Showing 20 results
Barkhanov and His Bodyguard (Barhanov i ego telohranitel)
Kinostudiya Krug
Goskomkino Rossii
Crime and Punishment (Fr.: Crime et châtiment) (Prestuplenie i nakazanie) (RUSCICO) (3 DVD Box Set) (NTSC)
€24,99Distributor: RUSCICO
Collection: Original Story by
Gorky Film Studio
The Legend of the Surami fortress (Fr.: La légende de la forteresse de Souram) (Legenda o Suramskoy kreposti) (RUSCICO)
€14,99Collection: Director
Moscow - Cassiopea. Teens in the Universe (Moskva - Kassiopeya. Otroki vo Vselennoy) (RUSCICO) (2 DVD)
€29,99Collection: Science fiction
Gorky Film Studio -
Dark Eyes (Black Eyes) (Fr.: Les Yeux noirs) (Oci ciornie) (RUSCICO)
€15,99Russia - Italy
Radiotelevisione Italiana (RAI)
Hitch-hiking (Avtostop) (Fr.: Auto-stop) (RUSCICO)
€16,99USSR - Italy - Switzerland
Filmstudio `TriTe`