Tomorrow Was the War (Fr.: Demain c’était la guerre) (Zavtra byla voyna) (RUSCICO)
Composer: Antonio Vivaldi
Script: Boris Vasilev
Camera: Vadim Semenovyh
The year is 1940. A small provincial town. A 9-year schoolgirl, Vika Lyuberetskaya, recites poems by the “banned” poet Sergey Yesenin. Soon her father is arrested as “an enemy of the people”. The girl gets hunted at school after that, and she commits suicide. And tomorrow the war starts and almost all of yesterday’s schoolchildren are to die in its fire…
The film’s soundtrack includes music of the 1930s and works by Antonio Vivaldi.
• IFF in Koszalin (Poland) – Top Prize “Grand Amber”, 1987
• IFF in Manheim – Special Jury Prize, 1987
• IFF in Valladolid (Spain) – Grand Prix “Golden Spike”, 1987
• IFF “Film Meetings in Dunkirque” (France) – Grand Prix, 1988
• A. Dovzhenko Gold Medal to director Yuri Kara, screenwriter Boris Vasilyev, actors Sergey Nikonenko and Nina Ruslanova, 1988
• “Nika” Award to actress Nina Ruslanova (for the films “Tomorrow Was the War”, “Sign of Misfortune”, “Brief Encounters”), 1987
Special features:
• Interviews with director Yu. Kara and actor S. Nikonenko;
• Filmographies;
• Photo Album;
• Coming Soon on DVD
V filme, po motivam odnoimennoj povesti klassika otechestvennoj literatury Borisa Vasileva («…A zori zdes tihie», «Ofitsery»), s porazitelnoj dostovernostyu vossozdana atmosfera SSSR 30-40 godov, odnovremenno i voshischayuschaya, i uzhasayuschaya, i ottogo – zavorazhivayuschaya i manyaschaya…
1940 god. Malenkij provintsialnyj gorod. Devyatiklassnitsa Vika Lyuberetskaya chitaet stihi «zapreschennogo» poeta Sergeya Esenina. Vskore kak «vraga naroda» arestovyvayut ee ottsa. V shkole nachinaetsya travlya devochki i ona konchaet zhizn samoubijstvom. A zavtra - vojna i bolshinstvu shkolnikov suzhdeno pogibnut v ee ogne…
• MKF v Koshaline (Polsha) - Glavnyy priz «Bolshoy yantar», 1987
• MKF v Mangeyme - Spetsialnyy priz zhyuri, 1987
• MKF v Valyadolide (Ispaniya) - Gran-pri «Zolotoy kolos», 1987
• MKF «Kinovstrechi v Dyunkerke» (Frantsiya) - Gran-pri, 1988
• Zolotaya medal imeni A. Dovzhenko - udostoeny rezhisser Yuriy Kara, stsenarist Boris Vasilev, aktery Sergey Nikonenko, Nina Ruslanova), 1988
• Priz Kinoakademii «Nika» - aktrise Nine Ruslanovoy (za filmy «Zavtra byla voyna», «Znak bedy», «Korotkie vstrechi»), 1987
Dopolnitelnyy material (bonus-trek):
• Intervyu s rezhisserom Yu. Karoy, akterom S. Nikonenko;
• Filmografii;
• Fotoalbom;
• Smotrite na DVD
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606777007134 |
204000013870 |
Release Date |
1987 |
Quantity per set |
1 |
Duration |
1 hour 25 minutes |
Sound | |
Aspect Ratio | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Languages | |
Subtitles | |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Additional Information |
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