Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors (Fr.: Les Chevaux de feu) (Shadows of Our Ancestors) (Wild Horses of Fire) (Teni zabytykh predkov) (RUSCICO)
Composer: Miroslav Skorik
Script: Ivan Chendey
Writer: Mihail Kocyubinskiy
Camera: Yuriy Ilenko
Two Gutsul families – the Paliychuks and the Gutenyuks - had been warring for many years. But there came a day when Ivan Paliychuk fell in love with the beautiful Marichka of the enemy family… Ivan left the village to work as a hired laborer, and Marichka fell to her death in the deep of a river. Ivan could not forget his beloved, however hard he had tried. Not even the marriage to the beautiful Pelagea could save the situation. And only in his death rave Ivan would recover his happiness by touching the outstretched hands of his beloved.
• Mar del Plata IFF (Argentina) – Best Director Award and FIPRESCI Prize, 1965
• Salonika IFF (Greece) – “Gold Medal”, 1966
• British Film Academy Award, 1966
• All-Union Film Festival in Kiev – Special Jury Prize, 1966
Special features:
• Documentaries "Andrei Tarkovsky and Sergey Paradzhanov. Islands" (dir. L. Grigoryan, 2003, 40 min.) and "Songs" (dir.-cinematographer A. Antipenko. 8 min.)
• Filmographies
• Photo gallery
• Photo album “in memory of Sergey Paradzhanov”
• Comming soon on DVD
Po odnoimennoy povesti M. Kotsyubinskogo.
"Teni…" Sergeya Paradzhanova proizveli podlinnuyu sensatsiyu, mir obrel novogo kinematograficheskogo geniya, davshego kinoiskusstvu avangardnyy i unikalnyy kinoyazyk "zhivopisnoy" ekspressii. Za 2 goda film sobral bolee 30 prizov na mezhdunarodnykh festivalyakh v 21 strane. Fakt etot otmechen v Knige rekordov Ginnesa. Imya Paradzhanova vstalo v odin ryad s imenami Fellini, Antonioni, Godara, Kurosavy.
Desyatki let vrazhduyut dva drevnikh gutsulskikh roda. No sredi ozloblennosti i mesti zarozhdaetsya chistaya i svetlaya lyubov molodykh vetvey etikh rodov – Ivana i Marichki. Mnogo ispytaniy pridetsya preodolet vozlyublennym, prezhde chem oni soedinyatsya navsegda…
• MKF v Maardel-Plata (Argentina) - Premiya za rezhissuru i Priz FIPRESCI, 1965
• MKF v Salonikakh (Gretsiya) - "Zolotaya medal", 1966
• Premiya Britanskoy kinoakademii, 1966
• VKF v Kieve - Spetsialnaya premiya zhyuri, 1966
Dopolnitelnye materialy (Bonus-trek):
• Dokumentalnye Filmy "Andrey Tarkovskiy I Sergey Paradzhanov. Ostrova" (Rezh. L. Grigoryan, 2003 God, 40 Min.) I "Spivanochki" (Rezh.-Oper. A. Antipenko, 8 Min.)
• Fotoalbom "Pamyati Sergeya Paradzhanova"
• Filmografii
• Fotoalbom
• Smotrite Na DVD
Also Known As (AKA):
Tini zabutykh predkiv - (original title)
De vuurpaarden - Netherlands
Vlammende paarden - Belgium (Flemish title)
Os Cavalos de Fogo - Brazil
Schatten vergessener Ahnen - East Germany
Menneitten sukupolvien varjot Finland
Los corceles de fuego - Spain
Les chevaux de feu - France
Le ombre degli avi dimenticati - Italy
Los Cavals de fuòc - (Occitan title)
Stis skies ton xehasmenon progonon - Greece
Elfelejtett ősök árnyai - Hungary
Cienie zapomnianych przodków - Poland
Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors - USA
Feuerpferde - West Germany
Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors - International (English title)
Тіні забутих предків (Tіnі zabutih predkіv) - Ukraine
火の馬 (Hinoeuma) - Japan
Մոռացված նախնիների ստվերները - (Armenian title)
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606777010646 |
204000015410 |
Release Date |
1964 |
Quantity per set |
1 |
Duration |
1 hour 32 minutes |
Sound | |
Format |
PAL DVD (Keep case) |
Aspect Ratio | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Languages | |
Subtitles | |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Additional Information |
Collection: Director |
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