
Childhood of Maxim Gorky (Fr.: L'Enfance de Gorki) (Gorky Trilogy I) (Detstvo Gorkogo) (RUSCICO)
Composer: Lev Shvarc
Script: Ilya Gruzdev
Camera: Petr Ermolov
…The late 19th century. The city of Nizhny Novgorod. Wharves, the Volga accent, songs and people – good and bad, wretched and cruel. That was the atmosphere in which Alyosha Peshkov, the future great Russian writer Maxim Gorky, spent his childhood.
…His life in the Kashirin family was not easy: his uncles’ constant squabbling and fights for inheritance, beatings for a slightest fault. Only one person, his grandmother Akulina Ivanovna, pities the boy. After his grandfather got absolutely ruined, Alyosha had to earn his living himself. And he goes “into the world”…
“Donskoy’s film is one of the noblest works produced in the USSR before the war…”
(critic Jay Leyda)
The role of Alyosha Peshkov was the first and only film work of Alexei Lyarsky, who was killed near Leningrad in 1943.
• USSR State Prize, 2nd Degree for the films "Childhood of Maxim Gorky" and "My Apprenticeship" to director Mark Donskoy, actress Varvara Massalitinova, 1941
• IX IFF at Venice (Italy) Italian Journalists; Special Prize to the trilogy ("Childhood of Maxim Gorky", "My Apprenticeship", "My Universities"), 1948
• IFF at Stockholm (Sweden) - First Prize to the trilogy ("Childhood of Maxim Gorky", "My Apprenticeship", "My Universities"), 1949
• XI IFF at Edinburgh (Great Britain) - British Film Critic Richard Winnington Award for 1954 to the Gorky film trilogy ("Childhood of Maxim Gorky", "My Apprenticeship", "My Universities"), 1955
DVD Features:
• Text material about writer Maxim Gorkiy
• Maxim Gorkogo's Speech
• Photo album "Mark Donskoy"
• Filmographies
• Soon on DVD:
» Collection: "Film School" (Kinoshkola)
» From the collection of the Gorky Film Studio
» Collection: "Nikita Mikhalkov. Selected" (Nikita Mihalkov. Izbrannoe)
Pervaya chast izvestnoj kinotrilogii Marka Donskogo po motivam avtobiograficheskih povestej Maksima Gorkogo (vtoraya chast – «V lyudyah», tretya – «Moi universitety»).
...Konets 19 veka. Nizhnij Novgorod. Pristani, volzhskij govor, pesni i lyudi – durnye i horoshie, neschastnye i zhestokie. V etoj atmosfere proshlo detstvo Aleshi Peshkova, vposledstvii velikogo russkogo pisatelya Maksima Gorkogo.
...Tyazhelo zhilos emu v seme Kashirinyh: rugan, draki dyadev iz-za nasledstva, poboi za malejshie provinnosti. Tolko odin chelovek – babushka Akulina Ivanovna – zhaleet malchika. Kogda ded okonchatelno razorilsya, Alesha vynuzhden zarabatyvat na zhizn sam. I on uhodit «v lyudi»…
«Film Donskogo – odno iz samyh blagorodnyh proizvedenij, postavlennyh v SSSR do vojny…»
(kritik Dzhej Lejda)
Rol Aleshi Peshkova – pervaya i edinstvennaya rabota v kino Alekseya Lyarskogo, pogibshego v 1943 g. pod Leningradom.
• Gosudarstvennaya premiya SSSR II stepeni za filmy "Detstvo Gorkogo" i "V lyudyah" rezhisseru Marku Donskomu, aktrise Vere Masalitinovoj, 1941
• IX MKF v Venetsii (Italiya) - Spetsialnaya premiya trilogii ("Detstvo Gorkogo", "V lyudyah", "Moi universitety") italyanskih zhurnalistov, 1948
• MKF v Stokgolme (SHvetsiya) - Pervaya premiya trilogii ("Detstvo Gorkogo", "V lyudyah", "Moi universitety"), 1949
• XI MKF v Edinburge (Angliya) - Premiya imeni anglijskogo kinokritika Richarda Uinningtona za 1954 g. trilogii o Gorkom ("Detstvo Gorkogo", "V lyudyah", "Moi universitety"), 1955
Dopolnitelnye materialy:
• Tekstovyj material o pisatele Maksime Gorkom
• Rech Maksima Gorkogo
• Fotoalbom "Kinorezhiser Mark Donskoj"
• Filmografii
• Smotrite na DVD:
» Kollektsiya: "Kinoshkola"
» Iz kollektsii kinostudii im. M. Gorkogo
» Kollektsiya: "Nikita Mihalkov. Izbrannoe"
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606777014910 |
204000016782 |
Release Date |
1938 |
Quantity per set |
1 |
Duration |
1 hour 36 minutes |
Sound | |
Format |
PAL DVD (Keep case) |
Aspect Ratio | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Languages | |
Subtitles |
English | Russian | French | Spanish | German | Italian | Portuguese |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Additional Information |
Distributor: RUSCICO |
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