My Universities (Fr.: Mes universités) (University of Life) (Gorky Trilogy III) (Moi universitety) (RUSCICO)
Composer: Lev Shvarc
Camera: Petr Ermolov
Alyosha Peshkov comes to Kazan to study. The university proved an unreachable dream for him, and he had to look for a job and live without a permanent shelter. The young Peshkov’s thoughts are as oppressive as his life. At a moment of desperation he decides to commit suicide…
In 1956, UNESCO issued a catalogue with the names of the 28 greatest filmmakers. Mark Donskoy had earned an honorary place in that list along with Eisenstein, Pudovkin and Dovzhenko. He became one of the world’s most popular film directors.
“Maxim Gorky sees and perceives everything with his pen… His pen is not the instrument, but the organ of the writer…” (Franz Kafka, 1920)
• IX IFF at Venice (Italy) – Italian Journalists’ Special Prize, 1948
• IFF at Stockholm (Sweden) – First Prize to the trilogy (“Childhood of Maxim Gorky”, “My Apprenticeship”, “My Universities”), 1949
• XI IFF at Edinburgh (Great Britain) - British Film Critic Richard Winnington Award for 1954 to the trilogy about Gorky (“Childhood of Maxim Gorky”, “My Apprenticeship”, “My Universities”), 1955
Special features:
• Text material about writer Maxim Gorky
• Interview with L.A. Spiridonovoj - to the expert of creativity M. Gorky
• Photo album "Mark Donskoy"
• Filmographies
• Soon on DVD:
» "Ashik-Kerib"
» From the collection of the "Tsentrnauchfilm"
» Nikita Mikhalkov. A Sentimental Trip Home. Music of Russian Painting
Trilogiya po avtobiograficheskim proizvedeniyam Maksima Gorkogo: «Detstvo Gorkogo», «V lyudyah», «Moi universitety» uvekovechila imya Donskogo v istorii mirovogo kinematografa. Samobytnye chelovecheskie haraktery, koloritnye bytovye stseny, tonkie zhiznennye nablyudeniya… Po etim filmam italyanskie neorealisty uchilis u rezhissera poetizatsii obydennoj zhizni, vnezapnym perehodam ot bytopisatelstva k vysotam romanticheskogo vospriyatiya dejstvitelnosti.
V 1956 g. YUNESKO rasprostranila katalog s imenami 28 samyh velikih kinematografistov. Vmeste s Ejzenshtejnom, Pudovkinym, Dovzhenko v etom spiske zanyal pochetnoe mesto i Mark Donskoj. On stal odnim iz samyh populyarnyh kinorezhisserov mira.
Alesha Peshkov priezzhaet v Kazan uchitsya. Universitet dlya nego okazalsya nesbytochnoj mechtoj, prishlos iskat rabotu, zhit bez pristanischa. Dumy molodogo Peshkova o zhizni ne menee tyazhely, chem sama zhizn. V minutu otchayaniya on reshaetsya na samoubijstvo…
«Maksim Gorkij vidit i vse oschuschaet perom… Pero ne instrument, a organ pisatelya…» (Frants Kafka, 1920)
• MKF v Venetsii (Italiya) - Spetsialnaya premiya italyanskih zhurnalistov, 1948
• MKF v Stokgolme (SHvetsiya) – Pervaya premiya trilogii («Detstvo Gorkogo», «V lyudyah», «Moi universitety»), 1949
• MKF v Edinburge (SHotlandiya) - Premiya imeni anglijskogo kinokritika Richarda Uinningtona za 1954 g. – kinotrilogii o Gorkom («Detstvo Gorkogo», «V lyudyah», «Moi universitety»), 1955
Dopolnitelnye materialy (Bonus-trek):
• Tekstovyj material o pisatele Maksime Gorkom
• Intervyu s L.A. Spiridonovoj - spetsialistu po izucheniyu tvorchestva M. Gorkogo
• Fotoalbom «Kinorezhisser Mark Donskoj»
• Filmografii
• Smotrite na DVD:
» "Ashik-Kerib"
» Iz kollektsii kinostudii " TSentrnauchfilm"
» Nikita Mihalkov. Sentimentalnoe puteshestvie na Rodinu. Muzyka russkoj zhivopisi
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606777015061 |
204000016787 |
Release Date |
1939 |
Quantity per set |
1 |
Duration |
1 hour 37 minutes |
Sound | |
Format |
PAL DVD (Keep case) |
Aspect Ratio | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Languages | |
Subtitles |
English | Russian | French | Spanish | German | Italian | Portuguese |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Additional Information |
Distributor: RUSCICO |
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