Personally Known (Lichno izvesten) (RUSCICO)
Director: Erazm Karamyan
Composer: Arno Babadzhanyan
Script: Mark Maksimov
Camera: Ivan Dildaryan
He had to his record twenty years of underground work, six arrests, four death sentences... He lived and risked his life "in the name of the world revolution". Legends had been told about the fearless revolutionary's courage and inventiveness; thanks to him the most incredible assignments had been fulfilled...
The first part of the film trilogy ("Personally Known", "An Extraordinary Assignment", "Kamo's Last Exploit") about the professional revolutionary Simon Ter-Petrosyan, better known under the Party nickname of Kamo (1882-1922).
* All-Union Film Festival in Kiev – Prize, 1959;
* State Prize of the Armenian SSR in the field of cinema – to directors S. Kevorkov, E. Karamyan, cinematographer I. Dildaryan (for the films "Personally Known" and "An Extraordinary Assignment"), 1967
Special features:
* Filmography
* Soon on DVD
Pervaya chast istoricheskoy kinotrilogii ("Lichno izvesten", "Chrezvychaynoe poruchenie", "Posledniy podvig Kamo") o professionalnom revolyutsionere Simone Ter-Petrosyane, izvestnom pod partiynym psevdonimom Kamo (1882-1922).
"Hudozhnik revolyutsii" - tak nazyval Kamo pisatel Maksim Gorkiy! Za ego plechami bylo dvadtsat let podpolnoy raboty, shest arestov, chetyre smertnyh prigovora... On zhil i riskoval zhiznyu "vo imya mirovoy revolyutsii". O smelosti i izobretatelnosti besstrashnogo revolyutsionera hodili legendy, blagodarya emu vypolnyalis samye neveroyatnye zadaniya...
* VKF v Kieve - Priz, 1959
* Gosudarstvennaya premiya Armyanskoy SSR v oblasti kinematografii - rezhisseram S. Kevorkovu, E. Karamyan, operatoru I. Dildaryan (za filmy "Lichno izvesten" i "Chrezvychaynoe poruchenie"), 1967
* Filmografii
* Smotrite na DVD
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606777015726 |
204000017171 |
Release Date |
1958 |
Quantity per set |
1 |
Duration |
1 hour 41 minutes |
Sound | |
Format |
PAL DVD (Keep case) |
Aspect Ratio | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Languages | |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Additional Information |
Distribyutor: RUSCICO |
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