Sergei Parajanov presents: Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors (Teni zabytyh predkov). Colour of Pomegranate (TSvet granata). The legend of the Surami fortress (Legenda o Suramskoj kreposti). Ashik-Kerib (Ashug-Karibi) (4 DVD) (RUSCICO)
Director: David Abashidze
Composer: Dzhansug Kahidze
Composer: Miroslav Skorik
Composer: Tigran Mansuryan
Composer: Dzhavanshir Kuliev
Script: Ivan Chendey
Script: Sayat Nova
Script: Vazha Gigashvili
Script: Giya Badridze
Writer: Mihail Lermontov
Writer: Mihail Kocyubinskiy
Camera: Yuriy Klimenko
Camera: Suren Shahbazyan
Camera: Yuriy Ilenko
Camera: Albert Yavuryan
1964, 93 min.
USSR, Dovzhenko Film Studio
Based upon the novella by Mikhail Kotsyubinsky.
Two Gutsul families had been warring for many years. But there came a day when Ivan fell in love with the beautiful Marichka of the enemy family… Ivan left the village to work as a hired laborer, and Marichka fell to her death in the deep of a river. Ivan could not forget his beloved, however hard he had tried. Not even the marriage to the beautiful Pelagea could save the situation. Only in his death rave Ivan would recover his happiness by touching the outstretched hands of his beloved.
• Mar del Plata IFF (Argentina) – Best Director Award and FIPRESCI Prize, 1965
• Salonika IFF (Greece) – “Gold Medal”, 1966
• British Film Academy Award, 1966
• All-Union Film Festival in Kiev – Special Jury Prize, 1966
Special features:
• Documentaries:
- "Andrei Tarkovsky and Sergey Paradzhanov. Islands"
- "Songs"
• Photo album
• Photo album "In Memory of Sergey Paradzhanov: Film & Collage"
• Filmographies
• Soon on DVD
Menu languages: English, Russian, French
Sound formats: Dolby Digital 5.1: Russian, Ukrainian; Mono: Ukrainian
Subtitles: English, Russian, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch
Colour of Pomegranate (TSvet granata) (Disc 2)
1968, 69 min.
USSR - Armenia, Armenfilm Studios
The film consists of a few film miniatures that tell of the life of the medieval Armenian poet Sayat-Nova: stories of his love, respect for religion, to secular power and people.
"The color of the pomegranate" - the unique cultural phenomenon. "Instead", the interesting history Paradzhanov has offered a series of picturesque masterpieces. Infinite freedom and graphic art film admires. However, in the context of the national film industry in the late sixties, is based on the principle of socialist realism, the film was felt to be a challenge and artistic provocation.
Special features:
• "Memoirs on Sajat-Nove"
• Photo album "In Memory of Sergey Paradzhanov: Film & Collage"
• Filmographies
• Soon on DVD
Menu languages: Russian
Sound formats: Dolby Digital 5.1: Russian, Armenian; Dolby Digital 2.0, Mono: Armenian
Subtitles: English, Russian, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch
The Legend of the Surami fortress (Legenda o Suramskoj kreposti) (Disc 3)
1984, 88 min.
USSR, Georgia-Film
This film is in memory of the Georgian warriors of all times who had given their lives for their country. It is based on an old Georgian legend: Preparing to defend their country from the onslaught of foreign conquerors, people started building a fortress, but each time the wall had reached the roof level, it collapsed. “The wall will hold if the most handsome young man is immured in it, ” predicted a fortune-teller. And forward stepped a young man who was ready to sacrifice his life for his country. Thanks to that self-sacrifice, the fortress was erected, and nothing and no one could ever destroy it.
Special features:
• Documentaries:
- About director S. Paradzhanov
- Actress V. Andjaparidze
- "Architecture of Ancient Georgia"
• Filmographies
• Photo album
Menu languages: English, Russian, French
Sound formats: Dolby Digital 5.1: Russian; Mono: Georgian
Subtitles: English, Russian, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese
Ashik-Kerib (Ashug-Karibi) (Disc 4)
1988, 73 min.
USSR, Georgia-Film
A romantic drama based on the poem of the same name by the great Russian poet Mikhail Lermontov.
“Ashik-Kerib” is one of Sergei Paradzhanov’s most brilliant motion pictures. The director succeeded in achieving the effect of polyphony of color and sound.
The screen looks like a real Oriental bazaar where you can come across anything you like, from antiques to cheap home-made kitsch.
