At the Beginning of Glorious Days (V nachale slavnyh del) (RUSCICO)
Composer: Vladimir Martynov
Script: Yuriy Kavtaradze
Writer: Aleksey Tolstoy
Camera: Sergey Filippov
Camera: Horst Hardt
Late 17th century. With no access to the sea, Russia suffers great losses in foreign trade. Peter tries to capture the Turkish fortress of Azov, but with no success: he can win only if he has a fleet. Peter’s ukases provoke the Boyars’ indignation. Europe looks in amazement: the Russian tsar begins to work at a Dutch shipyard learning the subtleties of shipbuilding?! But his training is cut short. Peter has to return to Russia in order to brutally suppress the Streltsy rebellion organized by his sister Sophia.
DVD Features:
• A video-sequence «a History of the Russian Navy»
• Text material on the writer A. Tolstoy
• Filmographies
• Photo Album, devoted to S.Gerasimov
• Photo Album
Vtoraya chast dilogii, sozdannoj po romanu A. Tolstogo «Petr Pervyj» (nachalo dilogii – «YUnost Petra») klassikom otechestvennogo kinematografa Sergeem Gerasimovym («Tihij Don», «Molodaya gvardiya»).
Konets XVII veka. Ne imeya vyhoda k moryu, Rossiya terpit ogromnye ubytki v torgovle s inozemtsami. Petr pytaetsya zavoevat turetskuyu krepost Azov, no bezuspeshno: pobeda vozmozhna tolko pri nalichii flota. Ukazy Petra vyzyvayut vozmuschenie boyar. Evropa v izumlenii: russkij tsar, postupiv na verf v Gollandii, v pote litsa nachinaet osvaivat tonkosti korabelnogo dela?! No nedolgo dlitsya obuchenie. Petr vynuzhden vozvratitsya v Rossiyu, chtoby zhestoko podavit streletskij bunt, podnyatyj ego sestroj Sofej.
Dopolnitelnyj material (bonus-trek):
• Videosyuzhet «Istoriya russkogo flota»
• Tekstovyj material o pisatele A. Tolstom
• Filmografii
• Fotoalbom, posvyaschennyj S. Gerasimovu
• Fotoalbom
EAN UCC-13 / GTIN-13 |
4606777010806, 4606777014156 |
204000015713 |
Release Date |
1980 |
Quantity per set |
1 |
Duration |
2 hours 9 minutes |
Sound | |
Format |
NTSC DVD (Keep case) |
Aspect Ratio | Standard 4:3 (1.33:1) |
Languages | |
Subtitles | |
Menu Languages | |
DVD Region Code | |
Age Rating | |
Additional Information |
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