp, Mexico’s sugar-cane plantations and a life of privation in Germany. In the times of Khrushchev’s “thaw”, he returns to his homeland.
One of the best films by Sergey Gerasimov. Too controversial for its time, the film was released at the end of Khrushchev’s tenure, and shortly after was shelved. The orthodox Party ideologues found it harmful… Apparently, because of its honest depiction of the West and the leading character’s views which are far from eulogizing communism. The in-depth characterization of people in the master’s work is truly astounding. Moreover, one gets a feeling that the author knows and understands everything about you as well, and he is at one with you. Characteristically for Gerasimov’s film, the actors look amazingly natural on the screen.
• 1962 box-office leader – 3rd place: 40.33 + 37.9 million viewers
Special features:
• Soon on DVD:
» From a collection of film studio "Gorky-Film-Studio"
» From a collection of film studio "Tsentrnauchfilm"
Odin iz samyh znamenityh i proslavlennyh otechestvennyh kinorezhisserov. Grazhdanin i myslitel, entsiklopedist, Gerasimov imel porazitelnuyu sposobnost skazat svoe, novoe slovo vo vsem, chemu on sebya posvyaschal.
Ego filmy, kazhdyj iz kotoryh – kultovoe yavlenie v iskusstve svoego vremeni, vo mnogom predopredelili realisticheskuyu estetiku v otechestvennom kinematografe.
Master monumentalnoj hudozhestvennoj formy, epicheskoj shiroty povestvovaniya obladal v to zhe vremya udivitelnym chuvstvom sovremennosti, poetomu v kazhdom ego tvorenii ostro oschuschaetsya zhivoe dyhanie vremeni.
1948 g., 162 min.
Po odnoimennomu romanu Aleksandra Fadeeva.
Iyul 1942 goda. CHasti Sovetskoj Armii ostavili shahterskij gorodok Krasnodon. Nemetskie tanki pererezali dorogu, i gruppa komsomoltsev vynuzhdena vernutsya domoj. V otvet na fashistskie zlodeyaniya molodezh sozdaet podpolnuyu organizatsiyu "Molodaya Gvardiya" i vedet protiv okkupantov skrytuyu vojnu. Blagodarya ih izobretatelnosti, otchayannoj smelosti i derzosti udayutsya samye opasnye i samye oshelomlyayuschie aktsii…
Film stal pamyatnikom yunym geroyam vojny! Imena molodogvardejtsev voshli v soznanie pokolenij. Podlinno tragedijnuyu mosch vnesla v kartinu muzyka Dmitriya SHostakovicha, opredelivshaya mrachnyj pafos finalnyh epizodov.
Film «Molodaya gvardiya» stal blestyaschim debyutom tselogo poslevoennogo pokoleniya otechestvennyh aktyorov.
Sredi assistentov rezhissyora Sergeya Gerasimova na etom filme byli Tatyana Lioznova i Samson Samsonov.
Samaya strashnaya stsena v kartine — kazn molodogvardejtsev. Eta stsena snimalas glubokoj nochyu v Krasnodone imenno u togo shurfa, kuda sbrasyvali rebyat. Na eti s'yomki prishli tysyachi lyudej so vseh okrestnostej, znavshie molodogvardejtsev, ved s'yomki prohodili vsego cherez pyat let posle sobytij. Kogda proiznosil rech aktyor Volodya Ivanov, igravshij Olega Koshevogo, mestnye zhiteli ne prosto plakali: oni rydali. Roditeli pogibshih rebyat padali v obmorok.
V 1948 godu za sozdanie filma vosem chelovek poluchili zvanie Laureata Stalinskoj premii 1-j stepeni, iz nih pyat chelovek na tot moment byli studentami.
• Gosudarstvennaya premiya SSSR I stepeni – rezhisser S. Gerasimov, operator V. Rapoport, aktery S. Gurzo, V. Ivanov, I. Makarova, N. Mordyukova, V. Hohryakov, L. SHagalova, 1948
1967 g., 215 min.
"Eta kartina… o sovestlivosti cheloveka, ob umenii razbiratsya v lyudyah, chuvstvovat svoyu otvetstvennost za vse, chto proishodit vokrug, o svoem dolge pered obschestvom, pered samim soboj…" (Sergej Gerasimov)
Preuspevayuschij stolichnyj zhurnalist edet v nebolshoj promyshlennyj gorod s tem, chtoby razobratsya v pismennyh zhalobah nekoj Anikinoj. Vstretivshis s avtorom pisem i devushkoj, kotoruyu ta obolgala, on ne srazu pojmet slozhnost situatsii i meru otvetstvennosti pered temi, kogo obyazan byl zaschischat...
• MKF v Moskve – Bolshoj priz (razdelil sovmestno s vengerskim filmom «Otets» Ishtvana Sabo), 1967
1962 g., 200 min.
Istoriya sovetskogo ofitsera Alekseya Pavlova, perenesshego nemetskij kontslager, saharnye plantatsii v Meksike i nischenskuyu zhizn v Germanii. Vo vremena hruschevskoj ottepeli on vozvraschaetsya na Rodinu.
Luchshij film Sergeya Gerasimova. Po tem vremenam slishkom ostryj, on vyshel na ekrany na ishode pravleniya Hruscheva i vskore byl polozhen na polku. Ortodoksalnye partijnye ideologi usmotreli v nem vrednye mysli… Nado dumat, i v loyalnom izobrazhenii Zapada, i v obraze geroya, dalekogo ot voshvaleniya kommunizma. Raskrytie glubiny cheloveka v etoj rabote mastera potryasaet, krome togo, skladyvaetsya oschuschenie, chto avtor i pro tebya vse znaet i ponimaet i pri etom s toboj zaodno. Kak vsegda u Gerasimova udivitelno estestvenno vedut sebya na ekrane aktery.
• Lider prokata (1962 god - 3 mesto): 40,33 + 37,9 mln. zr.
Dopolnitelnye materialy (Bonus-trek):
• Smotrite na DVD:
» Iz kollektsii kinostudii im. M.Gorkogo
» Iz kollektsii kinostudii "TSentrnauchfilm"
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606777015320 |
204000016704 |
Release Date |
1948 |
Quantity per set |
3 |
Duration |
9 hours 37 minutes |
Sound | |
Format |
PAL DVD (Collector's Edition) (Digipak) |
Aspect Ratio | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Languages | |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Additional Information |
Distributor: RUSCICO |
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