Ashik-Kerib was a poor man, but he possessed a heart of gold and a beautiful voice. He played the saaza, a Turkish balalaika, glorifying the ancient heroes of Turkestan at weddings and other festivities. Once he met the beautiful Magul-Megheri, the daughter of a Turkish wealthy man, and fell in love with her. But would a rich man give his daughter to a poor man? Ashik-Kerib made a vow to go for a seven-year wandering around the world, and either become rich or die. If he is not back by the appointed date, Magul-Megheri will get married to another man…
• "Felix" Prize to production designers G. Alexi-Meskhishvili, N. Sandukeli and Sh. Gogolashvili, 1988
• "Nika" Prize - Best feature film directors, operators, costume designer (S.Paradzhanov), 1989
Special features:
• Biography of Mikhail Lermontov
• Documentaries about Mikhail Lermontov and Sergei Paradzhanov
• Photo album
• Filmographies
• Song Ashuga (Mugam)
Menu languages: English, Russian, French
Sound formats: Dolby Digital 5.1: Russian, Georgian
Subtitles: English, Russian, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese
Teni zabytyh predkov (Disk 1)
1964 g., 93 min.
SSSR, Kinostudiya im. A.P.Dovzhenko, Hudozhestvennyj kinofilm
Po odnoimennoj povesti M. Kotsyubinskogo.
«Teni…» Sergeya Paradzhanova proizveli podlinnuyu sensatsiyu, mir obrel novogo kinematograficheskogo geniya, davshego kinoiskusstvu avangardnyj i unikalnyj kinoyazyk «zhivopisnoj» ekspressii. Za 2 goda film sobral bolee 30 prizov na mezhdunarodnyh festivalyah v 21 strane. Fakt etot otmechen v Knige rekordov Ginnesa. Imya Paradzhanova vstalo v odin ryad s imenami Fellini, Antonioni, Godara, Kurosavy.
Desyatki let vrazhduyut dva drevnih gutsulskih roda. No sredi ozloblennosti i mesti zarozhdaetsya chistaya i svetlaya lyubov molodyh vetvej etih rodov – Ivana i Marichki. Mnogo ispytanij pridetsya preodolet vozlyublennym, prezhde chem oni soedinyatsya navsegda…
• MKF v Maardel-Plata (Argentina) - Premiya za rezhissuru i Priz FIPRESCI, 1965
• MKF v Salonikah (Gretsiya) - "Zolotaya medal", 1966
• Premiya Britanskoj kinoakademii, 1966
• VKF v Kieve - Spetsialnaya premiya zhyuri, 1966
• Gosudarstvennaya premiya Ukrainskoj SSR imeni T.SHevchenko rezhisyoru i stsenaristu S.Padzharovu (posmertno), operatoru YU.Ilchenko, akteru I.Mikolajchuku (posmertno), aktrise L.Kadochnikovoj, hudozhniku G.YAkutovichu, 1991
Dopolnitelnye materialy:
• Dokumentalnye filmy:
- "Andrej Tarkovskij i Sergej Paradzhanov. Ostrova"
- "Spivanochki"
• Fotoalbom
• Fotoalbom "Pamyati Sergeya Paradzhanova: Kino i Kollazhi"
• Filmografii
• Smotrite na DVD
Interaktivnoe menyu: Russkij, Anglijskij, Frantsuzskij
Zvukovye versii: Dolby Digital 5.1: Ukrainskij, Russkij (zakadr. perevod); Mono: Ukrainskij
Subtitrovye versii: Russkij, Anglijskij, Frantsuzskij, Ispanskij, Italyanskij, Nemetskij
TSvet granata (Disk 2)
1968 g., 69 min.
Armeniya - SSSR, Kinostudiya "Armenfilm", Hudozhestvennyj kinofilm
Kartina sostoit iz neskolkih kinominiatyur, povestvuyuschih o zhizni srednevekovogo armyanskogo poeta Sayat-Novy: istorii ego lyubvi, otnoshenii k religii, svetskoj vlasti, narodu.
«TSvet granata» — unikalnyj kulturnyj fenomen. Vmesto «interesnoj istorii» Paradzhanov predlozhil nabor zhivopisnyh shedevrov. Beskonechnaya svoboda, izobrazitelnoe velikolepie kartiny voshischali. Odnako v kontekste otechestvennoj kinoproduktsii kontsa shestidesyatyh, orientirovannoj na printsip sotsrealizma, film vosprinimalsya kak vyzov i hudozhestvennaya provokatsiya.
