And Quiet Flows the Don (Tihiy Don) (RUSCICO) (4 DVD Box set)
Composer: Yuriy Levitin
Writer: Mihail Sholohov
Camera: Vladimir Rapoport
The film depicts the destinies of the Don Cossacks during the First World War and the Civil War in Russia. Cossack Grigory Melekhov lives in a village of Veshenskaya. He is in love with Aksynia, but on his father’s insistence, has to marry another girl. Finding out about his love affair with Aksynia, his young wife leaves home. Shortly before the war, Grigory and his beloved also leave the farm. While on the Austrian front, Grigory learns of the Czar’s abdication and of the end of the war. He is on his way home where Aksynia must be waiting for him.
• Crystal Globe at the Karlovy Vary IFF, 1958
Special Freatures:
• The Presentation of the Nobel Prize to M. Sholokhov
• The Making of “Quiet Flows the Don”
• Interview with Ataman I. Kononov
• Interview with actress E. Bystritskaya
• Interview with actress Z. Kiriyenko
• Cossack Songs and Dances
• “The Truth about ‘Quiet Flows the Don’” – a feature
Ekranizatsiya odnoimennogo romana sovetskogo pisatelya, laureata Nobelevskoj premii Mihaila SHolohova.
Odno iz vydayuschihsya proizvedenij rossijskogo kinematografa, s bolshoj hudozhestvennoj siloj i dostovernostyu vossozdayuschee dramaticheskie sobytiya, svyazannye s ustanovleniem sovetskoj vlasti na Donu i razrusheniem vekovogo uklada zhizni russkogo kazachestva. Istoricheskij, psihologicheskij i emotsionalnyj sterzhen filma – sudba donskogo kazaka Grigoriya Melehova i ego roda.
Na ekrane – surovaya pravda epohi, polnaya zhestokosti, smertelnoj vrazhdy, slomannyh sudeb, nepopravimyh oshibok, nevozvratimyh poter…
• MKF v Karlovyh Varah - Bol'shaya premiya «Hrustal'nyi Globus», 1958
• VKF v Moskve - Pervaya premiya i premiya za rejissuru, 1958
• Diplom gil'dii rejisserov SShA luchshemu inostrannomu fil'mu, 1958
• Diplomy mejdunarodnyh smotrov v Bryussele i Mehiko, 1958
• Luchshii fil'm 1958 g. po oprosam sovetskih kinozritelei i kritikov
Dopolnitel'nyi material (bonus-trek):
• Biografiya M. Sholohova
• Rabochie momenty
• Kadry iz fil'ma
• Fil'mografii
• Stat'ya o M. Sholohove
• Interv'yu s aktrisami E. Bystrickoi i Z. Kirienko, atamanom I. Kononovym
• Vruchenie M.A. Sholohovu Nobelevskoi premii
• Na s'emkah "Tihogo Dona"
• Pravda o "Tihom Done"
• Kazach'i pesni i tancy
• Tekstovye materialy o M.A. Sholohove
• Fil'mografii
• Fotoal'bom
• Smotrite na DVD
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606777006564 |
204000012447 |
Release Date |
1958 |
Quantity per set |
4 |
Duration |
7 hours 6 minutes |
Sound | |
Format |
PAL DVD (Collector's Edition) (Digipak + Slipcase) |
Aspect Ratio | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Languages | |
Subtitles |
English | Russian | French | Spanish | German | Italian | Portuguese | Dutch | Swedish | Hebrew | Arabic | Chinese | Japanese |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Age Rating | |
Additional Information |
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