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The Hot Snow (Goryachiy sneg) (Fr.: La Neige brûlante) (RUSCICO) (NTSC)
€12,99Distributor: RUSCICO
Collection: War
Zolotaya seriya kinostudii. Vypusk 10. Ryabinovye nochi. Pora krasnyh yablok. Noch predsedatelya. Poet zemlya Buryatskaya
Sverdlovskaya kinostudiya
Moscow - Cassiopea. Teens in the Universe (Moskva - Kassiopeya. Otroki vo Vselennoy) (RUSCICO) (2 DVD)
€29,99Collection: Science fiction
Gorky Film Studio -
The Ballad of Bering and his friends (Fr.: La Ballade de Bering et ses amis) (Ballada o Beringe i ego druzyah) (RUSCICO)
Produktion: Gorky Film Studio
Seventeen Moments of Spring (Fr.: Dix-sept moments du printemps) (Semnadtsat mgnoveniy vesny) (6 DVD) (RUSCICO)
Gorky Film Studio
Gosteleradio USSR