Yevdokiya (Evdokiya) (RUSCICO)
Composer: Leonid Afanasev
Script: Vera Panova
Camera: Petr Kataev
Camera: Zhozef Martov
The beautiful, if a bit dissolute, Yevdokiya, disregarding the public opinion, has a love affair with a grocery salesman – the white-toothed Tatar named Akhmed. But there came a day when the cheerful Akhmed went away, leaving Yevdokiya alone. It is hard to say what the girl’s life would have been if she hadn’t met the taciturn and steady Yevdokim, a man who had already gone through many hardships…
A kind and insightful film, one of those that you can watch both in the difficult periods of life and in its happy moments. In difficult times it will help recover faith in people and in your own strength; in happy ones it will serve as another confirmation that life is beautiful, people are good and happiness is possible.
This first film hit of T. Lioznova (“Three Poplars at Plyushchikha”, “Seventeen Moments of Spring”) made all the women in the Soviet Union weep, regardless of their age, family or social status. And one of the most high-positioned of them, USSR Minister of Culture Ye. Furtseva (1961-1974), named it her favorite movie.
Memorable quote: “I’m no mother to him but a snake!”
* One of the 1961 box-office leaders – 34.4 million viewers
Special features:
* Interview with actor N. Lebedev
* Filmographies
* Photo album «Actress Ludmila KHITYAYEVA»
Kinopovest po odnoimennomu proizvedeniyu Very Panovoj, dejstvie kotoroj proishodit s 20-e po 60-e gg. proshlogo veka.
Krasivaya, no besputnaya Evdokiya, nevziraya na lyudskuyu molvu, krutit lyubov s prikazchikom iz bakalejnoj lavki, belozubym tatarinom Ahmetom. No odnazhdy veselyj Ahmet uezzhaet, i Evdokiya ostaetsya odna. Neizvestno kak slozhilas by zhizn molodoj devushki, esli by ne vstrecha s chelovekom trudnoj sudby, molchalivym i stepennym Evdokimom…
Svetlaya i glubokaya lenta, iz teh, chto mozhno smotret i v trudnye momenty zhizni, i v ee schastlivye mgnoveniya. V pervom sluchae, chtoby vernulas vera v lyudej i v sobstvennye sily, vo vtorom – dlya podtverzhdeniya, chto zhizn prekrasna, lyudi krasivy, schaste est.
Nad pervym gromkim kinohitom T. Lioznovoj («Tri topolya na Plyuschihe», «Semnadtsat mgnovenij vesny») plakali vse zhenschiny Sovetskogo Soyuza, nezavisimo ot vozrasta, semejnogo i sotsialnogo polozheniya. A dlya samoj glavnoj iz nih, ministra kultury SSSR (1961-1974) E. Furtsevoj on stal samym lyubimym filmom.
TSitata na pervuyu stranitsu: «YA emu ne mat, a ehidna! »
* Odin iz liderov prokata 1961 g. – 34,4 mln. zritelej
Bonus - trek:
* Intervyu s akterom N. Lebedevym
* Filmografii
* Fotoalbom
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606777008544 |
204000015746 |
Release Date |
1961 |
Quantity per set |
1 |
Duration |
1 hour 46 minutes |
Sound | |
Format |
PAL DVD (Digipak) |
Aspect Ratio | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Languages | |
Subtitles | |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Additional Information |
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