A Simple story (Prostaya istoria) (1960) (RUSCICO)
Composer: Mark Fradkin
Script: Budimir Metalnikov
Camera: Igor Shatrov
Even if the story were only about how Sasha Potapova was heroically raising her collective farm, this would have been a wonderful movie anyway, because every dramaturgical turn, every character touch and camera shot is invested with a powerful and unconquerable truth of life. But, actually, the film is about love, the kind of love without which “to live on earth, perhaps, is easier, but how can one live without love…” (“Song about Love” to music by Mark Fradkin became very popular upon the film’s release). And the brilliant performance by Nonna Mordyukova (her best role) and Mikhail Ulyanov makes this film an instant classic that will endure.
Quote: “You’re a good man, but not an eagle!”
• 1960 box-office leader – 46.8 million viewers. The top-grossing Soviet film (65th place in all history of national cinema).
Special features:
• From an interview with Mikhail Ulyanov
• Photo album “in memory of Mikhail Ulyanov: film. theatre. life”
• Filmographies
Okonchilas vojna. Kak i mnogie ee podrugi ostalas Sasha Potapova vdovoj. Trudno bylo bez muzhskogo plecha ryadom, bez laski, no nikto i nikogda ne videl ee slez i otchayaniya. Za silnyj harakter odnoselchane vybrali ee predsedatelem kolhoza. Za zabotami i hlopotami pochti pozabylis i lichnoe gore, i zhenskaya neustroennost. A potom prishla lyubov – gorkaya, nerazdelennaya i vse-taki schastlivaya…
Dazhe, esli by film byl tolko pro to, kak Sasha Potapova geroicheski podnimala svoj kolhoz, eto vse ravno byla by zamechatelnyya kartina, potomu chto v kazhdom dramaturgicheskom hode, shtrihe haraktera, operatorskom plane prisutstvovala moschnaya i neistrebimaya pravda zhizni. No film byl, na samom dele, pro lyubov, pro tu, bez kotoroj «zhit na zemle, byt mozhet, prosto, no kak na svete bez nee prozhit…» («Pesnya o lyubvi» na muzyku Marka Fradkina stala ochen populyarnoj posle vyhoda kartiny). I to, kak sygrali ee Nonna Mordyukova (ee luchshaya rol) i Mihail Ulyanov delaet film, kak govoryat amerikantsy, instant classic, kartinoj, kotoraya ostanetsya!
TSitata: «Horoshij ty muzhik, no ne orel! »
• Lider 1960 g. – 46,8 mln. zritelej. Samyj kassovyj film sovetskogo kino (65-e mesto za vsyu istoriyu otechestvennogo kinoprokata)!
Dopolnitelnye materialy (Bonus-trek):
• Intervyu s Mihailom Ulyanovym
• Fotoalbom «Pamyati Mihaila Ulyanova: kino. teatr, zhizn»
• Filmografii
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606777013340, 4606777021598 |
204000015752 |
Release Date |
1960 |
Quantity per set |
1 |
Duration |
1 hour 24 minutes |
Sound | |
Format |
Aspect Ratio | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Languages | |
Subtitles | |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Additional Information |
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