Once upon a time twenty years after (Odnazhdy dvadtsat let spustya) (RUSCICO)
Composer: Robert Rozhdestvenskiy
Composer: Mark Fradkin
Script: Arkadiy Inin
Camera: Nikolay Puchkov
Camera: Aleksandr Kovalchuk
Natalya Gundareva was one of the most famous Soviet screen stars of the 1970s-1980s. An actress of polyphonic gift, she portrayed, more often than not, women who were not very fortunate in love. The entire country sympathized with the ill luck of her Nadka (“Hello and Goodbye”) and citizen Nikanorova, the hard-earned happiness of Vera (“Dormitory Provided for Singles”) and Nina (“Autumn Marathon”), the wretched life of the “Sweet Woman”… In this lyrical family epic, Gundareva’s heroine is for once truly and unconditionally happy. And it so much becomes her!
• XXI IFF in Avellino (Italy) – Grand Prize “Laceno d’Oro”, 1981
• IX IFF of Red Cross and Red Crescent in Varna (Bulgaria) – Best Actress Award to N. Gundareva, 1981
• XIV All-Union Film Festival in Vilnius – Prize for a Lyrical Comedy to the creative film group, 1981
Special features:
• Interviews with screenwriter A. Inin, actor V. Proskurin
• Video “Natalya Gundareva”
• Filmographies
• Photo album “In Memory of Natalya Gundareva: Theatre”
Na semkah televizionnoy peredachi vstretilis byvshie odnoklassniki. Slava – arhitektor, Anya – uchenyy, Marina – aktrisa, Tolya – voennyy moryak… Tolko starosta Nadya Kruglova nichego ne dostigla, a byla prosto mamoy desyateryh ryzhih sorvantsov…
V 70-80–e gg. Natalya Gundareva - odna iz samyh znamenityh zvezd sovetskogo ekrana. Aktrisa polifonicheskogo darovaniya chashche vsego igrala v kino ne ochen udachlivyh v lyubvi zhenshchin. Vsya strana soperezhivala neustroennosti ee Nadki («Zdravstvuy i proshchay») i grazhdanki Nikanorovoy, trudnomu schastyu Very («Odinokim predostavlyaetsya obshchezhitie») i Niny («Osenniy marafon), goremykanyu «sladkoy zhenshchiny»… V etoy semeyno-liricheskoy epopee geroinya Gundarevoy vpervye po-nastoyashchemu bezogovorochno schastliva. I eto bylo ey ochen k litsu!
• XXI MKF v Avellino (Italiya) – Bolshoj priz «Zolotoe plato», 1981
• IX MKF filmov Krasnogo Kresta i Krasnogo Polumesyatsa v Varne (Bolgariya) – Priz za luchshee ispolnenie zhenskoj roli aktrise N. Gundarevoj, 1981
• XIV VKF v Vilnyuse – Priz za liricheskuyu komediyu tvorcheskomu kollektivu, 1981
Dopolnitelnye materialy (Bonus-trek):
• Intervyu s avtorom stsenariya A. Ininym, akterom V. Proskurinym
• Videosyuzhet «Natalya Gundareva»
• Filmografii
• Fotoalbom «Pamyati Natali Gundarevoj: Teatr»
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606777011544, 4606777014101 |
204000015749 |
Release Date |
1980 |
Quantity per set |
1 |
Duration |
1 hour 18 minutes |
Sound | |
Format |
PAL DVD (Keep case) |
Aspect Ratio | WideScreen 16:9 (1.78:1) |
Languages | |
Subtitles | |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Additional Information |
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