The Best of Times (Fr.: Le Meilleur moment de l'année) (Luchshee vremya goda) (RUSCICO)
Composer: Andrey Sigle
Script: Ivan Vyrypaev
Camera: Oleg Lukichev
Producer: Stanislav Ershov
• "Festival of Festivals" IFF in St. Petersburg – "Bronze Gryphon" Award "For Best Experimental Film", 2008
• Rotterdam IFF (The Netherlands) – Participant in the "Filmmaker in Focus" Special Program, 2008
• "Kinotavr" IFF – Participant in the Competition Program, 2008
Special features:
• An interview with the director S.Proskurin, with the operator O.Lukichev, with artist D.Alekseev, with the author of the script L.Vyrypaev
• Photo album
• Filmographies
"Kazhdaya russkaya zhenskaya sudba mozhet byt zavedomo oplakana…" I. Brodskiy
Molodoy paren, syn provodnitsy poezda dalnego sledovaniya Valentin bezumno lyubit svoyu devushku Valyu, i oni vpolne schastlivy vmeste. No odnazhdy v ih otnosheniya vmeshivaetsya sosedka Valentina - Katya, i s etogo momenta zhizn vseh troih kruto menyaetsya…
• MKF «Festival festivaley» v Sankt-Peterburge - Priz «Bronzovyy Grifon» «Za luchshiy eksperimentalnyy film», 2008
• MKF v Rotterdame (Niderlandy) - Uchastnik spetsialnoy programmy Filmmaker in Focus, 2008
• MKF «Kinotavr» - Uchastnik konkursnoy programmy, 2008
Bonus - trek:
• Intervyu s rezhisserom S. Proskurinoy, operatorom O. Lukichevym, hudozhnikom D. Alekseevym, avtorom stsenariya I. Vyrypaevym
• Filmografii
• Fotoalbom
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606777016235 |
204000017207 |
Release Date |
2007 |
Quantity per set |
1 |
Duration |
1 hour 33 minutes |
Sound | |
Format |
PAL DVD (Digipak) |
Aspect Ratio | CinemaScope WideScreen 16:9 (2.35:1) |
Languages | |
Subtitles | |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Age Rating | |
Additional Information |
Russia |
5 out of 5
Pirates of the 20Th century (Piraty XX veka) (RUSCICO)
€14,99Collection: Director
Gorky Film Studio
0 out of 5
Rossiyskie voennye nachala XX veka (RUSCICO)
€14,99Distributor: RUSCICO
Russkiy istoricheskiy kanal
0 out of 5
The Savage Hunt of King Stach (Fr.: La Chasse sauvage du roi Stakh) (Dikaya ohota korolya Staha) (RUSCICO) (NTSC)
€12,99Distributor: RUSCICO
Collection: Original Story by
0 out of 5
The Patriots (Fr.: Faubourg) (Outskirts) (Okraina) (Kino Academia. Vol. 13) (Hyperkino) (RUSCICO) (2 DVD)
Mezhrabpomfilm -
0 out of 5
A Dog was walking on the piano (Fr.: Un chien marchait sur le piano) (Shla sobaka po royalyu) (RUSCICO)
Gorky Film Studio -
0 out of 5
First Swallow (Fr.: Première hirondelle) (Pervaya lastochka) (RUSCICO)
Pirveli mertskhali -
0 out of 5
Bells of Autumn (Osennie kolokola) (RUSCICO)
€14,99Collection: Fairy Tales
Gorky Film Studio -
0 out of 5
The Barber of Siberia (Fr.: Le Barbier de Sibérie) (Sibirskiy tsiryulnik) (RUSCICO)
€16,99Russia - Czech Republic - Italy - France
Barrandov, Le Studio Canal+, France 2 Cinema, Goskino Rossii, Medusa Produzione, Studiya `TriTe`, Camera One
5 out of 5
Father Frost (The Frosty) (The Crystal Star) (Jack Frost) (Fr.: Le Père Frimas) (Morozko) (PAL) (RUSCICO)
€12,99Distributor: RUSCICO
Collection: Fairy Tales
Gorky Film Studio
0 out of 5
The Testament of Professor Dowell (Fr.: Le Testament du professeur Dowell) (Zaveshchanie professora Douelya) (PAL) (RUSCICO)
€11,99Distributor: RUSCICO
Collection: Original Story by
5 out of 5
Barbara the Fair with the Silken Hair (The Fair Varvara) (Fr.: Barbara la fée aux cheveux de soie) (Varvara-krasa, dlinnaya kosa) (PAL) (RUSCICO)
€12,99Collection: Fairy Tales
Distributor: RUSCICO
Gorky Film Studio
5 out of 5
Stalker (RUSCICO) (2 DVD) (NTSC)
€24,99Distributor: RUSCICO
Collection: Director
Mosfilm -
0 out of 5
The Turn of the Century (Fr.: Fin de siècle) (Konets veka) (2 DVD) (RUSCICO)
€26,99Studiya "Panorama"
0 out of 5
Djamila (Jamilya) (Dzhamilya) (RUSCICO)
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Collection: Original Story by
5 out of 5
Lyubov and Other Nightmares (Fr.: Amour et autres cauchemars) (Lyubov i drugie koshmary) (RUSCICO)
Dream Scanner, St. Petersburg
0 out of 5
Station for two (Fr.: Une gare pour deux) (Vokzal dlya dvoih) (RUSCICO) (2 DVD)
€24,99Collection: Director
Produktion: Mosfilm -
0 out of 5
Destiny of a Man (Fate of a Man) (Fr.: Le Destin d’un homme) (Sudba cheloveka) (RUSCICO) (PAL)
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Distributor: RUSCICO