Murder in the country (Ubijstvo v dachnyj sezon)
Director: Sergey Rusakov
Producer: Vladislav Ryashin
Producer: Valentin Opalev
Ekaterina Semenova | Mariya Zvonareva | Aleksandr Klyukvin | Timofey Tribuncev | Vladimir Kapustin
Producer: Vladislav Ryashin
Producer: Valentin Opalev
0 out of 5
Media: DVD
Genre: Drama - Melodram > Melodram | Detektive/Crime
When Ilyana comes home from work one day to find an injured tramp outside her house, she feels sorry for him and decides to take care of him, bandaging his wounds and giving him medicine. She barely recognizes the man that comes to thank her some days later, for there before her, stands a clean, smart and undeniably handsome gentleman, Matvey.
It turns out that Matvey has fallen on some bad luck, losing his house in the process. Ilyana offers him a job as a watchman and they soon fall in love, however, Ilyana’s friend Vika does not approve of their relationship and convinces her son, Kostja that this imposter is not a suitable partner for his mother. So when all Ilyana’s relatives meet on the anniversary of her father’s death, she decides not to introduce her new lover to them and while they all go out for the evening, Matvey is left behind, alone. Meanwhile, Tonya, Ilyana’s neighbour’s lover has been viciously attacked and arrives at the village looking for help. Matvey calls an ambulance, but it arrives too late, and Tonya dies leaving Matvey under suspicion for her murder. Ilyana refuses to believe that Matvey was responsible for Tonya’s death and, with the help of her friends, finds witnesses who collaborate his alibi. After the police arrest the real culprit, Matvey’s name is cleared and their path to happiness is assured.
Nesmotrya na osennyuyu poru, Ulyana prodolzhaet zhit na dache. Kogda v ocherednoj raz ona priezzhaet tuda posle raboty, to zastaet v dome neznakomtsa – po vidu, formennogo bomzha. On ochen ploho sebya chuvstvuet, i Ulyana, podaviv brezglivost, pomogaet emu: perevyazyvaet ruku, daet lekarstva. Utrom on ischezaet, no na sleduyuschij den pered zhenschinoj predstaet sovershenno drugoj chelovek – opryatno odetyj i uhozhennyj. Matvej (tak zovut neznakomtsa) voleyu sudby okazalsya bez zhilya i dokumentov, no vstrechennyj im drug detstva pomog nemnogo s dengami . Ulyana predlagaet Matveyu ostatsya u nee storozhem na zimu (sama ona sobiraetsya pereezzhat v gorod), tot soglashaetsya, no vskore u nih nachinaetsya roman. Podruga Vika ne odobryaet eto, nastraivaet negativno i syna Ulyany Kostyu. Kogda vse blizkie sobirayutsya na dache po povodu godovschiny smerti Ulyaninogo ottsa, ta vse esche ne reshaetsya predstavit vsem Matveya – tot v odinochestve gulyaet u reki. Vecherom vse otpravlyayutsya v gorod, a na dachu prihodit molodaya zhenshina Tonya – lyubovnitsa soseda. Ona tyazhelo ranena v golovu, i poka Matvej begaet zvonit v «skoruyu» i militsiyu, ona umiraet. Podozreniya padayut na Matveya – a kak zhe, bomzh! No Ulyana i ee druzya pomogayut emu vyputatsya iz etoj istorii: nahodyat svidetelej, podtverzhdayuschih ego alibi. Nu a sledovateli, ne rastrativ ostatki poryadochnosti, nahodyat nastoyaschego ubijtsu, vypolnyavshemu «zakaz» zheny soseda po dache – foto hudozhnika Romanovskogo. Teper nichto uzhe ne pomeshaet Ulyane i Matveyu byt vmeste!
+Bonus "Volkodav" (2 serii)
It turns out that Matvey has fallen on some bad luck, losing his house in the process. Ilyana offers him a job as a watchman and they soon fall in love, however, Ilyana’s friend Vika does not approve of their relationship and convinces her son, Kostja that this imposter is not a suitable partner for his mother. So when all Ilyana’s relatives meet on the anniversary of her father’s death, she decides not to introduce her new lover to them and while they all go out for the evening, Matvey is left behind, alone. Meanwhile, Tonya, Ilyana’s neighbour’s lover has been viciously attacked and arrives at the village looking for help. Matvey calls an ambulance, but it arrives too late, and Tonya dies leaving Matvey under suspicion for her murder. Ilyana refuses to believe that Matvey was responsible for Tonya’s death and, with the help of her friends, finds witnesses who collaborate his alibi. After the police arrest the real culprit, Matvey’s name is cleared and their path to happiness is assured.
Nesmotrya na osennyuyu poru, Ulyana prodolzhaet zhit na dache. Kogda v ocherednoj raz ona priezzhaet tuda posle raboty, to zastaet v dome neznakomtsa – po vidu, formennogo bomzha. On ochen ploho sebya chuvstvuet, i Ulyana, podaviv brezglivost, pomogaet emu: perevyazyvaet ruku, daet lekarstva. Utrom on ischezaet, no na sleduyuschij den pered zhenschinoj predstaet sovershenno drugoj chelovek – opryatno odetyj i uhozhennyj. Matvej (tak zovut neznakomtsa) voleyu sudby okazalsya bez zhilya i dokumentov, no vstrechennyj im drug detstva pomog nemnogo s dengami . Ulyana predlagaet Matveyu ostatsya u nee storozhem na zimu (sama ona sobiraetsya pereezzhat v gorod), tot soglashaetsya, no vskore u nih nachinaetsya roman. Podruga Vika ne odobryaet eto, nastraivaet negativno i syna Ulyany Kostyu. Kogda vse blizkie sobirayutsya na dache po povodu godovschiny smerti Ulyaninogo ottsa, ta vse esche ne reshaetsya predstavit vsem Matveya – tot v odinochestve gulyaet u reki. Vecherom vse otpravlyayutsya v gorod, a na dachu prihodit molodaya zhenshina Tonya – lyubovnitsa soseda. Ona tyazhelo ranena v golovu, i poka Matvej begaet zvonit v «skoruyu» i militsiyu, ona umiraet. Podozreniya padayut na Matveya – a kak zhe, bomzh! No Ulyana i ee druzya pomogayut emu vyputatsya iz etoj istorii: nahodyat svidetelej, podtverzhdayuschih ego alibi. Nu a sledovateli, ne rastrativ ostatki poryadochnosti, nahodyat nastoyaschego ubijtsu, vypolnyavshemu «zakaz» zheny soseda po dache – foto hudozhnika Romanovskogo. Teper nichto uzhe ne pomeshaet Ulyane i Matveyu byt vmeste!
+Bonus "Volkodav" (2 serii)
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4260143132068 |
204000004031 |
Release Date |
2008 |
Quantity per set |
1 |
Duration |
1 hour 30 minutes |
Sound | |
Format |
PAL DVD (Keep case) |
Aspect Ratio | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Languages | |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Age Rating | |
Additional Information |
Russia |