The Flight (Beg) (2 DVD) (RUSCICO) (NTSC)
Director: Aleksandr Alov
Composer: Nikolay Karetnikov
Writer: Mihail Bulgakov
Camera: Levan Paatashvili
The 1920s Civil War in Russia. Routed by the Red Army, the panic-stricken White Guards were fleeing the country. Like a headlong avalanche, they carried along those who wouldn’t accept the new power. Among many who fled abroad from the Crimea were Roman Khludov, head of the general staff of Wrangel’s Army, a hangman and executioner; Sergei Golubkov, a university professor; Serafima Korzukhina, wife of a St. Petersburg business man who renounced her to save his own skin, and others. Their lives in a foreign land took different turns, but they were all destined to go through a bitter re-evaluation of their former ideals and personal dramas.
One of the world’s best screen adaptations of M. Bulgakov’s prose – his novels “The Flight” and “White Guard” and libretto “The Black Sea” dedicated to
M. Frunze.
Literary consultant of the film – the author’s widow Yelena Bulgakova.
Special Freatures:
• Interviews with directors V. Naumov and A. Askoldov, actor M. Ulyanov;
• Videos “The Bulgakov Museum in Kiev”, “Kremlin Archives”;
• Photo album;
• Filmographies;
• Working moments and sketches;
• Coming soon on DVD
When the DVD is played in Russian language, subtitles cannot be turned off in this edition.
Film sozdan po motivam proizvedeniy russkogo pisatelya Mihaila Bulgakova.
V 20-e gody nashego stoletiya v Rossii shla grazhdanskaya voyna. Pod natiskom Krasnoy Armii panicheski bezhala belaya gvardiya. Slovno stremitelnaya lavina uvlekala ona za soboy teh, kto ne hotel miritsya s novoy vlastyu. Iz Kryma bezhal za granitsu Roman Hludov, nachalnik generalnogo shtaba armii Vrangelya, veshatel i palach; bezhal Sergey Golubkov, privat-dotsent; bezhala Serafima Korzuhina, zhena peterburgskogo kommersanta, kotoryy otreksya ot nee, spasaya sobstvennuyu shkuru, i mnogie drugie. Po-raznomu slozhilis ih sudby na chuzhbine, no vsem prishlos perezhit krushenie bylyh idealov i lichnuyu dramu.
Odna iz luchshih v mirovom kinematografe ekranizatsiy prozy M. Bulgakova - romanov "Beg", "Belaya gvardiya" i posvyashchennogo M. Frunze libretto "Chernoe more".
Literaturnyy konsultant filma - vdova pisatelya Elena Bulgakova.
Dopolnitelnyy material (bonus-trek):
• Intervyu s rezhisserami V. Naumovym i A. Askoldovym, akterom M. Ulyanovym;
• Videosyuzhety: «Bulgakovskiy muzey v Kieve», Kremlevkiy arhiv;
• Fotoalbom;
• Filmografii;
• Rabochie momenty i eskizy;
• Smotrite na DVD
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606777006939 |
204000012539 |
Release Date |
1970 |
Quantity per set |
2 |
Duration |
3 hours 17 minutes |
Sound | |
Format |
NTSC DVD (Keep case) |
Aspect Ratio | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Languages | |
Subtitles | |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Additional Information |
Collection: Original Story by |
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