Dopolnitelnye materialy:
• "Vospominaniya o Sayat-Nove"
• Fotoalbom "Pamyati Sergeya Paradzhanova: Kino i Kollazhi"
• Filmografii
• Smotrite na DVD
Interaktivnoe menyu: Russkij
Zvukovye versii: Dolby Digital 5.1: Armyanskij, Russkij; Dolby Digital 2.0, Mono: Armyanskij
Subtitrovye versii: Russkij, Anglijskij, Frantsuzskij, Ispanskij, Italyanskij, Nemetskij
Legenda o Suramskoj kreposti (Disk 3)
1984 g., 88 min.
SSSR, Gruziya-film, Hudozhestvennyj kinofilm
V osnove ego lezhit drevnyaya gruzinskaya legenda: gotovyas k zaschite svoej strany ot napadeniya inozemnyh porabotitelej, narod vozvodil krepost, no kazhdyj raz, kogda stena dostigala urovnya kryshi, ona obrushivalas. "Stena vystoit, esli v nee budet zamurovan samyj prekrasnyj yunosha", - skazala gadalka. I nashelsya yunosha, kotoryj sovershil samopozhertvovanie radi spaseniya Otechestva. Blagodarya etoj zhertve krepost byla vozdvignuta, i nikto i nichto uzhe bolshe ne moglo ee razrushit.
Dopolnitelnye materialy:
• Dokumentalnye filmy:
- Intervyu s suprugoj S.Paradzhanova S.SCHerbatyuk
- Ob aktrise Veriko Andzhaparidze
- «Arhitektura Drevnej Gruzii»
• Filmografii
• Fotoalbom
Interaktivnoe menyu: Anglijskij, Russkij, Frantsuzskij
Zvukovye versii: Dolby Digital 5.1: Russkij (zakadr. perevod); Mono: Gruzinskij
Subtitrovye versii: Anglijskij, Russkij, Frantsuzskij, Ispanskij, Nemetskij, Italyanskij, Portugalskij, Gollandskij, SHvedskij, Ivrit, Arabskij, Kitajskij, YAponskij
Ashik-Kerib (Disk 4)
1988 g., 73 min.
SSSR, Gruziya-film, Hudozhestvennyj kinofilm
Romanticheskaya drama po motivam odnoimennoj poemy M.YU. Lermontova.
«Ashik-Kerib» – odna iz samyh yarkih kartin v tvorchestve Sergeya Paradzhanova. Rezhisseru udalos dobitsya effekta sovmescheniya tsveta i zvuka. Ekran budto upodoblyaetsya vostochnomu bazaru, gde mozhno vstretit vse chto ugodno, ot stariny do lubochnoj samodelnoj kartinki.
Ashik-Kerib byl beden, no u nego bylo dobroe serdtse i prekrasnyj golos. On igral na saaze – turetskoj balalajke, proslavlyaya drevnih vityazej Turkestana, vystupal na prazdnestvah i svadbah. Odnazhdy uvidel on krasavitsu Magul-Megeri, doch turetskogo bogacha, i polyubil ee. No razve vydast bogach svoyu doch za bednyaka? Ashik-Kerib poklyalsya sem let stranstvovat, chtoby nazhit bogatstvo ili umeret. Esli k naznachennomu sroku on ne vernetsya, Magul-Megeri vyjdet zamuzh za drugogo…
• Priz «Feliks» (Berlin) hudozhnikam filma G. Aleksi-Meshishvili, N. Sandukeli, SH. Gogolashvili, 1988
• Priz «Nika» - Luchshemu igrovomu filmu, rezhisseram, operatoru, hudozhniku po kostyumam (S.Paradzhanovu), 1989
Dopolnitelnye materialy:
• Videosyuzhet o S. Paradzhanove
• Biografiya M.YU. Lermontova i videosyuzhet o nem
• Fotoalbom
• Filmografii
• Pesn Ashuga (Mugam)
Interaktivnoe menyu: Russkij, Anglijskij, Frantsuzskij
Zvukovye versii: Dolby Digital 5.1: Russkij, Gruzinskij
Subtitrovye versii: Anglijskij, Russkij, Frantsuzskij, Ispanskij, Nemetskij, Italyanskij, Portugalskij, Gollandskij, SHvedskij, Ivrit, Arabskij, Kitajskij, YAponskij
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606777015245 |
204000016707 |
Release Date |
2009 |
Quantity per set |
4 |
Duration |
5 hours 22 minutes |
Sound |
Dolby Digital 5.1 | Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo | Dolby Digital 1.0 Mono |
Format |
PAL DVD (Collector's Edition) (Digipak) |
Aspect Ratio | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Languages | |
Subtitles |
English | Russian | French | Spanish | German | Italian | Portuguese | Dutch | Swedish | Hebrew | Arabic | Chinese | Japanese |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Additional Information |
USSR - Georgia - Armenia |
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