Moscow does not Believe in Tears (Fr.: Moscou ne croit pas aux larmes) (Moskva slezam ne verit) (RUSCICO) (2 DVD)
Composer: Sergey Nikitin
Script: Valentin Chernyh
Camera: Igor Slabnevich
• Grand Prize at the IFF in Portugal, 1980
• Oscar for Best Foreign Film, 1980
• Saint-Michel Prize for best Actress (Vera Alentova) at the Brussels IFF, 1981
Special Freatures:
• Pictures and filmography of the film’s authors
• Candids from the shooting ground
• A documentary about Moscow
• An interview with the leading actresses V. Alentova, I. Muravyova, R. Ryazanova
• An interview with the director V. Menshov
• An interview with the script writer V. Chernykh
• An interview with the composer S. Nikitin
Laureat premii Oskar v nominacii "luchshij zarubezhnyj fil'm". Melodrama o treh zhenskih sud'bah. Podruzhki Antonina, Ljudmila i Ekaterina priehali v Moskvu v poiskah svoej mechty. Oni zhivut v odnoj komnate v obwezhitii, rabotajut na odnom i tom zhe predprijatii, vmeste provodjat svobodnoe vremja. Antonina vskore vyhodit zamuzh za horoshego cheloveka i obretaet svoe schast'e v sem'e. Dlja Ljudmily Moskva - jeto svoego roda lotereja, v kotoroj vazhno vytjanut' schastlivyj biletik, chtoby povezlo. Ona pytaetsja pokorit' jetot ogromnyj gorod, no ostaetsja v proigryshe. Zhizn' Kateriny, tret'ej iz podrug, - jeto istorija sovremennoj Zolushki. Na ee dolju prishlos' mnogo razocharovanij, no ona ne stala otchaivat'sja. Za dvadcat' let ona sdelala bol'shuju kar'eru, stav direktorom krupnogo predprijatija, odna rastit doch'. I odnazhdy vstrechaet svoju sud'bu: na smenu dolgim godam gorechi i odinochestva prihodit nastojawee zhenskoe schast'e...
• Glavnaja premija na MKF v Portugalii, 1980;
• Premija "Oskar" za luchshij inostrannyj fil'm, 1981;
• Priz "Sen-Mishel'" za luchshee ispolnenie zhenskoj roli (aktrisa Vera Alentova) na MKF v Brjussele,1981
Dopolnitel'nyj material (bonus-trek):
• Fotografii i fil'mografii sozdatelej fil'ma.
• Fotografii rabochih momentov s#emok fil'ma.
• Dokumental'nyj fil'm o Moskve.
• Interv'ju s ispolnitenicami glavnyh rolej: V. Alentovoj, I. Murav'evoj i R. Rjazanovoj.
• Interv'ju s rezhisserom-postanovwikom V. Men'shovym. Interv'ju so scenaristom fil'm V. Chernyh.
• Interv'ju s kompozitorom i ispolnitelem pesen S. Nikitinym.
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606777000678 |
204000011887 |
Release Date |
1979 |
Quantity per set |
2 |
Duration |
2 hours 20 minutes |
Sound | |
Format |
PAL DVD (Keep case) |
Aspect Ratio | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Languages | |
Subtitles |
English | Russian | French | Spanish | German | Italian | Portuguese | Dutch | Swedish | Hebrew | Arabic | Chinese | Japanese |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Additional Information |
Collection: Director |
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