The big space travel (Bolshoe kosmicheskoe puteshestvie) (RUSCICO)
Composer: Aleksej Rybnikov
Script: Sergey Mihalkov
Camera: Vladimir Arhangelskiy
Three students has been selected for a space flight for the first time with children takes place. Under the management of the ship "Astra", children with firmness overcome all dangers of the mission: meteoric attack, gas leak. And at the end of the trip, students learn the secret of the adults on their flight...
Composer Alexei Rybnikov and poet Igor Kohanovski had been wrote romantic songs for the film, originally performed by VIA "Vernye druzya". At that time the songs were musical hits. Already in 1974, circulation records with music from the film more than a hundred thousand. Songs "Ty mne verish ili net?" ("Do you believe me or not?") and "Mlechnyj put" ("Milky Way") is now frequently performed on the Russian radio.
Coming soon on DVD:
- Preview trailers to films:
» Seriya "Luchshee - detyam!"
» Lilovyj shar
» Moskva – Kassiopeya
» Otroki vo Vselennoj
Ekranizatsiya pesy Sergeya Mihalkova «Pervaya trojka, ili God 2001».
Troe shkolnikov vybrany dlya pervogo kosmicheskogo poleta s uchastiem detej. Upravlyaya korablem «Astra», rebyata stojko preodolevayut vse opasnosti svoej missii: meteoritnuyu ataku, utechku gaza. I v itoge uznayut skryvaemuyu vzroslymi tajnu ih rejsa...
Kompozitorom Alekseem Rybnikovym i poetom Igorem Kohanovskim dlya filma byli napisany neskolko romantichnyh pesen, pervonachalno ispolnennyh VIA «Vernye druzya». V itoge pesni stali hitami muzyki togo vremeni. Uzhe v 1974 g. tirazh plastinok s muzykoj iz filma prevysil sotnyu tysyach. Pesni «Ty mne verish ili net?» i «Mlechnyj put» i po nastoyaschee vremya chasto ispolnyayutsya na rossijskom radio.
Smotrite na DVD:
- Reklamnye roliki k filmam:
» Seriya "Luchshee - detyam!"
» Lilovyj shar
» Moskva – Kassiopeya
» Otroki vo Vselennoj
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606777015122, 4606777019144 |
204000016490 |
Release Date |
1974 |
Quantity per set |
1 |
Duration |
1 hour 2 minutes |
Sound | |
Format |
NTSC DVD (Keep case) |
Aspect Ratio | CinemaScope WideScreen 16:9 (2.35:1) |
Languages | |
Subtitles | |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Additional Information |
Distributor: RUSCICO |
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