Little Alexander (Fr.: Alexandre le petit) (Alexandr malenky) (RUSCICO)
Composer: Eduard Artemev
Script: Valentin Ezhov
Script: Kretchmar Ingeburg
Camera: Sergey Filippov
In May 1945, in the little town of Blankenheim on the liberated territory of Germany, Soviet soldiers successfully carry out a two-day operation of rescuing German orphaned children from the attack of a group of wehrwolfs. Together with a woman working for a Berlin newspaper, they help organize a children’s home, to which a baby, abandoned by the refugees, is brought, and the Soviet soldiers name him Little Alexander.
A thoughtful and sincere film by director Vladimir Fokin (“The Detective”), which strikes a chord on most intimate human feelings. The little children’s acting is amazing; it is supported by such recognized masters as Boris Tokarev (“Two Captains”), Yuri Nazarov (“Little Vera”), Mikhail Kokshenov (“The Most Charming and Attractive”) and Nikolai Skorobogatov (“Formula of Love”).
• XV All-Union Film Festival in Tallinn – Best Directing Award to V. Fokin
• Children’s Jury Award, 1982
• Dovzhenko Silver Medal for creating a work on a heroic-patriotic theme, 1982
• II Festival of Young Filmmakers of the Gorky Film Studio – Top Prize for a feature film, 1982
Special features:
• Interview with director V. Fokin
• Photo album “Vladimir Fokin on the set”
• German color newstreels
• Filmographies
Po motivam realnyh sobytij.
V mae 1945 goda na osvobozhdennoj territorii Germanii, v nebolshom gorodke Blankengajme v techenie dvuh dnej sovetskie soldaty uspeshno provodyat operatsiyu po spaseniyu nemetskih detej-sirot ot napadeniya gruppy vervolfovtsev. Vmeste s sotrudnitsej berlinskoj gazety oni pomogayut v organizatsii detskogo doma, kuda prinosyat grudnogo rebenka, podbroshennogo bezhentsami i nazvannogo sovetskimi soldatami Aleksandrom Malenkim.
Ochen glubokij i iskrennij film rezhissera Vladimira Fokina («Syschik»), zatragivayuschij samye sokrovennye chelovecheskie chuvstva. Malenkie aktery igrayut udivitelno organichno, a pomogayut im v etom takie priznannye mastera, kak Boris Tokarev («Dva kapitana»), YUrij Nazarov («Malenkaya Vera»), Mihail Kokshenov («Samaya obayatelnaya i privlekatelnaya») i Nikolaj Skorobogatov («Formula lyubvi»).
• XV VKF v Talline – Priz rezhisseru V. Fokinu za luchshuyu rezhissuru
• Priz detskogo zhyuri, 1982
• Serebryanaya medal im. A. Dovzhenko za sozdanie proizvedeniya na geroiko-patrioticheskuyu temu, 1982
• II Festival molodyh kinematografistov kinostudii im. M. Gorkogo - Glavnyj priz po razdelu hudozhestvennyh filmov, 1982
Bonus - trek:
• Intervyu s rezhisserom V. Fokinym
• Fotoalbom «rabochie momenty Vladimira Fokina
• Nemetskaya tsvetnaya kinohronika
• Filmografii
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606777010820, 4606777014170 |
204000015753 |
Release Date |
1981 |
Quantity per set |
1 |
Duration |
1 hour 34 minutes |
Sound | |
Format |
Aspect Ratio | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Languages | |
Subtitles | |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Additional Information |
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