A Dog was walking on the piano (Fr.: Un chien marchait sur le piano) (Shla sobaka po royalyu) (RUSCICO)
Composer: Aleksej Rybnikov
Script: Viktoriya Tokareva
Camera: Petr Kataev
Films by V. Grammatikov, the last classic of the Soviet children’s cinema, are as much enjoyed today as they were many years ago. The triumph of kindness, gentle irony and radiant humour just cannot but attract. The musical comedy “A Dog Was Walking on the Piano” repeated the box-office success of “The Mustached Nanny”, though, artistically, proved more accomplished. Somewhat strange, with an amazing craziness, seemingly realistic, but actually not, serious and funny at once – this film was clearly a forerunner of the colourful world of Emir Kusturica.
• XI IFF in Moscow – Golden Prize to a children’s film; Diploma of the USSR Composers’ Union for music to a children’s feature film – to composer A. Rybnikov, 1979
• XII All-Union Film Festival in Ashkhabad – Award to Best Comedy Film, 1979
• International Festival of Films for Children and Youth in Jijona – Award to the director, 1979
• International Festival of Films for Children in Lausanne (Switzerland) – Honorary Diploma, 1981
Special features:
• Interview with director V. Grammatikov
• Filmographies
• Photo album
• Soon on DVD
SHestnadtsatiletnyaya Tanya Kanarejkina reshila kruto izmenit zhizn. Dlya nachala ona vlyubilas v letchika, kotoryj igral na trube i imel grustnye i mechtatelnye glaza. Iz-za nego Tanya perestala druzhit s Mishej, kotorogo znala s detstva. Misha nravilsya ej, no byl sovsem ne romantichnym…
Filmy V. Grammatikova, poslednego klassika sovetskogo detskogo kino, segodnya smotryatsya s tem zhe interesom, chto i mnogo let nazad. Torzhestvo dobra, myagkaya ironiya i svetlyj yumor ne mogut ne prityagivat. Muzykalnaya komediya «SHla sobaka po royalyu» povtorila kassovyj uspeh «Usatogo nyanya», no v hudozhestvennom vyrazhenii byla na bolee vysokom urovne. Strannaya, s udivitelnoj sumasshedshinkoj, vrode by realisticheskaya, a vrode by i net, sereznaya i smeshnaya odnovremenno - ona sovershenno osyazaemo yavilas predtechej yarkogo mira Emira Kusturitsy.
• XI MKF v Moskve - Zolotoj ppiz filmu dlya detej; Diplom Soyuza kompozitorov SSSR za muzyku k detskomu hudozhestvennomu filmu – kompozitoru A. Rybnikovu, 1979
• XII VKF v Ashhabade - Priz za luchshuyu kinokomediyu, 1979
• MKF filmov dlya detej i yunoshestva v Hihone - Priz rezhisseru, 1979
• MKF filmov dlya detej v Lozanne (SHvejtsariya) - Pochetnyj diplom, 1981
Dopolnitelnye materialy (Bonus-trek):
• Intervyu s rezhisserom V. Grammatikovym
• Filmografii
• Fotoalbom
• Smotrite na DVD
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606777011551 |
204000015716 |
Release Date |
1978 |
Quantity per set |
1 |
Duration |
1 hour 5 minutes |
Sound | |
Format |
PAL DVD (Digipak) |
Aspect Ratio | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Languages | |
Subtitles | |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Additional Information |
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