Chasing Two Hares (Fr.: Derrière deux lièvres) (Za dvumya zaytsami) (RUSCICO)
Composer: Vadim Gomolyaka
Writer: Starickiy S
Writer: Mihail Starickiy
Camera: Vadim Ilenko
Svirid Petrovich Golokhvasty had his own barbershop in town and a reputation of a dandy. Once, after losing everything he had at cards, he decided to remedy his financial situation by a profitable marriage. A rich but ugly girl named Pronya Serko fell for the illustrious suitor’s courtship…One of the best national comedies – you can watch it again and again – it never fails to lift your spirits. Here is a lucky confluence of the great literary source, the charm of an authentic Ukrainian color, the talented cast’s performance full of sparkling humor, and something else, so elusive and hard to define, yet, definitely, indispensable for making a true masterpiece.…
Years after, the film’s jokes and puns would still be remembered, a monument to the lead characters of the popular picture would be put up on the Andreyevsky Hill (with a never-ending throng of tourists coming), and for a 2003 New Year program the TV Channel One would produce a musical remake of it starring the most popular personalities of Russian show business (Alla Pugachyova, Verka-Serdyuchka, Maxim Galkin).
DVD Features:
* Interview with A. Onopriyenko, daughter of actress M. Krinitsyna
* Making of…
* Filmographies
* Photo album
* Coming soon on DVD
Po odnoimennomu vodevilyu M. Staritskogo.
Svirid Petrovich Golohvastyj derzhal v gorode sobstvennuyu tsiryulnyu i slyl bolshim modnikom. Odnazhdy, proigravshis v karty, on reshil popravit svoi dela vygodnoj zhenitboj. Bogataya, no ochen nekrasivaya devitsa Pronya Serko s radostyu prinyala uhazhivaniya blestyaschego kavalera… Odna iz luchshih otechestvennyh komedij – smotret ee mozhno skolko ugodno – nastroenie podnimaetsya neizmenno. Tut vse kak-to schastlivo soedinilos: i genialnaya literaturnaya osnova, i ocharovanie nastoyaschego ukrainskogo kolorita, i polnaya iskrometnogo yumora igra talantlivyh akterov, i chto-to esche, neulovimoe, trudnoformuliruemoe, no, nesomnenno, obyazatelnoe dlya rozhdeniya nastoyaschego shedevra.…
Projdut gody: shutki i ostroty iz etogo filma ne zabudutsya, na Andreevskom spuske v Kieve glavnym personazham lyubimoj kartiny ustanovyat pamyatnik (okolo kotorogo vsegda budut tolpitsya turisty), a dlya odnoj iz novogodnih programm 2003 g. Pervyj Kanal snimet muzykalnyj rimejk s uchastiem samyh populyarnyh zvezd rossijskogo shou-biznesa (Ally Pugachevoj, Verki-Serdyuchki, Maksima Galkina).
Dopolnitelnyj material (bonus-trek):
* Intervyu s docheryu aktrisy M. Krinitsinoj A. Onoprienko
* O s'emkah filma
* Filmografii
* Fotoalbom
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606777009770 |
204000015714 |
Release Date |
1961 |
Quantity per set |
1 |
Duration |
1 hour 12 minutes |
Sound | |
Format |
NTSC DVD (Keep case) |
Aspect Ratio | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Languages | |
Subtitles | |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Additional Information |
Distributor: RUSCICO |
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